High bandwidth for the Tyson Fight on 711

andrzej said:
In other words, a no-win situation. Great PQ for the fight - it sux. Normal PQ for the fight - it sux as well. I call it whining.

The fight was excellent!! Very good PQ! A real WOW factor for all my friends that came over to see it. Thanks Voom!!
I think the picture quality was excellent. Never saw one macroblocking although in the tyson fight there was more hugging than punching. :) Can't believe I even watched fight. Amazing what you will do when something is free.
pmalve said:
I think the picture quality was excellent. Never saw one macroblocking although in the tyson fight there was more hugging than punching. :) Can't believe I even watched fight. Amazing what you will do when something is free.

Are you kidding? There was a lot of hugging but it was because these guys were tired! They were like elephants stomping each other, a real bomb fest with the punches they landed. It was disappointing to see Tyson go down in the 4th, but it was still a good fight. Compared to the flyweight buzzfest where they barely hit each other with all those jabs, I'll take a brawl like this heavyweight fight anyday.

And the HD was awesome. No pixelation at all in the fast moments! Thanks voom!!
I thought the PQ was great.....loved every minute of it. Even Ali's daughter put on a good show. I like watching women duke it out. Thanks for the free fight VOOM.
Looked awesome!

It did look great indeed. No problems with the pq at all (that I noticed). And to watch Tyson get knocked out was just icing on the cake. In fact, he got his butt whupped, which was even better. It was dissappointing to see him go down in the 4th--I would have loved to have seen Williams beat him up and down the place before finally knocking him out!

I'm amazed anyone can cheer for this jerk. He's had too many chances. He's basically screwed everyone who ever did anything for him and loved the people who took all of his money. What a way to thank people who took him in as a son...

The Rickster
Tyson is pretty messed up...no question. But Tyson has been used for other people's gains since he was taken off the streets at age 16. In a perverse way you almost have to feel kind of sorry for him. I think that's why he still has fans.
I think he owes out something like 40 million bucks. He is done with boxing....he is no good anymore and the real question is, what is he going to do for cash?

I don't feel sorry for him in the least bit. He was a punk kid robbing people in Bedford Stuyvestand (sp?) when the people who adopted him took him in, gave him a beautiful, loving home in upstate NY fpund him. He went on to become the champ he once was then just pooh poohed the people who took him off the streets and showed him love and compassion. He turned away from them to the first group of people who took his money at that time. Then he went to the next group of people who took his money at that time. He is now with another group of people who may or may not take what money he may be able to earn (doesn't look like much more after last night). Time will tell with this group.

Anyway, the groups are remaining nameless since we know who the groups were. He did it to himself. He put himself in those situations. Nobody forced him to do what he did. He deserves everything he gets. I feel no sorrow for him at all and I'm glad to see he's finally getting what he really deserves.

When it comes down to it, most people have breaks in life (some are bigger breaks than others). It's the people who choose to take advantage of these breaks who become successful in life (whatever successful means to them). Tyson did that initially when he went to live in upstate NY and started boxing. He then stopped taking advantage of the numerous breaks he's had over the years. Basically, he blew it.

But I won't tell you how I REALLY feel. :)

The Rickster
I loved watching the crowd in the background during the slo-mo replays of the last round of punches from Williams. The whole crowd was in awe and there was one dude cheering from Williams. Funny stuff.

As far as the fights:
It was awesome. The first fight was the most boring thing I'd ever watched on TV (even more boring than watching Ryan and Trista get married). I couldn't believe the guy that lost that fight actually thought he'd won. LOL That was stupid.

The Ali fight wasn't as exciting as I had hoped. Nunez had no chance. A 20 year old with no sense of how to box vs. a 28 year old with lots of experience. At first, I wanted Ali to win. After seeing all of her cocky interviews, I think she's way to arrogant.

The Tyson/Williams fight was a very exciting fight. There were a couple of times I even left my chair. Tyson came out very strong. He was landing some very hard punches. I thought, for sure, Tyson had the fight won after the first round. But in the second round, I noticed that Williams was taking these hits and shrugging them off like they were nothing. Tyson was still landing punches, but Williams took them and kept fighting. I was pretty amazed. Of course, in the 3rd round, Tyson started getting to tired. Once Tyson figures out that his power isn't enough to knock out his opponent, then he usually goes down. With Tyson getting tired, and the addition of Williams' better body movement, Tyson didn't stand a chance. Williams owned the fight starting in the 3 round. The 4th round was just icing on the cake for Williams. After a couple of missed swings from Tyson, he put his hands up to gaurd his face from the counter punches from Williams, but Williams did an uppercut in between Tysons "guard" and knocked the scenses out of Tyson. Follow that up with a jab, another uppercut, a jab and another uppercut, Tyson was down on the ropes for the count. Awesome fight! I love it when a no-name does this when his odds were 13 to 1 in Tysons favor. Tyson is done for and I don't need to see another Tyson fight. I saw him lose to Lewis and now Williams. I don't need to see anymore.
It's in spoiler tags. You need to highlight the text with your mouse to read it. I did that in case people reading this thread hadn't seen the fight yet. :D

What was your opinion of the PQ? Do you think they expanded bandwith? I couldn't see it but it was ok.
I think they definitely increased the bandwidth for this event. It wasn't 18 MBPS or anything, because there was one or two very short moments where there was minor macroblocking, but it was better than most Voom programming.

I have noticed that the picture quality of HBOHD (East) has looked somewhat better lately. I can watch several shows without macroblocking there. The problems only lie when there are strobe lights or lots and lots of movement (like rain, fire, or ocean-like waves).

the fight was definitely a very intense event and I was pleased with the quality of the broadcast. :yes

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