Here is the requirements for the free Upgrade to Mpeg4

Please reply by conversation.
Just called Installation Dept this morning: Got 4 HD receivers replaced/swapped + new Dish installation for $99 fee + 14.xx S&H. Could not get the CSR to give any credit to offset the $99 fee. A installer will call within 72 hr. She said I have to commit to 1 yr programming. The only good thing out of this for me is that I get my slow poe Panny HSD20 receiver replaced.
charper1 said:
Is THIS the part that made the $99 fee stick?
No, the csr did not use that as a reason to give me the credit. Anyway, I did not try harder to get the credit because she allowed 4 receiver replaced, even though I got one activate last weekend. I'll try to call retention dept once the installation schedule is set.
moonman said:
I thought the commitment for the new H/D upgrade, was for 2 years???

That was what I heard from the csr. I have to look at my bill next month to see if it is true.
Recently I got a new HD receiver from DTV. I was told 1 year on the phone but upon activation the csr told me i was told wrong and it was 2 years. Nothing I could do but sign up or send it back.
A similar event happened to me. I have been a D* customer for a long time and I bought a replacement for my old E8 that died. When I bought it, I was told nothing about any commitment. I signed nothing and only had a sales receipt for the receiver. They just told me to take it home, connect it and call D*, to activate the unit. So I brought it home, connected it and called D*, for activation. During the the process of removing the old receiver and activating the new one, again nothing was said about any commitment. The first I saw of it was when I got my next bill. I then called D* to enquire about it and was told it is an automatic agreement, when new equipment is purchased, for a two year commitment.

I think it was a really sneaky way of doing it. I always though an agreement needed two parties involved, but I guess D* has redefined the word. I am not opposed to commitments, if properly done, but my point is the sneaky way D* imposed it.
All I know is that I've been calling dtv for the last 3 months to see when the ATL market would be getting the upgrade. Of course, they didn't know when, so I'd ask what it would cost and they told me it was a free upgrade.
I called last night and she said that the ATL market has been getting the upgrade since the 3rd week in November. How are the customers supposed to know this information?? Nothing on website. Nothing mailed. Nothing emailed. Anyway, I get it ordered and then she says $99 AND 2yr contract extension...whoooaa...I told her that I've been told it was a free upgrade every time I called them to get status. I asked to speak with her supervisor and she says sorry....nice...I argue for another 15 minutes and she gives me monthly credits that will equal to a $90 credit and no s/h charges. My install is scheduled for Thurs, Dec 22nd....waiting for Ron's TV to call anytime to say they don't have the dish or the receiver...This upgrade has been a cluster from the start!!
Hold on! Hold on!

A very large encyclopedia would probably not be enough to contain all the various stories coming out of D* regarding the cost of going to a 5LNB satellite dish and what exactly you get for your money. I currently have one HD-DVR satellite receiver downstairs and a 'regular' HD receiver upstairs. Here's my deal:

I spoke to an installation guy at D* today, and we set up my installation for just after Christmas.

I am getting a 5LNB satellite dish and and a new HD receiver for upstairs to replace the 'regular' one that I have there. The new satellite dish will only feed into my upstairs TV (and thus give me my local HD channels on that TV). Apparently the new receiver does not have HD-DVR capabilities.

I get to keep my 3LNB satellite dish connected only to my downstairs TV so that even though I will not get my local channels downstairs, I will at least retain the capability to record HD channels on my current HD-DVR.

The cost of all this: $16 to cover the mailing cost of the new equipment to me.

Does all this make sense, or does the D* installation guy not know what he is doing?

As a relative newcomer to HD (and this forum), I look forward to hearing from all the experts here on this arrangement.

jammy said:
Hold on! Hold on!
A very large encyclopedia would probably not be enough to contain all the various stories coming out of D* regarding the cost of going to a 5LNB satellite dish and what exactly you get for your money. I currently have one HD-DVR satellite receiver downstairs and a 'regular' HD receiver upstairs. Here's my deal:
I spoke to an installation guy at D* today, and we set up my installation for just after Christmas.
I am getting a 5LNB satellite dish and and a new HD receiver for upstairs to replace the 'regular' one that I have there. The new satellite dish will only feed into my upstairs TV (and thus give me my local HD channels on that TV). Apparently the new receiver does not have HD-DVR capabilities.
I get to keep my 3LNB satellite dish connected only to my downstairs TV so that even though I will not get my local channels downstairs, I will at least retain the capability to record HD channels on my current HD-DVR.
The cost of all this: $16 to cover the mailing cost of the new equipment to me.
Does all this make sense, or does the D* installation guy not know what he is doing?
As a relative newcomer to HD (and this forum), I look forward to hearing from all the experts here on this arrangement.

FWIW i wouldn't fight over the $16 charge IMO
jammy said:
I am getting a 5LNB satellite dish and and a new HD receiver for upstairs to replace the 'regular' one that I have there. The new satellite dish will only feed into my upstairs TV (and thus give me my local HD channels on that TV). Apparently the new receiver does not have HD-DVR capabilities.
I get to keep my 3LNB satellite dish connected only to my downstairs TV so that even though I will not get my local channels downstairs, I will at least retain the capability to record HD channels on my current HD-DVR.

I don't understand why they would have to leave your old dish installed, for your current (MPG2) HD-DVR. I would think the new one should work for both the new H-20 and your old HD-DVR. I thought that all the new dish does is add the capability of receiving the two new satellites, in addition to the ones your 3 LNB dish sees. I would think that if you are using a new 5 LNB dish on a H-10 or current HD-DVR, it would just ignore the signals of the two new satellites.
jammy said:
Hold on! Hold on!
I get to keep my 3LNB satellite dish connected only to my downstairs TV so that even though I will not get my local channels downstairs, I will at least retain the capability to record HD channels on my current HD-DVR.
Hey, Jammy.
You don't need both dishes. The 5lnb will give your HD-DVR signals for all the satellites it sees today. And it will send signals that the HD-DVR won't know about at all, no harm/no foul.
So sell the 3lnb on ebay...
And welcome to the forums! :welcome
Happy Holidays!
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will D* be contacting us about the upgrade? If so when? Are the installers familiar with how to install? I'm in the phila area
paulyme said:
will D* be contacting us about the upgrade? If so when? Are the installers familiar with how to install? I'm in the phila area
While I am certain that "someday" D* will contact everyone about the upgrade, I have no idea when they will. It seems they are not contacting people right now, they seem to be busy enough with people who catch the word of forum. :)

And the installers are hit and miss. Some have done enough of these that they have become competent, while others still don't have a clue.

Happy Holidays,
2 Questions

Hi all,

New to this forum and have two questions.

1) I live in Chicago and have an 3-LNB dish with a HDTivo and an older Samsung HD receiver (backup). Currently I pull local HD off an OTA but do subscribe to local thru D* also. Should I try to get the free upgrade for my backup HD receiver and dish? Should I wait until upgraded HDTivo comes out sometime in 2006? What will I be missing in the Chicago Market if I don't upgrade. I am thinking about getting a HD LCD for upstairs and will then need the backup HD receiver for that TV when my wife lets me get it :)...

2) I'm at my In-laws (Hartford, CT) for the holidays and my father-in-law just got a new HDTV about a month ago. He signed up and got an H20 HD receiver from D* (he's been a member since 1999). However, I noticed (after reading this thread) that he did not get a 5-LNB dish. I already called customer retention (on his behalf) and got him a free OTA (because they didn't offer one to him when he first ordered the HD upgrade). Should I call them back and ask them whey they didn't give him a 5-LNB and tell them to bring one out when they install the OTA? Is the H20 the upgraded HD box that will support the new MPEG?

Thanks in advance for everyone's thoughts. Happy Holidays.


PS... I discoverd the extension for Customer Retension Group is ext. 833 if you call the main D* number.
Toon-Time said:
Hi all,
New to this forum and have two questions.
1) I live in Chicago and have an 3-LNB dish with a HDTivo and an older Samsung HD receiver (backup). Currently I pull local HD off an OTA but do subscribe to local thru D* also. Should I try to get the free upgrade for my backup HD receiver and dish? ...
2) I'm at my In-laws (Hartford, CT) for the holidays and my father-in-law just got a new HDTV about a month ago. He signed up and got an H20 HD receiver from D* (he's been a member since 1999). Should I call them back and ask them whey they didn't give him a 5-LNB and tell them to bring one out when they install the OTA? ... Is the H20 the upgraded HD box that will support the new MPEG?
Merry Christmas and welcome to the fourms! :welcome

In Chicago, it sounds like you've got everything as good as it gets today if your OTA is good and you have the HD equipment you need. As much as I want new toys, I too have great OTA and all the HD receivers I really want for my TVs, so I'm going to wait until D* releases new compelling equipment or services--and cuts me the right deal. I'm currently suspecting that to be the Home Media Center, but who knows. I can wait.

In Hartford, D* hasn't released the 5lnb upgrade yet. Expectations are high for right after the first of the year for the next 24 markets (including both Hartford and Salt Lake.) Fortunately, the H20 is the upgraded receiver so all he will need is the dish when D* is ready for his area.

Again, Merry Christmas everyone!
i have all of the requirements, but i have the HD DVR. i was told that this upgrade wouldnt apply to me, only to people with a standard HD receiver. anyone know this to be true or not?
Thought I might throw in my 2cents and maybe clear up some information everyone is getting. Just for clarification, I am an extremely experienced CSR with several years at "D" and have worked in almost every department, including resolution supervisor.

The requirements:
#1 Must be a current Directv Customer in good standing, Paying bills on time, never late, Etc...
This always helps, but is in no way required.

#2 Must have an Mpeg2 HD receiver activated for a least 30+ days before your local market launches on Directv

#3 Must have the Triple HD LNB dish allready installed
You'll have to have this to have a properly working HD ird anyway, but this is not a requirement.

#4 Must Subscribe to Directv's HD package
Again, this is something you'll have to have just to have an active HD IRD, this is not necessarily a requirement, but pointless not to have.

#5 must Subscribe to Directv's SD locals
Not true. A lot of locations do not have these available, and even the ones that do, are not required to.

#6 Must Subscribe to Directv's HD DNS channel
not true either. You can not be required to have something that may not be available to you. You can't be required to have something that is out of your control.

Something else that was mentioned, you get to keep your old HD IRD? I'm not so sure about this. From what I've been told, the Tech is suppose to take your old IRD, and I know we can't order a relocation of the HD IRD that is suppose to be upgraded. If any of you have had a replacement and have been allowed to keep your old ird then it's probably an optional type thing, I'll check on this for sure though.


There is NO, repeat NO, HD replacement upgrade that is by default free. No matter what requirements you may meet. None. Nadda. Zero.

That doesn't mean you cannot get it for free, but you'll have to do a little negotiating with the CSR you get on the line. Of course the more you spend, the better your payment history, and the longer you've been with "D" does play a part in how willing a CSR will be to negotiate credit with you.

And here's the biggest thing. If you want the CSR to give you a break, you've got to give them a break too. The easiest way to get the best out of any CSR? When they answer the phone, "thank you for calling "D", my name is "NAME", what can I do for you today".

Address them by name.

"Hi NAME, how you doing today?"

The nicer you are to them, the nicer and more willing they will be to help you out as well.

As for the HD-DVR MPEG4 IRDS? Well, we still don't know either, I've been told spring, and they'll most likely be the H20-250, instead of h10-250, like the h10 and the h20, but that's just my guess.
Please reply by conversation.

R-15 + International Dish Installation . Help Please

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