Have your 5 Free HD-DVD Movies arrived?

got mine today - sent in 1-25.

I had ordered -

The Italian Job
The Thing
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Frighteners

I got

The Italian Job
Blood Diamond
Harry Potter - order of Phoenix
Fast Times @ Ridgemont High.

One out of five ... but the substitutions were acceptable to me .. i'd probably have chosen three out of the four subs had they been on the original list.

Got a HDDVD player for my birthday in January, just got our movies yesterday... and got some rockin replacements.

Aeon Flux
Blood Diamond*

* = did not request.

Never seen Serenity, always kinda wanted to but now I have it on HDDVD, yay. Wife loves Doom, and Blood Diamond is a great movie.
Got my 5 too.

Harry Potter - OOP
Big Lebowski
U2 - Rattle and Hum

I think HP and BL were subs. I didn't mind those, though. I had the other four potters and had planned on buying OOP and some point anyway.
Mine arrived today. I didn't get around to ordering until first week of Feb, so I think they have been working hard to clear out the last of the backlog.

I got:
U2: Rattle and Hum
The Italian Job
Fast Times at Ridgement High (didn't order, but cool)
Harry Potter Order Of the Phoenix (Didn't order and already have it)

Anybody want a copy of Harry Potter OOP? Yours for shipping cost, or trade me for something I don't have. (Nonrev? I liked Mallrats)
Just got my movies today

The Departed
Dantes Peak
The Italian Job

I think that I sent in around the end of January

only one that was substituted was Dantes Peak
okay guys just got set 3

heres what i got

Set 1
The Departed
Blood Diamond
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Aeon Flux

Set 2
Swordfish(only 1 i had to have)
Dante's Peak

Set 3
the Italian Job
Blood Diamond
U2 Rattle and Hum

ugh, doubles of blood diamond anyone wanna trade new unopened hd dvd for blood diamond pm me

Just got a xbox 360 hd dvd player
and got King Kong with it

plus I bought Transformers
that above is my entire collection of hd dvd's
Our 5 free HD DVDs showed up yesterday.
Lethal Weapon
U2 Rattle And Hum
Miami Vice
Four Brothers
Children Of Men
4 of the 5 in that list are substitutes.The only one that I originally ordered was U2 Rattle And Hum.
Got mine on 6-3-08 about 90 days,none were what I ordered, but none are duplicates.

Billy Madison
Lethal Weapon
Miami Vice
Mission Impossible
see my list above
got rid of doubles via trade with dirtydan, would still like tobe rid of unopened hd dvd harry potter.
please send pm with unopened hd dvd trade offer preferably comedy
Still need my 5 free movies, but I did get my Best Buy $50 gift card yesterday.
I'm disgusted because I mailed the form on 12/5/07 and STILL haven't received anything as of today! Seems they claim to have mailed them (3rd class book rate- in a paper bag perhaps?) on 3/12/08 but I never got the shipment.

After an "investigation" they agreed on 4/10 to "resend" the order. I call weekly and all they'll say, including supervisors Lisa and Mike, is "Soon."