Did My Part To Help VOOM


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Mar 7, 2004
Received two phone calls from NEWSDAY today concerning an article they are doing on VOOM. They said they got my name off this Site! I am long winded and passionate about VOOM, and was on the phone about two hours. Also sent them construction pictures of theater riser that I built because of VOOM. I have done this before and you never know what ends up in print, but the Reporter didn't know anything about 46,000 (+5,000?) and was going with the 26,000 figure as customers. Also knew nothing about the TWO VOOM Web Sites. Sent her the Links. Had to get the VOOM bill out to give exact figures. (I was one of the first 2,000 customers on their free deal/no commitment and installer came from Detroit) She asked a lot of questions concerning that deal compared to to present/past new install deals. I only had positive things to say. One question was if VOOM went away, who would get my business? Told her there is no replacement and may not be for years, but if E* did supply VOOM I would have to go with them from D*, only because of VOOM! Would be nice to see a real positive article on VOOM for the new BOD to read before any possible vote on Monday.
I also got the call. The CID said NEWSDAY, INC. I called back but it was after 6 and no one answered, but I did leave a message.
I too was interviewed this evening by Newsday concerning my letter to Chuck Dolan. This reaffirms my belief we do have a voice and we have been heard. What a rare occurrence in today's world of mega businesses! To be a part of something so large in our own small way is quite a treat.:yes

Indy said:
I too was interviewed this evening by Newsday concerning my letter to Chuck Dolan. This reaffirms my belief we do have a voice and we have been heard. What a rare occurrence in today's world of mega businesses! To be a part of something so large in our own small way is quite a treat.:yes
Now that's what I call a day-brightener!! Just when it was starting to look like all efforts (mainly Charles') might be in vain! @party

Did any of the contacts indicate any potential publish date??
danielle_s said:
TYORK how many installs to you have to do this weekend?

I don't do installs on the weekend i go out and check to make sure the tech in my area are doing up to par. i only install 3 days a week the rest of the time i am either do qc or escalate problems in the Indiana area. but as for as install go i have 5 next week in 2 days and am sch. up untill the 21.
rickaren said:
Received two phone calls from NEWSDAY today concerning an article they are doing on VOOM. They said they got my name off this Site! I am long winded and passionate about VOOM, and was on the phone about two hours. Also sent them construction pictures of theater riser that I built because of VOOM. I have done this before and you never know what ends up in print, but the Reporter didn't know anything about 46,000 (+5,000?) and was going with the 26,000 figure as customers. Also knew nothing about the TWO VOOM Web Sites. Sent her the Links. Had to get the VOOM bill out to give exact figures. (I was one of the first 2,000 customers on their free deal/no commitment and installer came from Detroit) She asked a lot of questions concerning that deal compared to to present/past new install deals. I only had positive things to say. One question was if VOOM went away, who would get my business? Told her there is no replacement and may not be for years, but if E* did supply VOOM I would have to go with them from D*, only because of VOOM! Would be nice to see a real positive article on VOOM for the new BOD to read before any possible vote on Monday.

Sounds promising. I must admit NYP most likely wouldn't have done this. :D

I'll give this credit to them and recall my stance on Newsday if they handle this story correctly. Go Newsday, show me.
TYORK said:
dang they didn't call me :( LOL
Me, either...but that may be good...celebrity can have a downside...!! (Deadly serious!!) :yes

I may just go ahead and feel hurt, anyway!
Back on The Air Late Night With New ADS

Well here in Colorado Voom is back with a new Ad stating they have 1 dollar installs and 2 free months of VA VA voom for New Custumers plus one year of a Magazine Free. Does this sound like a company that is going anywhere.

Thanks Be to Mr Dolan ANd the NEW Board.

Kick some Butt on Monday.

Michael :D :)
TYORK, you surprise me! I could have sworn that...

TYORK said:
I don't do installs on the weekend i go out and check to make sure the tech in my area are doing up to par. i only install 3 days a week the rest of the time i am either do qc or escalate problems in the Indiana area. but as for as install go i have 5 next week in 2 days and am sch. up untill the 21.

you worked 24/7. Now I'm disappointed but not enough to stop...

enjoying HDTV under mostly clear (hey, "they" promise rain) Seattle skies, Gill
SeattleVoomer1 said:
you worked 24/7. Now I'm disappointed but not enough to stop...

enjoying HDTV under mostly clear (hey, "they" promise rain) Seattle skies, Gill

I do work 24/7 just not installling I got alot of hands in other fires also believe me not much play time here

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