Help Wanted

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Hey guys, once again SatelliteGuys is growing and we need your help!

We are seeking a few knowledgable helpful people to join our staff! Over the next few weeks SatelliteGuys will be expanding our site as we continue to grow at a record pace!

Qualifications for being a SatelliteGuys Staff members are as follows
  1. Have a pulse :D
  2. Be knowledgable in the area you are applying for
  3. Be able to visit SatelliteGuys a few times a day
  4. Be friendly and helpful to our members
  5. Have the ability to have FUN and enjoy yourself!
If that sounds like you then drop me a line!

We have opening in the following areas
  • HDTV (Equipment, Programing, Displays etc...)
  • Satellite Radio (Equipment, Programming, News, Etc...)
  • DirecTV (Equipment, Programming, News, Etc...)
  • Dish Network (Equipment, Programming, News, Etc...)
We are also seeking people good with graphics. Are you good at Graphic Design? We are in need for people with good graphic skill to create graphics for SatelliteGuys including Animated Gif's and Flash Animation. Some work may include commercial work for our advertisers, in which you may receive a spiff for your work.

When you a staff member you get to work with some of the best guys on the Internet, as well as some of the biggest names in the Industry! Our staff all works together to bring our members the Internet's best Satellite Forum!

Our staff members enjoy such benifits as free access to SatelliteGuys (hey wait everyone gets that), access to our private staff forums, press admission to many national events, and our thanks for helping us build Americas Favorite Satellite Forum!

If you are interested please PM me and tell me what you can do to help SatelliteGuys!
Scott, since I don't do much if any moderating with the Arcade I would like to throw my hat in for either the HDTV, Directv, or Satellite Radio mod positions.
I should note that if you are interested in a position when writing to me instead of sending a PM saying "Yes I want to be a staff member" to send a PM telling me why you want to be a staff member and what kind of expertese and qualification you have.

This makes choosing people easier. :)

Thanks to all who have replied so far.
I have recieved a lot of replies so far, thank you! I haven't answered anyone yet who applied, I will be taking the weekend to go over everyones notes and try choosing the best people for the positions.

Not everyone will be accepted (Because if we did everyone would be a staff memeber) :D but I do thank everyone for submitting their applications!

Applications will be accepted all weekend, I expect to start announcing new staff on Tuesday.

Thanks again everyone!
I would like to say thank you to all that have applied, we have received over 40 applications.

As much as I would love to I can't choose everyone, so please no offense if your not chosen. And I should add we have some major expansion plans we are working on in the backround so if you are not chosen you will have another chance soon.

I will be PMing people tommorow afternoon and I plan on having a full staff list posted online by Wednesday afternoon.

Thanks again to everyone who replied. :D
Thanks for your patience everyone. :)

Took me awhile to get through all the applications, its amazing to see the number of folks who want to help SatelliteGuys grow.

Again because of the number of applications I have received I could not pick everyone, and if your not picked you can try again soon, are are working on some huge improvements and additions to our forums!

To those that were picked welcome aboard! Over the next few days I will be PMing you each privately and letting you know your exact functions, you will find we are a very relaxed place and we give our staff the ball to run with, we tall all our staff the Sky is the limit at SatelliteGuys, you can help shape the future of SatelliteGuys and I hope you will take every advantage offered to you. :)

I would like to welcome the following people to our staff (in no particular order)
  • bcshields
  • bbqman
  • kevinw
  • Todd Wiedemann
  • Hancox
  • BFG
Again I will be PMing each of you soon and filling you in more. Once you are briefed you will be given the proper access to your forums and to our staff forums and you will be an official part of the SatelliteGuys Staff.

Again thank you all for your interest and support!
Congrats to everyone who was picked!! :) :) I know yall will do well with whatever staff function yall will be doing. :)
I would like to welcome all of the new staff members.I really look forward to working with each and everyone of you.I think you will find out very soon what makes satelliteguys #1 and what keeps us there.I think it is really great that satelliteguys is growing at a record pace!!!!and hope everyone feels the same.If any one of you out there every need any help feel free to ask and I will do to the best of my ability to help and if I cant then maybe I can point you in the right direction..........well once again welcome and glad you are part of the family........................DIGITAL~DAN
Scott, can you give a list of who all the staff members are now? I see Digital~Dan is a Super Moderator...and I don't think I've ever seen a post by him (or at least I never noticed). I'm sure there are a few more out there as well.
Congratulations everyone. Welcome aboard! Satelliteguys is a nice place to spend time. Let's go and make this place even better! Remember when Scott says that the sky is the limit he really means it. So I'll see you all at our regular staff meeting (Just kidding, there's no staff meeting :) )
To view a list of the staff click here

That list also includes a list of all the folks who have donated to become Pub Members as well. :)

I will also being changing most staff members ranks to say "Staff Member" as we are all here to help you. Stuff like Moderator, Super Moderator etc does not really mean anything to the members. :)
Dan is not a Super Modeator (although he is a Super Moderator, I saw the S on his cape as he flew away)

SuperModerators is moderators who can moderate in any area even ones they are not listed the moderator as. A regular moderator has moderator powers only in their own moderated areas.

Confused yet? Me too. :D
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