HBO/Cinemax Takedown

HBO just isn't the channel it once was.

Watching HBO and many of its shows was like a special event. They had amazing boxing events, and the movies were aired to be special. Who could forget the opening of the HBO logo flying over the city. Even getting the HBO guide in the mail each month was special.

Now HBO really has nothing and you can watch what you want when you want. Boxing is going away and its the last real live show HBO has.

There is no reason for HBO to be a live channel anymore, as it would be best suited now as a video on demand service.

The programming lineup makes no sense and at times it seems like a video ipod that someone put on shuffle.

I totally agree. Besides that, HBO has a lot more competition now with Showtime, Epix, Starz, plus the tons of free movies on Amazon Prime and subs to Netflix, At one time HBO was it. I see even Red Box now has a streaming app.
Rural America will be hit the hardest, but as time goes by more options for high speed will show there too. It has here. Before about 2012 there was no high speed out here. Only now we have a cable provider (Spectrum) that gives us 100 down. No DSL out here, but there is Cel Phone Hot Spot and of course the more expensive satellite internet.

HBO just isn't the channel it once was.
I agree with Bruce's deduction. The offerings from HBO is far less. Netflix had equal originals to that of HBO. Furthermore, they both are hit or miss in their monthly movie offerings. I do care to say that Netflix is getting better in its Stand Up Comedy as well. Dave Chapelle, Joe Rogan, Jim Norton, etc have all released Netflix specials within the last year. Boxing was HBO's last true cavieot, and they pulled the plug on that as well.

It's just as dumb as when they canceled Inside the NFL and let Showtime grab that.

I grew up with HBO. I swore by HBO. But. HBO since the early 2000s isnt the same HBO that was premier in the 80s and 90s. If they still used Simply the Best as their slogan, I'd say shenanigans.
Dead on right and I grew u[ with HBO, too. In your earlier post, you mentioned the littler booklets. I loved those. The movie selection has been lame for years. MAYBE there'll be something on decent on the first of the month, but mostly, I don't even look at the guide anymore.
Yes a new remake, not the original series or movie.

I made it to about episode 7. It has interesting twists on the original series and the movie. Got to the point I was skipping scenes of soap opera dialogue. I guess I'm getting old and don't have time I'm willing to commit.
I remember when HBO was known as Home Box Office and was referred to as Home Box...
Yeh, I did not have cable then (early-mid 80's). I used to buy VHS tapes to give to a co-worker so she could record all the Connery James Bond Movies!
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Regarding bad language- I briefly attended a church where I heard worse bad language in the church buildings than I ever heard in the Navy.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys

I give credit of bad language t my navy hitch. I also am a baptized Christian. Word don't hurt you if they're not meant to. That being said, I have watched the Deadwood series all the way thru more times that I will admit to! Great characters and dialogue.
Dead on right and I grew u[ with HBO, too. In your earlier post, you mentioned the littler booklets. I loved those. The movie selection has been lame for years. MAYBE there'll be something on decent on the first of the month, but mostly, I don't even look at the guide anymore.

First subscribed in the mid-late 70s in San Diego. One channel playing the same movie all day long.
And then there was this:

I give credit of bad language t my navy hitch. I also am a baptized Christian. Word don't hurt you if they're not meant to. That being said, I have watched the Deadwood series all the way thru more times that I will admit to! Great characters and dialogue.

I am also a Christian, and I am not a fan of bad language, but in this day it is hard to get away from it if you watch tv, walk down the street. It is reality in today's world.
Having had both Directv and Dish over the years, Dish now (just agreed to another two year price lock commitment,) I feel that Dish is far to quick to black out channels to the detriment of viewers.

However in this case, it appears a blatant move by AT&T to hurt a major competitor. Asking for a guaranteed viewer fee no matter what the actual viewer number is sounds like they are trying to get Dish to object and thus black out HBO. I'm sure AT&T is counting on a lot of Dish viewers who want HBO to pick up HBO Now subs or move to Directv, especially for the new season of GOT.

This is where the FCC does need to step in and say this is clearly an attempt to use their new power with the pick up of Directv to exercise monopolistic power. They won't, but they should. Short of that, I don't see a resolution, and while I agree that HBO's movie schedule really sucks (especially in a world of streaming options) and I would never pay full price for it, their specials and original shows can be very high quality and if Dish can't offer HBO it's going to hurt them.
All words are made up. Aside from the 4th commandment and similar directives in non-Judeo-Christian religions, I fail to see why "curse" words offend people. They are just words that people made up at some point to describe something.

It's not the words themselves, but what they represent which offends. For example, if I called you a spineless little weasel of a boy, you'd probably be offended. Why? It's just words that someone made up.

I was raised to believe that there were some words which were inappropriate, and others which weren't to be used around certain people. I never ever used the F word around a female, even my various wives. My son drops it often, even in the presence of his mother. It makes me cringe. Everyone has their own perspective, based on many factors.

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