I'm trying to program a learning remote to work with my new Hopper/Joey setup. IR mode is enabled on both the Hopper and Joey I'm working with. The way it should work is I press a button on the learning remote to enable "learning mode", then press the corresponding button on the original remote (the Hopper remote in this case). If the learning remote is unable to detect an IR code from the original remote, the process fails. That's exactly what's happening with my Hopper remote, as well as with a second remote for a Joey. I've tried Red, Blue, Ch Up, Ch Down, and several numbers, all with the same results. I'm suspicious that IR mode on the Hopper remote only uses IR mode for non-Hopper/Joey devices (TV, DVD,...), and the Hopper remote still only communicates with the Hopper via UHF. Of course the other option (and maybe more likely one) is that I'm just not setting something up correctly. Any suggestions?