I didn't want to get in an argument with you on the weekend but after editing your post twice you pushed it... I'll try to make it short.
You don't get it? Here, I'll help you...
Because "the HD DVD group" doesn't make movies...
I could've used your tagline and say
but I know it is very hard for you to grasp. It took me at least three posts to make you wrap
your brain around the bandwidth issue (that you since claim you always understood).
Truth is not what's worshipped at the altar of the Joe_the_Stupid, we all know that by now...
If the HD-DVD group are not the ones making them, then where are they coming from? Elves?
Joe did not say "DVD Forum" or even "HD-DVD Promotion Group". He was making a generic comment about the HD-DVD camp in general, hence the small "g" "HD-DVD group".
So, before you go attacking his intelligence, learn the wonders of the proper noun...

He did bring up a good point, btw. "Cheaper to produce" is one of the HD-DVD camp mantras (at least I've seen it many times in these forums). Yet the movies cost the same as BD. The only reason that makes sense is that they are trying to recoup losses on the hardware, the same model as game companies and why games cost $60.
That brings us back to Joe's legit comment. If the HD-DVD group (collection of individual studios) lowered the price to something comparable to SD DVD, they'd be a force to be reckoned with. At the very least, they probably would not be getting beaten 2:1 each week.