Horrible Mpeg-4 Upgrade Experience in Atlanta (Long-Sorry!)

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I had a horrible mpeg4 upgrade experience.

I started this on 12/19 for a original install of 12/24.

It only completed today 1/20.

I ordered the 5 -lnb upgrade along with 3 H-20 HD recievers. First they were going to charge me $99 each for the receivers. I complained that I just spent almost $500 less than a year ago to do the movers connection with a 3-lnb HD dish install.

Finally they relented and offered to only charge me the shipping($14.95). I thought I was set. Because of their ordering system they could only order 2 and then the rep went to a supervisor to order the 3rd. I got two order numbers for the equipment and a 3rd for the install itself.

Well, I call the day before so I could confirm, but they can't find any of the order numbers. Never heard of them. I bitch about lack of service, etc, they reschedule, we go through the whole sequence again.

Install reset up for Saturday the 7th. Called Thursday before to make sure they were bringing out 2 6x8 multiswitches. Yep, they are. Make sure they are bringing 3 receivers. Yep, its all confirmed sir...

Installer arrives at 1pm for a 8-12 appointment. Has two 6x8 multiswitches, but only has a 3 LNB dish and only 2 H20 receivers.

Call directv. Installer calls supervisor. After everyone blaming each other, supervisor checks to see if they can find 5 lnb dish. Luckily after much calling find one from a cancelled install. Get directv to write up proper orders for 5 lnb dish. Installler installs dish and 2 receivers. I agree to wait for 3rd receiver.

3 receiver is ordered while we are on phone and I get a order number. She asks for install date, but I'm not sure so she sets it up as a no date and local installer is supposed to call within two business days to set up install date.

I call that thursday after no call from local installer. I set up appointment for that saturday and get confirmation number. call on Friday to confirm, no record of install appointment.

By this time I am really pissed.

Call Directv to get direct # for local installer. Also set up another appt for Sat 21st which is confirmed.

Call to confirm on Tuesday...no appt scheduled with local installer. Call talk to supervisor, he says he can fit me in on Feb 6th. I say no way, want to talk to his boss. He gives me his name and takes my number and tells me he will call me back. I call Directv again and they can't find appt. Try to schedule for saturday 21st, their best date is Jan 30. While we are talking, they have a cancellation for jan 20, so I take a day off of work in the am to do this.

Call back to local installer and talk to dispactch supervisor. Tell him appointment has been scheduler for Jan 20th. He can't find it. Schedules it himself.

Both directv and local installer call thursday to confirm appt.

Friday the 20th comes around. Installer shows up at 9:20 with two work orders and two receivers. This confuses me as I only was supposed to get one.

Remember story from youth about looking a gift horse in the mouth. Shut up and say that they only have to drop them off as all wiring has been done. (which it has been done by first installer).

Check bill and no charge on paperwork they give me. No charge on bill.

Took several times activating boxes to get locals and mpeg4 locals.

People are right about customer service really sucking in the last year or so.

I've got two years with them. I hope to god real IPTV is here when my contract is up.

Apex systems is my local installer.
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Mpeg 4 question from non-subscriber

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