Have your 5 Free HD-DVD Movies arrived?

We just got a letter on Friday stating their was a problem and to phone in. My did that and was told that they did not have one of the selected movies and she had to pick from a list of three which she did. She did not ask when they would be shipped.
Quick question. i sent in a $10 cheque for the shipping and when i checked my account it said it was taken out on march 5th... does that mean they have sent my HD DVD's out?
$10.00 for shipping? I don't remember paying them anything for shipping. Does it state in your rebate form that you have to pay for shipping?

Got my 5 free HD DVDs yesterday in the mail.
Yeah, it said on the form to include it with the order form for S&H. guess it's only for Canadian orders?
Just curious.... i just bought another HD DVD Player (HD-A30). the box has the "5 free HD DVD's" sticker on it still, but the promo ended in Feb. in January, i was given the HD-A3 for my bday. so do you think i could send in the old receipt that i got with the A-3 (i've already sent it in with the a-3) but if i send it in with the A30 UPC code.... and used my work address, i would still get them?
Just curious.... i just bought another HD DVD Player (HD-A30). the box has the "5 free HD DVD's" sticker on it still, but the promo ended in Feb. in January, i was given the HD-A3 for my bday. so do you think i could send in the old receipt that i got with the A-3 (i've already sent it in with the a-3) but if i send it in with the A30 UPC code.... and used my work address, i would still get them?

Err.... maybe. Is there still a promo going on? I thought it ended at the end of Feb.

I finally got my 3rd gen free movies. They received my certified package on Dec. 19th.



Of course, the Universal UPC's were covered (Nice!) or gouged. :mad:

The Thing -- covered


The Frighters -- gouged :mad:

Just curious.... i just bought another HD DVD Player (HD-A30). the box has the "5 free HD DVD's" sticker on it still, but the promo ended in Feb. in January, i was given the HD-A3 for my bday. so do you think i could send in the old receipt that i got with the A-3 (i've already sent it in with the a-3) but if i send it in with the A30 UPC code.... and used my work address, i would still get them?
Probably not, but what do you have to lose...? I'd certainly try it, but I wouldn't mix the UPCs or receipts. They'll be looking for the UPC to match what's on the receipt...
well i think im gonna try anyway... lol allthough i may lose $10 fro the s&h fee... but im still gonna try. i didn't realize the code was also on the receipt. i only have 10 more days to get it out though.
well i think im gonna try anyway... lol allthough i may lose $10 fro the s&h fee... but im still gonna try. i didn't realize the code was also on the receipt. i only have 10 more days to get it out though.

Make damned sure you send it certified with a return receipt for your records. That way they can't claim they didn't *cough* receive your info.
i finally received mine today......about 10 weeks after i mailed the info in. i did get alexander revisited as a sub for one of the dvd's (i think it was troy) that wasn't available.
i just got mine today! didn't take long at all, i think this was my 7th or 8th week since i sent it in, just as said. i got all the movies i requested with no problems! and the plastic is still on it with no tares.
I got mine today, (4-17-08) with a note saying my selections were no longer availabe. The substitutions were better than my selections.l
I just got mine today, although i got a little note in the package saying that all the movies i requested were not avaliable and they sent me 5 i didnt ask for !
Just got mine today. I got no note, but I did get one of them subbed. I got two DVD's from category A, and none from B. Nothing special for the sub..

I would like to know what everyone else's substitutes were also.

I have two more sets coming...
got my 1st set of 3 on tax day the neighbors should be recieving there sets within the next few weeks

the only movie i want is swordfish, it didnt come in the 1st set