Would this be the same channel editor used in the Traxis DBS3500 (aka AliEditor) ?
...It's kinda flaky but it does work with the 3500
There are several versions of Ali Editor ... not all works on all receivers.
Ali firmware is based on Chunks (Areas) with different functions.
You can identify yours on Menu >> Tools >> Information.
Bootloader , Maincode , Startup logo, Background Logo , Radio Logo ,
and the 2 used for channel editor:
Defaultdb = Factory Satellite/TP list and Default setings (TVsystem,language,etc).
Userdb = Sat/TP/Channels/PIDs and user changed settings.
Each chunk use a header with information (Size,CRC,Chunkname,CompileDate and Time).
Database used inside defaultdb and userdb have different version/formats
from one STB to another ... thats why Traxis editor dont work.
Here you have links to AZ-editor and Ferguson-editor to try.
Ferguson Editor (Ariva200)
AZ Editor (S900)