You know, I have given two years to this show and I am still not "into it". I keep finding myself incredibly bored and at times lost. Last week's episode with the battle was totally disjointed. The dragon-lady story line has always been completely aside and a distraction from the rest of the story. I know this will come together, but I must be the only person who has watched every episode for two seasons and is still unsure if he likes the series.
I will say that the problems with me and this series have to do with killing off the only character I really cared about in the first season and (because I am no longer 13 years old) the amazing amount of gratuitous and unnecessary sex scenes that bring the story to a grinding halt every time. If the sex scenes actually advanced the plot that would be one thing, but they don't. The shut down the story-telling for prurient interest alone. If I want to watch that kind of thing, Cinemax has plenty of that every night. I find myself watching episodes in 40 minutes after skipping the unnecessary skin-flick portions, that is if I am still paying attention to the TV and haven't become engrossed on whatever I was doing on the computer. Like last night, I had to skip back to watch the second half again since the show ended and I realized I hadn't been paying attention.
Production values are excellent. But things have to get moving story-wise. I swear the last two years could be condensed into a 3 hour movie and lose none of the essential elements.