History-live on Al Jazeera 97W

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Mubarak claims to be "fed up" and wants out after 62 years in public service.... 62 years? Geezix! He must be old! I did not know he had been around in the political arena that long. I remember when Anwar Sadat was asassinated in '75 and he (Mubarak) began to take over as the man in charge. That would have been during the Ford Administration.

However, I thought that Jimmy Carter had some major influence with Anwar Sadat and Israels' Menachem Begin? I would have been a kid then, but that was big news. Did I get the timeline incorrect? Or was Sadat a diplomat for Egypt during Carter's Presidency?

Anyway, this unrest is not good. Not right now. Things never change. The middle east is just a big powder keg, no matter how we look at it. Has been for many years and as long as I have been living and more. I guess we will just have to wait and see what the final outcome is here.


I haven't lost connection to the Ku-Band AJE since the Egyption unrest began. Not even during our mini-blizzard. Today, the signal quality is maxed out for me on my AZBox (100%).
Normally it is not this powerful for me, usually in the 94-96% range. But, it is a very clear day from my vantage point and the air is very cold and very dry.
(97.0W Galaxy 19, 12152 MHz Horizontal, 19997 KS/s, FEC 3/4).

Well, I did a complete rescan of the satellite, really had me bummed out, deleted all the transponders and started from scratch. But that was at 2:30 in the morning. I did it again the next morning and everything came back as normal, but thank you for worrying. I got it back.

I was watching earlier and noticed they were running their FTA coordinates as a crawl at the bottom of the screen so people could find them. :)

Unfortunately not to many people know what a FEC is... but its a start. :D

The crawl on the bottom of the screen lists satellite information that are not within N. American footprint. Your best bet is still 97W.
I get Al Jazeera from BADR 26 east until I'm back stateside and it is certainly one of the world's best, accurate and unbiased news station. It is also approachable so why not email them to see if they would improve their FTA signal on 97w. They are a proud FTA company and I'm sure would be interested in US signal comment
I get Al Jazeera from BADR 26 east until I'm back stateside and it is certainly one of the world's best, accurate and unbiased news station. It is also approachable so why not email them to see if they would improve their FTA signal on 97w. They are a proud FTA company and I'm sure would be interested in US signal comment

I receive them perfect on 97W. No problem here whatsoever, perhaps somebody else has problems. Using a Fortec 120 dish, if that one fails then I still have my 12 foot " Big Birds Bath " dish. Check out my website for the picture. When I get a lot of snow I have to climb into the dish and shovel it out. Index The Fortec is now on the roof, just haven't updated the pic on the website yet. :)
Al Jazeera is broadcasting here in the Washington dc metro area on one off OTA digital channels over a year now 24/7 along with RT, NHK World .
Low budget Operation??, With several news sets with more than 10 cameras probably!!!. My first impression when I saw their channel presentations with camera pans of its studios years ago was , No wonder oil is called the Black Gold eh!!. Although I agree they should have a more dedicated TP with better bitrate that what is available in America via third party muxes (mostly GlobeCast). In any case it still looks fine on my setup much better certainly than Press TV for instance but not so good as other news services like NHK World or France24. I have no access to NSS 807 where the Arabic original version is on the Arab bouquet but it seems to be crowded with too many channels on a relative small SR (20 000) and that is probably the signal DN uses for its subscribers. Maybe when they finally reach major deals for distribution in NA (as usual Canada does not count , lol) in its English version then we will see an improved quality or maybe we wont see anything because it ends up being scrambled. As always, time will tell.
Low budget Operation??, With several news sets with more than 10 cameras probably!!!. My first impression when I saw their channel presentations with camera pans of its studios years ago was , No wonder oil is called the Black Gold eh!!.

Yeah, it's quite a contradiction. All dressed up in a fancy tux, and driving a diesel Chevette to the wedding.
All the Al Jazeera channels are now being jammed on Arabsat 26e allegedly by Libyan intelligence. They must be real inteligent as it is still broadacsting on Nilesat 7W and Hotbird 13E with more or less the same footprint. Is it still available on 97w?
YAAY!! Al Jazeera back on air on arabsat 26e. Today the Libyian idiot sent 2 warships to shell the rioters and they defected to Malta.
Not "shell." BOMB was the way I read about that.

Plus other fliers refused to bomb army installations, it was feared that the Army may side with the rioters. And fighters were told to bomb weapons storage.

I cannot conceive what it must be like to live in a country where every thought is dictated to you.

Ours may not be a perfect society here is the USA, but I guess it's about the best that is offered.

My opinion.

It would be nice to have it stay FTA. You know seems every time one of the dish companies or cable systems get involved in something, it's no longer free or FTA....Blind
Any other good channels to get different views of what's going on in Libya? I spent last evening watching Al Jazeera. It's interesting to see non-us media coverage.
Did anyone happen to watch RT during the Russia/Georgia conflict? It's amazing to see the different slants on the same story (in respect to that coverage, I found the RT side of things to be very suspect, obviously).
It would be nice to have it stay FTA. You know seems every time one of the dish companies or cable systems get involved in something, it's no longer free or FTA....Blind
I understand how you feel but Al J is has an FTA global policy and does not have to answer to the dish companies, they don't need their financing. The US is a comparatively small audience to their global numbers.
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