HBO - Game of Thrones (No Spoilers)

I have to say that it was a cheap shot by Milesandre(I hope I said that right) to Jon Snow by say,"You know nothing,Jon Snow." I even yelled that at my TV. I think Dany( I refuse to say "the most popular name" dimwitted parents are naming their children,after Katniss of course) needs to let her dragons loose.
IF I was showrunner(but I'm not),I'd have Tommen threaten the death cult's leader(High Sparrow),if he doesn't free his brother in law within 24hrs,or if he is harmed in any way,with this,Tommen will immediately abdicate the throne to Stannis Baratheon & retreat to Casterly Rock as lord there,then Stannis can bring the Red Witch Melisandre to Westeros to clean it of all the "false religions."
At least things seem to be picking up a bit now. Aren't we all interested the see the Boltons get theirs? :devilish
At least things seem to be picking up a bit now. Aren't we all interested the see the Boltons get theirs? :devilish
Yeah,Ramsey sure got his.........This season is super annoying because,with only 10 episodes per season,the showrunners are wasting episodes on storylines people could care less about. Maybe they should have featured one character's storyline per episode,instead of always jumpinfg around from Arya to Tyrion to Cersei to Sansa,rinse & repeat. I'm guessing that Tyrion won't make it to Dany until the season finale,& they'll probably drag that out until the final scene. I have no opinion about what happened to Sansa tonight worth repeating here.
Yeah,Ramsey sure got his.........This season is super annoying because,with only 10 episodes per season,the showrunners are wasting episodes on storylines people could care less about. Maybe they should have featured one character's storyline per episode,instead of always jumpinfg around from Arya to Tyrion to Cersei to Sansa,rinse & repeat. I'm guessing that Tyrion won't make it to Dany until the season finale,& they'll probably drag that out until the final scene. I have no opinion about what happened to Sansa tonight worth repeating here.

I totally disagree. The great thing about this world is how large it is and how everything interacts. If anything I think they are moving too fast and leaving out some of the best characters. Each of the storylines that "people could care less about" (I think you actually mean that "people couldn't care less about" unless you really could care less about them which means you must care about them some) fit in to the overall story and it is important to understand everything that is going on.
IMO this has been one of the more enjoyable seasons. Bronn always is good for a chuckle.

I agree with this. Several of the story lines have moved forward quite a bit and we are getting a lot more depth that was lacking on some of the characters (e.g. Stannis)
NOOOoooobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!! Westeros is going to be ruled by a theocracy at this rate.

Notice when Cersei is being held she says "I am the Queen" which really isn't surprising. She has been operating like she is in charge. I wonder how a few weeks in a dungeon will change her demeanor?

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