How do You Manage TPs & Channels...Tips or Tricks?

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 27, 2006
I've been tinkering with my FTA system for close to two weeks now, and I've realized that while the overall process of aligining my dish and motor for FTA reception has gone surprisingly well and relativey easy, the process of finding a way to efficiently manage my channels has proven to be the most time consuming and sometimes frustrating part of using my FTA system.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, what seems to be the biggest nuisance so far is the inability to assign names to manually entered transponders and make them stick. It turns out that if I manually enter a transponder in Channel Master or Pansat's software and assign a name to it, the name will only "stick" if that particular transponder is detected in a satellite scan and stored as a channel. Otherwise, if the manually entered TP was not detected in a scan, the name will have disappeared when I re-download the channel listing to Channel Master. I find that alone to be a nuisance, but what makes it even more difficult is when I go through a TP listing that has been generated after running a smart scan. When my Pansat 3500 runs a smart scan, it automatically adds any detected TPs to the particular satellite's TP listing, and it doesn't seem to erase the TP listing even if a channel is not detected in the second half of the smart scan process. That makes it very tricky to go through a TP listing following a smart scan and decide which TPs to keep and which ones to delete. I constantly find myself thinking..."Is that a TP I entered manually and want to keep?" (of course, there's no indication since my manually entered TP names don't remain intact) or "Is that just a carrier that was detected in a smart scan?". My goal is to keep my TP and channel listings nice and organized and to eliminate smart scanned channels & TPs that either are no longer active or in which I have no interest in keeping, but presently I'm having a difficult time doing this, as so far it's proven to be very difficult to differentiate TPs I've entered manually and those added to the TP list in a smart scan. That said, I'm curious if anyone has any tips or tricks for efficiently managing channel lists and maintaining a tidy and organized channel listing through Channel Master software.

Also, just thought I'd see if anyone has suggestions for an issue I've encountered with Channel Master. First, after I've gone through my listings and deleted unwanted channels, I'm left with a number of channel number gaps resulting from the deleted channels. Is there any way to have Channel Master automatically shift up all channels and eliminate empty channel number spaces? I found a feature that seems to fill empty channel slots, but I'm looking to just shift up all channel listings to fill the gaps.
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Question re. Satellite Coordinates and Channel Master

I seem to be running into a strange issue with Channel Master and satellite coordinates. In my Channel Master listing, for example, I have SBS 6 entered as 74.0 W, however when I upload a channel listing to my Pansat 3500 receiver, the satellite position shows up in the receiver as 73.9 W, and all other satellite coordinates are also off by a tenth of a degree. Furthermore, when I download a channel list back to my computer, the coordinates are off by a tenth of a degree just as they were in the receiver. As I'm using USALS, I'd like my positioning to be as precise as possible, and I don't know why my receiver seems to be subtracting a tenth of a degree from each satellite position. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

you should be able on ChannelMaster to change the satellite location. Mine shows 74.0, 79.0, 83.0, etc

But on CM you can double click on the satellite locatioin and edit the satellite location
as far as losing numbers...

not run in to that... but I re-sort channels, and that renumbers them I think. We pulled in a LOT of foriegn language stuff. I understand Spanish because I had it in highschool and college, but my wife doesn't... and neither of us know korean, iranian, or a bunch of other languages... so anyways, I blind scanned as many birds as possible, then went through the list with pen and paper, marking the channel numbers that I wanted to keep on paper. Didn't delete at this time... since that would throw the paper's numbers off... so anyways, got the numbers we wanted, then went in to channel edit, favorites... marking all the channels we wanted to keep as a favorite. After I did that, it was simple to just go through the list again and delete the ones that didn't have the favorite checkbox next to them. Yes, that makes it funky since your favorites are not really favorites, but wouldn't be hard to go through and uncheck them as favorites... personally I'll keep it like this so next blind scan I do, I'll know what channels we have and want to keep, no matter which way we sort since the keepers have favorite checkboxes. If we really want to go in and use favorites as real favorites, well use favorite 2-4 slots and just keep the 1 slot as the channels we don't want to delete.

After doing all of that, we sorted by satellite, so we don't have the big gaps in time as we flip channels, just the gaps when the motor's moving between birds
Iceberg said:
you should be able on ChannelMaster to change the satellite location. Mine shows 74.0, 79.0, 83.0, etc

But on CM you can double click on the satellite locatioin and edit the satellite location

Yes, I do realize that channel locations can be modified in Channel Master. However, all of my satellite locations show up properly (74.0, 79.0, 83.0, etc.) in Channel Master, however when I upload the channel listing file to my Pansat 3500 receiver, the locations for all satellites show up in the receiver as decremented by a tenth of a degree. For example, while IA 6 shows up as 93.0 degrees in Channel Master, when I upload the channel listing file to Channel Master, IA 6 is listed as 92.9 degrees in the antenna setup and smart scan menus.
ahhh. I C

My Pansat 1500 loads them correctly (although it has been a while since I did it)

Do you have the newest version of CM? (came out a couple days ago)
Iceberg said:
Do you have the newest version of CM? (came out a couple days ago)

Yup...I downloaded the latest version yesterday afternoon. I've also run into the same issue with earlier versions of CM, so I'll post a potential bug report in the CM forums.
What's the point in naming the transponders? Been FTA'ing almost a year now and never saw the need to name the transponders.
digiblur said:
What's the point in naming the transponders? Been FTA'ing almost a year now and never saw the need to name the transponders.

Perhaps it's not necessary if one tends to blind scan more than anything else, but I like entering some known transponders manually. As such, it would be convenient for me to be able to enter names for the TPs I've manually entered for reference so that I can recall what programming/feed channel is associated with each manually entered TP without having to look it up in my notes. This is especially true for TPs that may not be up all the time but that I'd like to scan in eventually so that they will be entered as a channel. Furthermore, if I run a blind scan and a number of TPs are added during the scan and wanted to tidy up my TP list in Channel Master, I could easily differentiate between TPs that I entered manually and would like to keep and TPs which were added in the blind scan but which I may have no interest in keeping.

The way I see it, it's similar to having a folder on your computer full of Word files. What would make identifying each document more easy and quick...having a number assigned as the file name, or having a brief description of each file as the file name? I would tend to think that the latter would make identification much easier.
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By the way, for anyone that is interested - New version of Channel Master is out (as of June 9, 2006) .. with some new or updated features in it

Version - 1.12.01 (if you know the proggy already, i am sure you d know where to get the new version) :)
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