I was using a DISH 500+ aimed at the Western Sats; 110,119, and 129 and also 61.5 on a seperate Dish 500 so I could get my Syracuse, NY locals. Back when this was installed there were line of sight issues and everything I wanted in HD was not availble on 72.7 as it is today. I just had an Eastern Arc 1000.4 installed and it works fine. I seem to have all channels from before. So that's the good news. The old Dish was not taken down on purpose and by request so that I would have it through the winter since it was in a better spot for snow removal but 129 is weak and does pixelate at times. So it is a backup. Since 77 has nothing I need on it now it was disconnected at the install. Since I have two available ports and the 3 Sats cables availbale right by the DP44 switch I hooked up 119 and 129 just to see if everything would work and my "back-up" could just be installed full time. So now I have a blend of signals coming from all 4 Sats: 61, 72, 119, and 129. I get everything and the info button depressed twice confirms that all 4 sats are "in play".
My question is: How does a dish receiver (this is a 722 and I also have 222's) decide which transponder to use? Signal strength, random, or what?
Thanks for any insight.
My question is: How does a dish receiver (this is a 722 and I also have 222's) decide which transponder to use? Signal strength, random, or what?
Thanks for any insight.