Homeland: Showtime

Dying for a Homeland scoop, particularly one involving my favorite duo, Carrie and Quinn. Will sparks fly this season?
Having hit the Season 4 premiere screening on Thursday night, I can avow that, yes, sparks of a kind are flying between the two when the show returns – primarily because they find themselves on opposite sides of a budding conflict. As Claire Danes explained it to me at the event, "Quinn is eager to get out of the [espionage] business and is recognizing behavior in Carrie that he himself has had in the past as an assassin, and he's concerned for her. So he trying to jar her into 'consciousness,' but she's reluctant to engage."
I'm enjoying the new season. I agree that last season got a little difficult, but this better. Although depending on where crazy Carrie take the recruitment of the doctor kid, I may jump back off the bandwagon.
Wow! When Carrie is off her meds due to the break in she is bat sh_t crazy! :eek I thought last week was nuts when she was willing to see Saul killed to get her objective. The surprise even better! Claire Danes has been rocking it this season. :biggrin
The ambassador's husband needs a slow and painful death. Hopefully at Quinn's hand.

The guest appearance last night had me shouting NOOOOO at the screen. Thankfully it worked out.
The ambassador's husband needs a slow and painful death. Hopefully at Quinn's hand.

The guest appearance last night had me shouting NOOOOO at the screen. Thankfully it worked out.
Oh yeah hubby gonna die and violently. If Quinn showed up at my door I'd be worried! :imshocked As for the guest, I did the same! :cool:
Crap, two weeks until the next episode. :censored
I guess so! Carrie talking Saul "down from the ledge" so to speak on the tarmac was pretty intense. And then the ride to the compound.... I thought earlier the ambassador's husband might be done in by Quinn to settle the score but now the terrorists not needing him anymore might just make him a notch on someone's AK. :cool
'Homeland' Showrunner Alex Gansa Talks Intense Season 4 Turn, Blocking Out Critics......A bold reboot after a key character's death (and that Emmy snub) puts the terrorism drama on a ratings and reviews roll http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/homeland-showrunner-alex-gansa-talks-754041
As Homeland nears its fourth season finale Dec. 21, and Monday's Golden Globes ballot deadline, the Showtime stalwart has pulled off a task as difficult as a drone strike: It's generating some of its best reviews and ratings, despite the loss of lead actor Damian Lewis and a notable Emmy snub. Just back from wrapping the finale in South Africa, showrunner Alex Gansa speaks with The Hollywood Reporter about building tension and blocking out the pundits.How long did it take to set the course of season four?Not very quickly. We knew we were going through a reset, and we knew we were taking Carrie [Claire Danes] overseas. The journey really began on the writers' annual field trip to Washington to sit down with former and current intelligence officers. That's where we began to think about what the season was going to be about and, more basically than that, where to set the damn thing.
I will be very interested to seeing this . . . when the fourth season becomes available on DVD. Not compelling enough to raise my already too-high TV bill by $14 a month, at least.
Carrie has been the absolute center of this season's reset. As bats**t crazy and ruthless as Danes portrays her has me glued every week. With only two more weeks I am wondering too just who might have to be sacrificed. For the last two episodes I thought for sure Saul was done. Quinn I'm thinking may be the man who draws the short straw. His story really played out in the first few weeks with the heavy set woman. In country there hasn't been much focus on him. We will see.
Wow season finale next week already. I get so frustrated with how short the seasons are. I'm very confused as to why the CIA guy (can't remember his name) was in the car. Something doesn't make sense there.

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