bradley said:DirecTV is charging $54.95 for HD and $44.95 for SD PPV bout.
Voom is charging $0 for the HD, and pissing all over the SD...
bradley said:DirecTV is charging $54.95 for HD and $44.95 for SD PPV bout.
bradley said:Would it be nice to see the fight at 18mps... you bet.
Reality; not all Voomers will want to view the fight (I do).
But let's keep ALL Voomers in mind.
Should other channels be sacrificed to increase the bout to 18mps? No.
My hope is when we migrate to mpeg4 we'll see increased image quality due to significantly lower bandwidth requirements. Until then...
Scott Greczkowski said:Any chance we can show off our setups and get more people into HD then I am all for it.
Crank up the bandwidth VOOM!![]()
It's all computer based and, although I've never used the system, I'd imaging it would be a simple function.andrzej said:I am wondering how easy this MBps manipulation is (I am sure it is not as easy as moving sliders for different channels). Does anybody know the mechanism?
Seawaves said:Geez,
This has been my hot issue with Voom on this forum for weeks, ever since I went into a Video store and saw DTV running on a plasma showing HDnet.
The picture was way better than every Voom channel although even with HDnews.
This sucks if Voom makes a crap free fight great PQ- and ingnores everything else.
vinnyv07 said:Just a simple would really know if VOOM increased the PQ for the fight? Would we just be able to tell from the picture quality or would it be something we could check via the VOOM receiver?