HD Picture Quality

DBS is more than just FEC. It is Forward Error Correction plus Reed Soloman error correction. They work together to avoid ANY bit errors in the majority of viewing conditions. When your signal falls off the cliff you get the macro blocking plus pop up warnings from your receiver. You have no doubt that your problem is lack of signal.

Low signals still have no bit errors until they go beyond the ability to recover.

Dish Network in particular has always been extremely conservative with their FEC on HD. With the turbo coding they use, the HD has a better rain fade curve than their SD.
What? It sure does. Tell me your picture looks just as clear at 1ft from the screen as it does from 10ft. Maybe perceived PQ would be better. Granted if it was perfect at 1ft it would be perfect at nay distance, but 99% of the time that is not the case. 720p looks so,so at 10ft on my 57" vis Dish....Blu-Ray looks fantastic. So higher resolution and less compression allow me to have better PQ at same viewing distance.

I'm giving up on this thread as it is apparent that people are challenged to keep things straight. It's like talking to someone about proper print drivers when it is an application running on terminal server being executed in a VM on a physical server.

Seating distance has nothing to do with the "Quality" of the HD image that Dish needs to achieve. Seating distance only goes to the perceived quality that the particular human sees and has nothing to do with the quality of the actual signal. If all that dish had to do was achieve good enough quality at 15 feet from a 42" television, they could get buy with a much lower bit rate.

I'll just stick by the fact that Dish is actively working on their image quality, and if you see a problem with a show you are watching, let dish know so they can correct it.
Seating distance has nothing to do with the "Quality" of the HD image that Dish needs to achieve. Seating distance only goes to the perceived quality that the particular human sees and has nothing to do with the quality of the actual signal. If all that dish had to do was achieve good enough quality at 15 feet from a 42" television, they could get buy with a much lower bit rate.

Well, video compression is all based on what we can and cannot see.....which varies based on viewing distance. Are you saying Dish needs to achieve perfect PQ at 1ft on a 100" screen? Impossible.

As it stands now, Dish appears to settle for the good PQ at 15ft from a 42" screen. And that is not good enough, that is the whole point.

How would you gauge picture quality without screen size and viewing distance involved? 1 channel per transponder?
I'm not posting for you. I am posting for the ones who ARE capable of seeing the differences and are searching for answers.

The Lord as my witness, everything I have posted is scientifically sound, accurate, and truthful.

I pray that your comments don't continue to rob more people of getting the high quality picture they deserve.

couple thoughts
1. not nice to flame the mods ;)
2. You keep posting the same thing about signal meter which is wrong
3. Dish hasnt used the "old" meter in what 6 months to a year so using that analogy is useless
4. Funny how you say I cant see the difference. Are you really that clueless? Seriously? I have C-Band and free to air which last I checked I have the ability to see the MASTER FEED of the program, UNCOMPRESSED especially sports....not some signal Dish grabbed, recompressed, and shot (or would that be sh*t) out back up to 61.5 or 129 and they call it HD. So I do think I know how this works.....PUH-LEEZE

As I have posted numerous times, signal strength (or in FTA terms quality) as long as you have enough signal to keep it stable, the picture is fine. There is no magic number that "ooh if I get 60 quality its better than 40 quality" because I've had signals that are stable (not the best) and the HD picture is totally awesome and some where the signal is at 99 which is the highest it can go on a FTA receiver and it looks like hell because they compressed the crap out of it.

So as long as you have enough signal to not screw with the FEC that is all you need. A higher signal does not affect picture quality..
I get the same HD channels on spots which are signal 90, and on transponders where they are getting 26, they look the same, until it rains. Then the signal 26 channel stops functioning.
FM trap

channel 19 woio is 10.1 it is vhf
how do u fix that?

Get an FM trap. I got 1 for around 10 including shipping. He's link to 1 just like the one I got. It's on eBay. 75-Ohm Coax FM Trap Improves Poor TV Picture Quality - eBay (item 350235581867 end time Dec-31-09 20:45:00 PST)
The problem is that FM stations creat a 3rd harmonice that interferes with the digital signal. The FM station are so strong 50 to 100kwatts that the 3rd harmonic is close to as strong and interfering with the carrier. Since the price is so low you have little to loose and a lot to gain.
I wish I could screencap, the ESPN MNF game right now after a replay of a previous play they came back to live action and for about a 1/2 second the screen completely pixelated and was blurry and then came back into focus, just horrible stuff! I can pause it on my DVR but I don't have a way to upload it, gurrrrrrrrr
I wish I could screencap, the ESPN MNF game right now after a replay of a previous play they came back to live action and for about a 1/2 second the screen completely pixelated and came back into focus, just horrible stuff! I can pause it on my DVR but I don't have a way to upload it, gurrrrrrrrr

You don't have a camera?
im gonna try and text it to my e-mail, I found it and paused it. probably won't look too good I have a 1800x1200 camera maybe it will who knows
ok here is what I snapped, look at the 50 yard line,

this little 1/2 second blip has been happening throughout the game tonight.

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