How Many Subs does Sky Angel have?

There is no way there is going to be a lawsuit that is taken seriously by the courts.

Honestly, it's silly to even consider suing at this point in time. We are talking about a satellite provider, keep that in perspective.

I'm not a lawyer but we do have three in the family (one is a judge). I did let one of them read my "lifetime" agreement and, in his opinion, "lifetime" subscriber have a good case IF Sky Angel does not honor those subscriptions. Neither one of them would be able to represent us if we sue (they are corporate lawyers) but I'm sure someone will get a class action suit together IF our "lifetime" subscriptions are not honored.

And, as for perspective, I beleve you are the one out of touch with reality. YOU may turn the other cheek when you are cheated; I do whatever it takes (including suing) to get justice.
I have found over the years that lawyers (and Judges seem to be worse) tend to express opinions without understanding the entire situation. The technical aspects of the satellite distribution network come into question when evaluating the terminology of the contract in regards to the lifetime agreement. Since the lifetime agreement can be exited in the instance that the distribution network no longer exists, SA left itself an easy out. The distribution network can fail to exist simply by eliminating any piece of the network, no matter how small or trivial.

When you have teams of satellite techs available to drone on about the distribution network, various failures, and inabilities of the current system, combined with the terminology that simply allows disposal and thusly non-existence of the distribution network, you've got some pretty slim chances. Couple that with a small number of people who want to sue, an even smaller amount of possible money that could be recovered, and the cost of suing this pathetic excuse for a Christian organization, it just wouldn't make sense. Of course you can sue them - you could sue them for for making blue popsicles against your personal popsicle patent... it doesn't mean that there is any merit, or even a blue popsicle's chance in Bermuda that you're going to walk away with any money or satisfaction though.
I feel even when sky angel sat ends............
the amount paid for lifetime sub ,divided by the years used
is still not a bad deal.
Plain and simple....................................
I feel even when sky angel sat ends............
the amount paid for lifetime sub ,divided by the years used
is still not a bad deal.
Plain and simple....................................


I have more than received my money's worth from this service.
I will not be joining any lawsuits against Sky Angel.

I do believe, however, that Sky Angel has an obligation to their lifetime subscribers--not a LEGAL obligation, but a MORAL one--to do the following:

A) Personally contact us IMMEDIATELY and explain the changeover to IPTV.
Here we are, less than four months from the end of Sky Angel's satellite service, and I have yet to hear ANYTHING about this from them! Were it not for this message board, I would be completely in the dark about this move. I wonder how many other lifetime subbers are in the same boat?

B) Offer FREE, or if that is not possible, at least DISCOUNTED monthly IPTV service. The lifetime subscriber would be responsible to purchase his/her own equipment and monthly internet service. It seems to me this would be right, since the lifetime subs invested in the company in a way that enabled them to get the service up and running in the first place...there would be no Sky Angel today if not for the initial financial contribution of lifetimers! Many lifetime subs, such as myself, would not continue on anyway, since monthly high-speed internet is not financially feasible for us.
I spent more money on a BetaMax VCR then I did for SA lifetime and I didn't get to enjoy it as long. I now have a DVD recorder - I expect it to be obsolete within a few years - even buggy whips are out of fashion! So goes life.
I'm not a lawyer but we do have three in the family (one is a judge). I did let one of them read my "lifetime" agreement and, in his opinion, "lifetime" subscriber have a good case IF Sky Angel does not honor those subscriptions. Neither one of them would be able to represent us if we sue (they are corporate lawyers) but I'm sure someone will get a class action suit together IF our "lifetime" subscriptions are not honored.

And, as for perspective, I beleve you are the one out of touch with reality. YOU may turn the other cheek when you are cheated; I do whatever it takes (including suing) to get justice.

When SA stops broadcasting via satellite the agreement ends. There is no "honoring" left to do. The new service has zip to do with your old contract. No where in your contract is IPTV mentioned. It's a new product and NOT covered under the old contracts.

If you think suing a company to force them to provide a service not covered under your current contract you are not wanting justice, you want revenge.

1 Corinthians 6:7
The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?

I spent more money on a BetaMax VCR then I did for SA lifetime and I didn't get to enjoy it as long. I now have a DVD recorder - I expect it to be obsolete within a few years - even buggy whips are out of fashion! So goes life.

You are right. My Mom probably spent a pretty penny on her 8 track tape and record player set. It had nice speakers and everything. When people invest in techonology they usually understand one day it will be obsolete. I've had more computers in my lifetime than I can count. I have no problem with Apple no longer producing software for the C-64. I don't consider it a loss, but a stepping stone toward better technology. Same with satellite. I watched a lecture series a while back on the different ways video and audio can be brought into a home. The different types of providers are struggeling to be ahead, and someday there may be only one instead of satellite, landlines (phone), cable (broadband/IPTV). When that happens those who rely on more than one type of vehicle will have to adjust. Currently my inlaws don't even have a landline. They have cable, broadband, satellite and internet phone. If senior citizens can adjust and go with the flow, we should be able to, also.
When SA stops broadcasting via satellite the agreement ends. There is no "honoring" left to do. The new service has zip to do with your old contract. No where in your contract is IPTV mentioned. It's a new product and NOT covered under the old contracts.

Before you make such a stupid statement like that perhaps you should read the lifetime contract that I have. Unlike some of the "newer" lifetime contracts mine says nothing about lifetime service being ONLY for satellite service. It is for Sky Angel service period. Sky Angel service is NOT ending so my contract is still good. A LOT of us early lifetime subscribers paid quite a bit to help get Sky Angel started (some of us paid before there was anything to watch). The LEAST that they could do is honor what they promised us, lifetime service.

And I really wonder about some of you people who defend Sky Angel, especially when it comes to lifetime subscribers and ending their subscriptions. You seem to just defend Sky Angel because of their "religious" association. Believe me, there are just as many crooks in the "religious business" (and businesses) as there are in the general population. And IF Sky Angel does not honor lifetime subscriptions they will be on the top of that list.
Originally Posted by wescopc
I spent more money on a BetaMax VCR then I did for SA lifetime and I didn't get to enjoy it as long. I now have a DVD recorder - I expect it to be obsolete within a few years - even buggy whips are out of fashion! So goes life.

You may have paid more BUT they never promised you the VCR would last more than a 90days/1year. skyangel said "subscriber and spouse". Most of us posting still seem to be alive here :) hey they aren't even honoring 10 year subs but will pro rate them based on the current , full price rate and guess what they get? probably zero :(
Before you make such a stupid statement like that perhaps you should read the lifetime contract that I have. Unlike some of the "newer" lifetime contracts mine says nothing about lifetime service being ONLY for satellite service. It is for Sky Angel service period. Sky Angel service is NOT ending so my contract is still good. A LOT of us early lifetime subscribers paid quite a bit to help get Sky Angel started (some of us paid before there was anything to watch). The LEAST that they could do is honor what they promised us, lifetime service.

And I really wonder about some of you people who defend Sky Angel, especially when it comes to lifetime subscribers and ending their subscriptions. You seem to just defend Sky Angel because of their "religious" association. Believe me, there are just as many crooks in the "religious business" (and businesses) as there are in the general population. And IF Sky Angel does not honor lifetime subscriptions they will be on the top of that list.

IPTV did not even exist when SA came out. It is easy for a court of law to see it was satellite service you were signing up for. You knew that; SA knew that. Who are you kidding trying to write into a contract IPTV service when it didn't exist back then.

I am not defending SA because they are a religious themed company. In fact I have stated on this board that they have not communicated in a timely fashion and have not been completely up front about what is going on. That does not mean that they are the very devil as some would seem to think on this board. Again, we are not talking about life and death issues here. You cannot be harmed because of a loss of satellite transmission. SA cannot be held responsible for a lack of funds they assumed they would get and didn't thus leading to their ceasing of satellite transmission.

I'm sure in your contract it stated the word "satellite" at least once.
IPTV did not even exist when SA came out. It is easy for a court of law to see it was satellite service you were signing up for. You knew that; SA knew that. Who are you kidding, trying to write into a contract IPTV service when it didn't exist back then.

The lifetime contract speifies Sky Angel service. Have you even read one? IPTV does not have to be specified in the contract. And as I said in another thread, it is not always about winning and losing.

I am not defending SA because they are a religious themed company.

It sure seem like that to me. After every post I make, you defend them (and I'll bet that you have not read the lifetime contract). Yor ARE defending them and you have no knowledge of contract law.

Think whatever you want. Defend them all you want. They isn't going to change my mind.
Bill, can you post the verbage of your lifetime contract? I have not seen any lifetime contract that didn't read pretty flimsily.. maybe yours was different if it was purchased very early.
Bill, can you post the verbage of your lifetime contract? I have not seen any lifetime contract that didn't read pretty flimsily.. maybe yours was different if it was purchased very early.

Sorry, I have been told by my legal advisor NOT to do that. And he asked me not to discuss those reason publically.
oh.. I see, so there is this one mythical contract out there that has some information that would be required to be disclosed before trial anyhow.. yet your crack legal team that is going to get your $50 refund can't let that information leak out and expose the truth for everyone .. I'm starting to see how this works..

Sorry, I really don't see it. (Maybe I'm feeling extra ornery today because I'm not sure where this is coming from... but after reviewing a few more of Bill's posts, I'm going to quit responding a bit before I say something that I would regret)
oh.. I see, so there is this one mythical contract out there that has some information that would be required to be disclosed before trial anyhow.. yet your crack legal team that is going to get your $50 refund can't let that information leak out and expose the truth for everyone .. I'm starting to see how this works..

You can be just as abusive as you want; it doesn't matter to me. That is what I was told and that is what I am going to do.

If you really want to see the original "lifetime" agreement why don't you ask some other long time "lifetime" members?
The only lifetime agreement I've seen is the only one that's been offered up.. and it certainly gives them plenty of opportunities to exit the contract.. you seem to be the only lifetime holder that has this mythical rock-solid iron-clad lifetime agreement. That's why I asked you.

BTW - I'm not trying to be abusive.. just confused at the approach that you're taking since it just plain doesn't make sense given what I've seen..
The only lifetime agreement I've seen is the only one that's been offered up.. and it certainly gives them plenty of opportunities to exit the contract.. you seem to be the only lifetime holder that has this mythical rock-solid iron-clad lifetime agreement. That's why I asked you.

BTW - I'm not trying to be abusive.. just confused at the approach that you're taking since it just plain doesn't make sense given what I've seen..

It is the wording that you use that TO ME seems abusive. You mentioned "one mythical contract" and "after reviewing a few more of Bill's posts, I'm going to quit responding a bit before I say something that I would regret". You are attacking my character and, basically, calling me a lier. I don't like that at all.

And, for your information, there were several different lifetime agreements. Mine is an early one and I'm not saying that it is a "rock-solid iron-clad lifetime agreement". That is something for the courts to decide. I have just been told not to NOT to post the agreement to a public forum for reasons that I can't post either.

I don't care if you don't resspect that and call me names. All I can conclude from what has been posted in this fourm is that you and a few other here (jashobeam and catkoko being two that I'll name) aren't very "christian" towards people that don't agree with you. All three of you are people that I try to avoid in "real" life. You are all judgemental know-it-alls.
Bill, I'm just trying to get you to come out with your real agenda here. You tell us about this contract that you have that seems to be different than anyone else's, act all-knowing and high-and-mighty because you have this contract that is going to break SA. The reality is that SA is going to do what they are going to do.. and unless there are tens of thousands of people out there with the same contract that you claim to have (yet hide behind a claim that you are not supposed to post something that should already be known to all parties involved, and would be required to produce before a trial - come on now, I've worked with lawyers and been in court enough to know that you're blowing smoke.. on this.. and I don't care to be BS'd .. not do I care to have members threated ... YOU threatened to have posts edited..with your high-and-mighty attitude there), there's nothing that is going to even put a dent in their plan. No court is going to give you enough money to make it worth the effort that you claim to be prepared to go through.. this is called reality.

You can have whatever opinion you want of me.. I never claimed to you to be Christian.. and don't feel that you now are utilizing the forum for its intent either. Calling out people and suggesting that they are not Christian has no place here either (maybe I should call my mommy about this? ). I do know some things, and after reading your whining and narrow minded claims, I know that you and I would get along real in "real" life ;)

Regardless, go back and do some reading.. I don't like what SA is doing either. I even suggested that I would be willing to help fund some legal actions... I'm on your side here.. I just don't agree with your approach and/or the statements you've made.. and hope that my abrasive attitude may have caught your attention in order to make you think about this.. I'm done whining with you.. when you have something real and sensible to work through.. lets work through it.
Bill, I'm just trying to get you to come out with your real agenda here.

I have no agenda here.

I just don't intend to be cheated by Sky Angel. I'm following the legal advice from someone that I respect. I know that you would like to read my contract to "see" what you can read into it but you are not a lawyer and neither am I so anything that we think is not going to matter. As I have said, the courts need to decide this. If a lawyer determines that us lifetime subscribers have a case, it is very likely that one will go farward. I have not yet, but I will seek legal advice from someone with expertise in contract law before I do anything further.

And you are talking about money damages. This is NOT about money (at least not for me). All I want is the lifetime subscription that I paid for. And I am not trying to break Sky Angel but I am convinced that if they treat lifetime subscribers like we think they are (not honor lifetime subscriptions) they will not survive. They could make their problem (and they ARE going to have a problem) go away in a second, just honor lifetime subscriptions.

You can think whatever you want about my "whining and narrow minded claims". All your putdowns and name calling and attacks (saying that i'm BSing) do not matter to me. You are just some internet poster, nothing more.

As you said "The reality is that SA is going to do what they are going to do". That is true and, depending on what they do, will determine what us lifetime subscribers will do. That is the bottom line.

And I am just the tip of the iceberg; there are a great many people that are way more pissed at what Sky Angel may do than I am. Many were cheated by Jim Bakker and and they are not going to let it happen again (at least without a BIG fight).
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going out on a limb here,but i dont think
bill liked jim and tammy!:)
I dont think we have the same situation with sky angel as we did ptl club.......
but hey...... go for it!

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