HBO/Cinemax Takedown

Netflix does not have Maher, Oliver, Deuce, True Detective, Game of Thrones, etc.

I do not watch any of those shows anyway, so I would not miss them. You would be surprised that you can change your viewing habits based on what programs are available from what channels that you subscribe to. And in a very short time, you will not even miss your previous favorite programs.
I think that we should all boycott ATT. Switch to Verizon, drop Directtv, bpycott all venues of HBO and put ATT out of business. We could do it, if we got a movement going. ATT SUCKS!
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It would be painful but I could stop watching any of these shows. Or I could just find a way to watch a few series via DVD, prime etc.

To me, this is just the first domino to fall towards a future where it's all direct marketing. I'd miss the Dish dvr, but since everything becomes on demand I guess I wouldn't be needing it.

Oh and tweet/watching with friends... I'd miss that.

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Talked to a tech rep while helping my brother. He said what ATT wants from Dish would probably result in a charge of $25-30.00 a month. Could be BS, but that's what he said.

They can't raise the rate above $15 per month which seems to be the standard for HBO right now. Question is how much it costs Dish and if Dish will be able to add discounts like they used to in order to get their HBO subscriber number up.
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Well so far, I haven't missed HBO. Even more important, Mrs Volts hasn't missed it either. Add no more boxing into the mix - I will miss speculating on how drunk Harold Lederman is - and I'm going to be saving some money. I'll bet I'm not the only one feeling this way and it could end up hurting HBO.
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IT's not dish's content. AT&T can stipulate what they feel is free market value for that content and if Dish doesn't like it then they don't have to accept. I see a lot of speculative comments on here blaming AT&T but no one for one moment is taking a step back to see the real picture that Dish has no leverage because they failed to see where the industry was going with content acquisitions. The real person you should be mad at is Charlie for not setting the company up for the future and banking on spectrum. Now, they are going to have to find some way to even the playing field for dish or this will continue to happen with other content providers as well. I do believe, that AT&T tried to negotiate in good faith given AT&T's statement.

"The Department of Justice collaborated closely with Dish in its unsuccessful lawsuit to block our merger. That collaboration continues to this day with Dish's tactical decision to drop HBO – not the other way around. DOJ failed to prove its claims about HBO at trial and then abandoned them on appeal."

Honestly, the Trump admin hates AT&T so much that do you think it wouldn't be beyond the DOJ as directed by Trump to do something like that? It's not out of the realm of possibilities given the rhetoric the government has had against AT&T and if ATT gave Dish a sweetheart deal they probably would have denied it. After all, Dish also could have kept those channels up and backdated the contract as has been done in the past with negotiations like these. The fact they didn't speaks volumes given Dish's history.

I agree
On and channel 301 they say that AT&T pulled the channels. So who is lying? Is there a way to find out which way it happened eventually?

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Dish always lies about this stuff.

It's like the boy who cried wolf. I have seen the same story so many times I don't believe Dish anymore.
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It's true, ATt owns ATT and can set what they feel is free market value. It is also true that their anti competitive attitude may bite them in the ass when they go back for oral arguments and a final decision is made. Until then, whether you agree with ATT or Dish, will not matter. It's all speculation on the legality of it, and if one side is right or wrong.

On that note, ATT still = BAD.
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Interesting. Maybe the HBO live tv option on Amazon is only available on some devices. I checked the Amazon Prime Apple TV app and could only see on demand content. Basically I care due to Real Time viewing. Neighbors come by to watch on Friday nights so waiting 24 hours to post on HBO Now isn't good enough.

Frustrating. I have been a loyal HBO subscriber for two decades and now caught in the middle of some money making dispute between two companies.
Same here on my Firestick - only saw On Demand
How much flexibility does Dish have to raise the price of HBO for existing contracts?

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It's true, ATt owns ATT and can set what they feel is free market value. It is also true that their anti competitive attitude may bite them in the ass when they go back for oral arguments and a final decision is made. Until then, whether you agree with ATT or Dish, will not matter. It's all speculation on the legality of it, and if one side is right or wrong.

On that note, ATT still = BAD.
It will be curious to see if the details of this are made public in the DOJ case on the merger that they want to overturn?
Well, thus far I've not missed HBO/Cinemax that much. With HDNet Movies (who doesn't leave their channel bug up 75% of the time), TCM, Encore, Starz, Indie/Retroplex, Epix, MGM and Sony Movie Channel, I have a decent selection of movies to watch, and tend to enjoy older movies anyway, so if I'm going to save $25 on my bill/month and I'm enjoying what I have, this can go on as long as it takes and not really bother me. I could add Showtime back if I want, but for now I'm fine. Plus with Netflix and Prime, I enjoy the series' I like (no commercials) and movies there too. So AT&T can go belly-up for all I care. I'm like some others here, I've had HBO for close to 20 years, but if AT&T is going to get all arm-twisty, they can just go take a flying leap.

I remember the bumper sticker a prof had on his office door when I was in college in the early 80s. It said "We're the Bell System. We don't care. We don't have to." I believe AT&T has the same attitude and I honestly hope the same thing happens to them...
Well if they want to go up to 25 a month, no wonder they want them to pay for minimum viewership levels. They know how many people would dump it so they want Dish to pay out of their own pocket anyway.

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