If you look at the numbers coming out, for hidef titles that do exist there is a lot higher percentate than 2% being sold as BD/HD-DVD. Still are much more titles coming out on DVD only, which apparently why the percentage is lower.
What numbers though? People are hanging their hat on the No Country for Old Men figures. If these numbers are so good, why didn't we see them for Spider-Man or any other 'big' BD release? Why haven't we seen anything like that since? Without that ratio continuing to be updated it is irrelevant.
If one out of every three HDM purchases over this period were HDDVD, and no HDDVD titles are in the top 10, then given the volume which none of us will refute, it was a poor week for Blu-Ray.
People are trying to spin it all to make their chosen format look good, but just use some common sense here...