Hopper plus

Can DishAnywhere content be used in concert with the Hopper+? Does the Hopper+ change anything about DishAnywhere?

When viewing regular satellite programming, is the interface different from the Hopper 3 interface? (Possible wife problem here.)
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The Hopper+ must be installed by a tech and it uses the Hopper's hard drive. It is essentially a streaming unit that is integrated with the Hopper via USB connection that can download and run Google streaming apps from the Android Playstore.
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Is the Hopper plus customer installable or is a tech required? Also, does the hopper plus have an HD?
Picture the Hopper plus as you would a Roku or Firestick for the Hopper and works like those devices do for your TV. The Hopper is the host for the Plus, just as your TV is the host for the Roku or Firestick. It just incorporates itself to where it's a part of the Hopper whereas the Roku is an external device to the TV
I've just watched YT on the Plus. Questions:

When you turn it on, does it default to the last satellite (or OTA) channel watched? Or what?

I see when you press the home button, TDC, you get the more or less standard Google "menu." It APPEARS that to go back to Dish I scroll to the bottom far right to select Dish. Is this correct? Or can I just press DVR, Guide or SAT buttons to get back to Dish?

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I've just watched YT on the Plus. Questions:

When you turn it on, does it default to the last satellite (or OTA) channel watched? Or what?

I see when you press the home button, TDC, you get the more or less standard Google "menu." It APPEARS that to go back to Dish I scroll to the bottom far right to select Dish. Is this correct? Or can I just press DVR, Guide or SAT buttons to get back to Dish?

Just push the "Back" button on the remote and goes to Dish.

And, I'm getting used to the idea that my Harmony remote will become less useful.
If you're not needing to change inputs I would say that the Harmony isn't really necessary.
I have also found that the 40 remote does almost everything I need the remote to do, if that is your preferred DISH remote.

Sent from my iPhone with Chrome real Satelliteguys don't use tapatalk!
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And, I'm getting used to the idea that my Harmony remote will become less useful.
And that (Harmony) is why I have no interest in Plus. I've amassed about a half dozen of them that will hopefully last my lifetime.
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The Hopper+ must be installed by a tech and it uses the Hopper's hard drive. It is essentially a streaming unit that is integrated with the Hopper via USB connection that can download and run Google streaming apps from the Android Playstore.
Is there anything that Hopper+ has from the Android Playstore that cannot be added to other Android devices?
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Have a question about the Hopper+ for Youtube, is the picture quality any different compared to the Youtube built into the Hopper H3? The other problem with the Youtube app on the Hopper H3 is sometimes it will kill the audio on the Hopper H3 until the Hopper H3 is rebooted as discussed in the thread below.

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It can mostly download video streaming apps. There's some other stuff in there too but it's definitely limited compared to an android phone or tablet.
Thanks, what I was asking was does the Hopper+ have things that cannot be downloaded onto something like the Google Chromecast with Google TV for example like are some of the things exclusive to DISH that no other Android device can download?
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Thanks, what I was asking was does the Hopper+ have things that cannot be downloaded onto something like the Google Chromecast with Google TV for example like are some of the things exclusive to DISH that no other Android device can download?
Probably not but On Demand is incorporated into the Plus. My Account probably as well
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OMG!! (1999/2000) The horror of all those web tv/ dishplayers being sent back for another one, that was also broken flashed across my mind. I think I did RMAs like 5 or 6 times before I realized they weren't going to fix it and I needed to be able to watch tv. I ended up trading in the dishplayer to dishdepot.com for another receiver like the 301 and then a 501 pvr when it came out.
Right. And by "they" not going to fix it, you mean Microsoft. The problem for Dish customers with the original DishPlayer line was that Echostar (at that time Dish was merely the brand name for the DBS service of Charlie Ergen and friends Echostar Corp.) provided the hardware while Microsoft provided the software. It seemed like a good idea until MS would seem to take forever to address problems with the DishPlayer that were SOFTWARE matters, and there was nothing Dish could do to get MS to act with any sense of urgency, especially with Dish customers calling to complain and wanting things fixed. MS just didn't seem to care. This is the reason Ergen decided to develop an "in-house" DVR solution and publicly stated he would NEVER have such a relationship again where his company could not directly address product stability matters ever again.

And, shortly after this period of MS silence on DishPlayer software issues, MS launched its own DVR and service known as Ultimate TV. WHAT A COINCIDENCE! Seems there is a reason for everything after all. Microsoft had an interest in doing nothing about DishPlayer issues. :)

But I have to say, as "featureLESS" as the 50X series was, I LOVED them for what they could do, and later got a 510, and, of course, the 721 has a special place in my heat because all it was missing was Name Based Recording. After the 721, it was not until the Hopper that a decent weather feature returned to Dish DVR's. I also like the UI and colors of the 721. Frankly, I still prefer the UI and colors of the 922, and, unlike what many reported, that DVR NEVER gave me problems.
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The most straightforward and accurate explanation is that the Hopper+ changes your Dish H3 interface into an Android TV interface. Thus you can access most of the Google Playstore apps on your H3. However, the Hopper+ also neuters your H3 in other ways that some (me) find unacceptable.

Most importantly, you will lose access to the absolute most remarkable H3 feature - Mutiview, which allows you to custom select viewing of 4 channels at once on your television.

Also, HDR flag is set to ON - therefore all content is pseudo HDR bright, and SD channels will not render in the correct aspect ratio to name just a few issues that some people take issue with.

So, you might like it or you might not. Depends on what you want.
No guarantee but I haven't found anything I had on my GoogleTV or my nVidia Shield that I couldn't put on the Hopper +. Looks to have full access to the GoogleTV part of the play store including games and utilities.
I actually meant the other way around since I would've thought the Hopper+ has some exclusive things that cannot be added to something like a Google Chromecast with GoogleTV but so far, seems to be the On-Demand and My Account which are already on the Hopper H3.
However, the Hopper+ also neuters your H3 in other ways that some (me) find unacceptable.

Most importantly, you will lose access to the absolute most remarkable H3 feature - Mutiview, which allows you to custom select viewing of 4 channels at once on your television.

Also, HDR flag is set to ON - therefore all content is pseudo HDR bright, and SD channels will not render in the correct aspect ratio to name just a few issues that some people take issue with.

Do you think these matters will be addressed? I don't care about multiview but that HDR business disturbs me, as certain slower operations.

Does anyone know if the Plus is as fast as native TV, Fire, or Roku with YT and similar?
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