HELP! Voom charged my card over $1000!!?!


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
May 26, 2004
HELP! Voom overcharged, but CSR says it will be fixed in a few days.

JUst called to check my balance which was larger than expected. Investigated a charge for over $1000 which was to Rainbow DBS.
I don't remember authorizing any such amount; I was expecting to pay $100 plus per month. (2 stbs rented) Vavavoompkg). Is this standard?
Quick reply would be appreciated.

Let's hope so.
mgh said:
JUst called to check my balance which was larger than expected. Investigated a charge for over $1000 which was to Rainbow DBS.
I don't remember authorizing any such amount; I was expecting to pay $100 plus per month. (2 stbs rented) Vavavoompkg). Is this standard?
Quick reply would be appreciated.

I would send an email to immediately. I wish they would stop doing this since this should not be standard practice and I don't believe it is.
Not good! Check your on-line account at and call VOOM ASAP. You can also call your bank and deny that transaction if you are certain it was a mistake.
Yes, VOOM's billing department is having it's share of problems. After trying repeatedly to change my billing date I have concluded it is impossible. Some CSR's will say you can do it no problem, some will say it can't be done, the latter are correct. If anyone is using a debit card, it is a mistake. Double the amount you owe will be put on hold each month and then after that the original amount will be removed from your account; then you will still have the other half still on hold for a day or so, it will come back in your account eventually only to be reserved again a month later. On top of that I was promised a 40 dollar credit this month since my installer charged me that much for a multiswitch, it was supposed to be credited this past month and that is what I budgeted for, well they charged the full amount and kinda put my checking account in even more chaos. My bill is 126.04, on July 5th 252.08 was taken out of my available balance and then a couple of days later that 126.04 was shown to be removed by Rainbow, the other 126.04 remained on hold for a day or so, like I said, this is standard practice. For a few days I didn't even know who had it reserved, neither did VOOM. They don't even know when they bill you since they denied it was them when I called, but it was. I haved learned my lesson and will be getting an actual credit card just to pay VOOM with. I wish they would let you send a check.

I don't know if it is in the FAQ or not, but I would tell everyone not to use a Debit card to sign up with.

WHy yes they are a bunch of fools at CS. I also had problems with billing. THe csr last month was very helpful and said they would switch my autopay to new CC and I gave her the new account number. And she would give me a months credit. Well I did seem to get the credit. But this month I was checking account at voom website and they said card declined. WELL HE** YEA it was declined! that was the old card on a closed account!! not the new one I gave.
I too am so sick of calling. I am going to wait until they turn me off or call me and then I am going to give them an earful and they better give me more free for my putting up with incompetence!
I wouldn't call them a bunch of fools. They have your money don't they? lol

iceshark said:
WHy yes they are a bunch of fools at CS. I also had problems with billing. THe csr last month was very helpful and said they would switch my autopay to new CC and I gave her the new account number. And she would give me a months credit. Well I did seem to get the credit. But this month I was checking account at voom website and they said card declined. WELL HE** YEA it was declined! that was the old card on a closed account!! not the new one I gave.
I too am so sick of calling. I am going to wait until they turn me off or call me and then I am going to give them an earful and they better give me more free for my putting up with incompetence!
Don't tell us. Tell VOOM. This sounds like Verizon the other V company.Sorry you are having trouble with your Visa Card (another V company) but mine get's hits like that from time to time which are simply wrong. I call Visa and dispute the charges and they are taken off. End of story. Don't get histerical.
mgh, what more (if anything) did you find out?

Did you contact Wilt as Sean suggested?

Reviewing your previous posts I see that your install was done on 7-9-2004. I would then assume the overcharges were associated with purchasing vs. renting errors? That would be some relief for those of us who have had our systems in place for a while (We might get "hit" but hopefully not that hard).

Keep us posted. We all want to see you get this resolved, hopefully to your satisfaction! :)
I called Voom. The CSR aka "Jeff" said that it did appear to be an error, that he'd notify billing, that it would take a few days to rectify. I asked him to have them call me when things were put right. However, after reading another similar thread, I"ll probably go ahead and dispute the charges with my credit card company. I'm not giving up on V yet, but I'm hoping this gets taken care of expeditiously.

I also e-mailed Wilt, but assuming he might have some degree of normalcy in his life (not 24/7 Voom problems), I won't be surprised if I don't hear from him right away.

I also e-mailed Voom, but I haven't received a reply yet.

My original install was postponed twice due to lack of equipment, then cancelled by V, then redone when I CALLED THEM. I'm sure that both times it was set up as a rental, but when everything is verbal over the phone....

Thanks to all who replied,

You must be paying mine, after repeated calls to CS I still have not been charged in 5 months.

I even called to change the CC I was using because we cancelled the other one, still no charges....
Eric_C said:
You must be paying mine, after repeated calls to CS I still have not been charged in 5 months.

I even called to change the CC I was using because we cancelled the other one, still no charges....

hahah. goodness what is wrong with voom. u charge one 1000, one nothing, won't let one change billing dates cause he was installed that day, one cant change his Cc...sounds like somebody needs a whole new billing crew.

but anyone who uses a debit card shouldn't be whining. you are takin a big risk by letting some company ESPECIALLY VOOM...get direct access to ur bank account. big big biiiiiiig mistake. i mean credit atleast you can deny to pay it..but what can u do if they already took it. heck what can u do if ur account overdrafted. people people people...
Eric_C said:
You must be paying mine, after repeated calls to CS I still have not been charged in 5 months.

I even called to change the CC I was using because we cancelled the other one, still no charges....

Same here, haven't had a charge since I've had the service. I tried calling them about it once, but was told all the reps were busy and they would call me back. They never did. On Friday, I got a call from them, and as it turns out they mis-entered the expiration date on my credit card as 2004 instead of 2007, so the card was being declined. She said she would correct it, and I should get a large charge for these several months of service when it goes through.
Problem resolved

Looking good....

Please be advised that I received an e-mail from Wilt regarding your
account, and have refunded you the 1017.78

Lori Hinchman
Special Situations Coordinator
Customer Relations Management Organization :)
Not a bad response time...

Looks like 2 days from complaint to correction. I had a similar problem with Earthlink a couple of years ago. It took 2 weeks and about 20 emails and a dozen phone calls to get it fixed.

Glad it worked out! :)
The reason why some people get charged for purchasing the equipment when they really wanted to do the monthly equipment option is because the agent that took there order didn't enter in the right campaign codes. If they enter in the right campaign code it zeros out the price. If no code is entered the customer gets charged the purchasing price. The CSR should go over the order with you and tell you the cost before he completes the order and ends up charging the customer.

TechCop said:
Looks like 2 days from complaint to correction. I had a similar problem with Earthlink a couple of years ago. It took 2 weeks and about 20 emails and a dozen phone calls to get it fixed.

Glad it worked out! :)

720 mode not working

POLL: Ala Carte
