How many Hoppers and Joeys are allowed?

How many Hoppers and Joeys are allowed? If Dish has no limit, who on this site has the most Dish equipment?
I was wondering this myself. I currently have a 722 and a 722k. I want to keep two, separate tuners/DVRs, but Dish fights me on this. They say I have to have one Hopper and a Joey. I don't want to share one DVR.
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I was wondering this myself. I currently have a 722 and a 722k. I want to keep two, separate tuners/DVRs, but Dish fights me on this. They say I have to have one Hopper and a Joey. I don't want to share one DVR.
Use two Wally receivers, and add your own external hard drives. There is no way to share between them that way.

The drawback, of course, is that Wally will not work with any of your existing recordings, if you were planning to transfer those. In that case, you would probably want a Hopper Duo and a Wally. Just keep in mind that the Hopper Duo (or any other model Hopper) would be the only receiver on your account capable of playing archived recordings from both of your 722's.
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In that case, you would probably want a Hopper Duo and a Wally. Just keep in mind that the Hopper Duo (or any other model Hopper)
Dish might not want to do that either.
I want to keep two, separate tuners/DVRs, but Dish fights me on this.
I know people have had multiple Hoppers. I don't; I went from a 722 and 2 612's to one H3 and 2 J3's. You may have to buy your own 2nd Hopper if you can't get Dish to lease that combo. Also note that you hardly need separate tuners/DVRs with the H3's 16 tuners. Conflicts are a thing of the past.
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Dish might not want to do that either.
They might not want to do that, but they are more likely to actually do that. Wally is Dish's recommended solution for tailgating. You can have up to two Wally on the same account as a Hopper, thanks to the Pathway X2 dish that supports two Wally. Each Wally must be purchased, though. It is cheaper to purchase a Wally than it is to purchase a second Hopper.

I know people have had multiple Hoppers. I don't; I went from a 722 and 2 612's to one H3 and 2 J3's. You may have to buy your own 2nd Hopper if you can't get Dish to lease that combo. Also note that you hardly need separate tuners/DVRs with the H3's 16 tuners. Conflicts are a thing of the past.
I thought it was more about keeping the DVR lists separate, ensuring that one user can't see another user's recordings, without the hassle of needing to set up folders, parental locks, etc.
Does dish still allow two hopper3s on one account? These posts are pretty old. There are a number of other forums more recently where posters have said Dish no longer will allow installations of two hopper3s.

I currently have one hopper3 with 3 wireless joeys and a directv genie plus two HR24 dvr directv receivers and 4 Genie minis and I'm thinking of ditching Directv and replacing all that Directv equipment with an addional hopper3 and wired Joeys.
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I never realized Dish would waive part of the DVR fee with commitment. I've never been able to get them to do such a thing.

And keeping with the original theme of the thread, I have a single Hopper 3 with H+ that I've distributed to the rest of the house with HDMI - and an owned Wally that gets turned on rarely. I am for the most part allergic to additional receiver fees.
Does dish still allow two hopper3s on one account? These posts are pretty old. There are a number of other forums more recently where posters have said Dish no longer will allow installations of two hopper3s.

I currently have one hopper3 with 3 wireless joeys and a directv genie plus two HR24 dvr directv receivers and 4 Genie minis and I'm thinking of ditching Directv and replacing all that Directv equipment with an addional hopper3 and wired Joeys.
I spoke with dish today and they confirmed that I'd have to lease 3 wired Joeys, buy the new hopper3 and buy the other joeys I'd need too, which I'm fine with. They also confirmed I'd get an additional 200 timers (h3s have a limit of 200 timers) and that all the recordings from both h3s would be available on all tvs connected to either H3. Is this true? What problems should I expect? When you have 2 h3s and set up a new timer, can you choose which h3 gets that timer?

I'm not confident in the sales reps answers and trust you folks more.
you can have 2nd hopper 3 and there no require "amount" of joeys you just have to buy the 2nd h3, now getting them sell you one is another story. I went threw Loyalty department numbers and 3 + people before got some one that would Sell me the 2nd hopper they even sold to me for price I found it for and authorized dealer cause I told them I was gona buy from there just send the tech out. I have 2 h3 system with 1 joey4k attach to each payed for 2nd h3 and they send guy out to install it. this took me 6+ months to get this done like 3+ years ago, it should easier now maybe?

Each hopper get it own timers and each joey attached to said h3 shares those timers, properly setup both h3 can see each other recording under "other devices" so can the other joeys. There is lag time between h3 reboot before each h3 see each other device.

Dont know if setup has changed or if there better solution but its DPH42 switch and two hybrid solo hubs (support 2 client) im my setup. also believe you need certain type of LNB or it wont work. as I remember dish guy tell me that is the "wrong" lnb setup and that why I was having issue. and I told him dont change for what he thinks was supposed to be there. you will be just putting what there back up. he did it any and 3 + hours later and 4 conversation later with other tech he was told put the original lnb back cause only one that works.

Again I dont know if they released new switch hubs lnb that worth with 2 h3 system heard Rumors they did never look into it cause every time on tech comes they want take all down despite tell them no , they do and then they have put back cause they couldn't get it work with the way the put back.

Not may tech trained to do 2 h3 systems, I was told by atlest 2 techs dish dont like train tech for that and they tech had to ask to get training, and was only senior tech got that training. how true this is i dont know.
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you can have 2nd hopper 3 and there no require "amount" of joeys you just have to buy the 2nd h3, now getting them sell you one is another story. I went threw Loyalty department numbers and 3 + people before got some one that would Sell me the 2nd hopper they even sold to me for price I found it for and authorized dealer cause I told them I was gona buy from there just send the tech out. I have 2 h3 system with 1 joey4k attach to each payed for 2nd h3 and they send guy out to install it. this took me 6+ months to get this done like 3+ years ago, it should easier now maybe?

Each hopper get it own timers and each joey attached to said h3 shares those timers, properly setup both h3 can see each other recording under "other devices" so can the other joeys. There is lag time between h3 reboot before each h3 see each other device.

Dont know if setup has changed or if there better solution but its DPH42 switch and two hybrid solo hubs (support 2 client) im my setup. also believe you need certain type of LNB or it wont work. as I remember dish guy tell me that is the "wrong" lnb setup and that why I was having issue. and I told him dont change for what he thinks was supposed to be there. you will be just putting what there back up. he did it any and 3 + hours later and 4 conversation later with other tech he was told put the original lnb back cause only one that works.

Again I dont know if they released new switch hubs lnb that worth with 2 h3 system heard Rumors they did never look into it cause every time on tech comes they want take all down despite tell them no , they do and then they have put back cause they couldn't get it work with the way the put back.

Not may tech trained to do 2 h3 systems, I was told by atlest 2 techs dish dont like train tech for that and they tech had to ask to get training, and was only senior tech got that training. how true this is i dont know.
Thanks for all the Intel. Greatly appreciated!!!
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you can have 2nd hopper 3 and there no require "amount" of joeys you just have to buy the 2nd h3, now getting them sell you one is another story. I went threw Loyalty department numbers and 3 + people before got some one that would Sell me the 2nd hopper they even sold to me for price I found it for and authorized dealer cause I told them I was gona buy from there just send the tech out. I have 2 h3 system with 1 joey4k attach to each payed for 2nd h3 and they send guy out to install it. this took me 6+ months to get this done like 3+ years ago, it should easier now maybe?

Each hopper get it own timers and each joey attached to said h3 shares those timers, properly setup both h3 can see each other recording under "other devices" so can the other joeys. There is lag time between h3 reboot before each h3 see each other device.

Dont know if setup has changed or if there better solution but its DPH42 switch and two hybrid solo hubs (support 2 client) im my setup. also believe you need certain type of LNB or it wont work. as I remember dish guy tell me that is the "wrong" lnb setup and that why I was having issue. and I told him dont change for what he thinks was supposed to be there. you will be just putting what there back up. he did it any and 3 + hours later and 4 conversation later with other tech he was told put the original lnb back cause only one that works.

Again I dont know if they released new switch hubs lnb that worth with 2 h3 system heard Rumors they did never look into it cause every time on tech comes they want take all down despite tell them no , they do and then they have put back cause they couldn't get it work with the way the put back.

Not may tech trained to do 2 h3 systems, I was told by atlest 2 techs dish dont like train tech for that and they tech had to ask to get training, and was only senior tech got that training. how true this is i dont know.
Every tech should know how to connect two hopper systems. They are trained to do it and have wiring diagrams available. But what they do and what they retain after training is on them lol. I've trained many techs and they all do good while you're there with them and once they get out on their own it's like you didn't train them at all. But that's basically with any job these days.

Anyways fir two hopper3 on a single dish it needs a dpp lnb with a 42 switch. Then each hopper will be on its own solo node. Setup like this (dish approved method) they will not see each other. But you can run a cable between client ports on each hub and that will allow them to see each other but it's not approved is why techs don't normally do it. And only one hopper should be connected to internet if you do that. Supposedly you can use a duo hub as well but I've never done it but heard of people doing it before. I'm not sure if it causes issues or not.
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Every tech should know how to connect two hopper systems. They are trained to do it and have wiring diagrams available. But what they do and what they retain after training is on them lol. I've trained many techs and they all do good while you're there with them and once they get out on their own it's like you didn't train them at all. But that's basically with any job these days.

Anyways fir two hopper3 on a single dish it needs a dpp lnb with a 42 switch. Then each hopper will be on its own solo node. Setup like this (dish approved method) they will not see each other. But you can run a cable between client ports on each hub and that will allow them to see each other but it's not approved is why techs don't normally do it. And only one hopper should be connected to internet if you do that. Supposedly you can use a duo hub as well but I've never done it but heard of people doing it before. I'm not sure if it causes issues or not.
I've used a Duo Hub for seven years now connecting my two Hopper 3s. Works great, no jumper cable needed. Both Hopper 3s can see each other.
I knew someone had done it but couldn't remember who.
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Hopper Plus just installed and Dish Remote 52.0

Hoppers Constantly Making Noise When Off
