Can you post pics of the TV image?
I had this happen to me once.....turns out I had the incorrect settings *on my TV* for my component inputs. Instead of PyPrPb I had RGB. The Matrix looked even more green than normal

and the background was blurred/"zebra-d" (if you do MiniDV/photography work you'll know what Im talking about, basically black and white lines going diagonally thru the picture). You may also have to "line up" this setting between the TV and the D* receiver. Your neighbors digital cable connection may have only one type of output, or it might just have been set at the right spot. Also check your output resolution on the D* box if its changeable.
I dont know how you have it connected (i.e. component, etc) but this might be something to look into. Id still be interested in screen caps though, might make it easier to determine whats going on.
FWIW, Halstead did my initial install about 4 years ago, then came back a year later to add another receiver. Even though they cancelled a couple times on the additional receiver appt, I never had a problem with their work. In fact I was quite impressed with them because during the initial install they took a LOT of time to find the best place for my dish without being able to see it from the road. Most people dont even know I have sat because the dish is so hard to find. But I guess a lot can change in 4 years