Have been given a 10 Foot BUD - Have questions

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jul 16, 2006
North West of St. Louis, MO
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post, and I want to thank all of you who have written so much on this forum. I have read a good bit of it over the past couple of weeks and have found it to be very informative.

I have especially enjoyed the equipment reviews. Gizzer's review of the Viewsat Extreme was very good, and Iceberg's review of the Pansat 6000 almost made me want to go out and buy one.

I have been concentrating lately on the C-Band part of this forum because I have been given a 10' Winegard fine aluminum mesh BUD complete with Chaparel Feed Horn with a California Amplifier Mini-Mag LNB. It also has a Von Weise V76-5 actuator for dish movement.

I will inculde pictures so that you can see the specs on some of this.

I further received a Drake ESR1524 with Videocipher II Plus equipped from the factory. It came with a UHF remote control. (more on that later)

I didn't get a manual with the Drake, and there is none available online that I can find. I can order one for $15.00 which I don't mind doing, just hate to wait until it arrives, so if anyone has one in digital format, I would love to have it to start reading.

I am going to call Von Weise tomorrow and try to get a wiring diagram for the actuator.

I picked up this equipment yesterday, and it was all supposed to have worked 2 years ago, and I think it will all work now, just have to set it up which I think will take approx. 2 weeks at my speed.

Consequently I have a few questions if someone wouldn't mind trying to answer for me.

Can anyone tell me what this receiver is capable of viewing. Is it for analog viewing only?
Will it receive C-Band and Ku-Band?
Is the current Feed Horn and LNB adequate?
Should I add a second receiver such as a VS Extreme or Pansat 2500A?
Should I add a second Dish and use a DiSEqC switch in the mix?

Which brings me to the second part of the equation.

Since this receiver has a UHF remote, I can change channels, move the dish etc. from anywhere in the house. This is important, because I would like to view from two separate rooms, and I would like the tv in the LR to be able to independently have access to one or more dishes to watch something different than what I am watching in my den.

The only FTA receivers that I have seen that are UFH capable are the Pansat line. Are there others?

Can I achieve what I would ultimately like to end up doing?

I am very excited about all the possibilities the added benefit of having some equipment given to me free of charge after having set aside some money to make a purchase already in my plans.

If you can answer any of the questions, or offer alternative suggestions, or tell me how to improve what I have with my goal in mind, please respond.

Here are some pics of the equipment.









Sorry about writing a book, but just starting out, and have a lot to learn. Thanks in advance for any help and direction you might be able to give.

I wanted to post an update to my previous post to narrow down some of the questions.

I have contacted Winegard, and they are going to fax me the specs on the dish.
Von Weise has already faxed the wiring diagram and specs for the actuator.
Drake is sending me the manual for the ESR1524 by priority mail, and did give me a rundown on some of the receivers capabilities.

This receiver is capable of both C-Band and Ku-Band analog only. It does have video/audio outputs for a local tv, and an RG-6 cable outlet for the same purpose which could be routed to a tv in the second room.

I now realize that you can't change the transponder or satellite for viewing a different channel on the second tv set without a second receiver which prompted my question about whether to get a VS Etreme or Pansat 2700a or possibly a Pansat 6000, which I believe has two receivers built in if I understood Iceberg's review of that model correctly. Even with a second receiver, the channels have to be on the same Satellite unless a second dish is added to the mixture.

Still don't know if receivers other than Pansat are capable of UHF remote control.

I have been told in another forum that I will need to get a Chaparral Corotor II feedhorn with 17* C-band LNB, & .5Ku LNBF. What I currently have only receives C-Band.

They also suggested to run the coax from the BUD to a DC Pass Splitter and not slave it, DC Pass side to the Drake, other side to DiSEqC switch, or directly to the FTA receiver of choice using either a fixed smaller dish or motorized one.

If I followed his suggestion, I would in effect have two receivers, and two separate dishes allowing two tv's to watch two different satellites and transponders while still taking advantage of the BUD for analog and VCII+ channels.

Does that make sense?
Do I need to be that elaborate?
Is there a better Feedhorn/Lnb combo out there to do what I am trying to do with the BUD?
Do I need to worry about circular polarity?

Any advice, direction, ideas, help that anyone can give would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to spend a lot of money if I don't need to, but am willing to spend what is needed to make it all work.

Thanks in advance for whatever ideas you may have.

linuxman said:
I wanted to post an update to my previous post to narrow down some of the questions.

I have contacted Winegard, and they are going to fax me the specs on the dish.
Von Weise has already faxed the wiring diagram and specs for the actuator.
Drake is sending me the manual for the ESR1524 by priority mail, and did give me a rundown on some of the receivers capabilities.

This receiver is capable of both C-Band and Ku-Band analog only. It does have video/audio outputs for a local tv, and an RG-6 cable outlet for the same purpose which could be routed to a tv in the second room.

I now realize that you can't change the transponder or satellite for viewing a different channel on the second tv set without a second receiver which prompted my question about whether to get a VS Etreme or Pansat 2700a or possibly a Pansat 6000, which I believe has two receivers built in if I understood Iceberg's review of that model correctly. Even with a second receiver, the channels have to be on the same Satellite unless a second dish is added to the mixture.

Still don't know if receivers other than Pansat are capable of UHF remote control.

I have been told in another forum that I will need to get a Chaparral Corotor II feedhorn with 17* C-band LNB, & .5Ku LNBF. What I currently have only receives C-Band.

They also suggested to run the coax from the BUD to a DC Pass Splitter and not slave it, DC Pass side to the Drake, other side to DiSEqC switch, or directly to the FTA receiver of choice using either a fixed smaller dish or motorized one.

If I followed his suggestion, I would in effect have two receivers, and two separate dishes allowing two tv's to watch two different satellites and transponders while still taking advantage of the BUD for analog and VCII+ channels.

Does that make sense?
Do I need to be that elaborate?
Is there a better Feedhorn/Lnb combo out there to do what I am trying to do with the BUD?
Do I need to worry about circular polarity?

Any advice, direction, ideas, help that anyone can give would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to spend a lot of money if I don't need to, but am willing to spend what is needed to make it all work.

Thanks in advance for whatever ideas you may have.


Get it set up and running for C Band before worring about Ku .

Thanks WyrTwister,

That is my plan to get it running on C-Band first.

I am just trying to formulate a plan for the future on the assumption that everything will work fine on C-Band and to put together a budget for what everything will cost to get to where I want to be.

Thanks for the reply,

it is easier with 2 dishes to do what you want.I have my c band analog feeding the LR and BR. the wife likes her scifi channel. also have my satworks slaved to the c band dish so I can watch c band on what ever sat is feeding the BR.also got my ultra setup to a 90cm ku dish for the LR. so in reality i can watch 3 channels at a time.:)
Welcome to our wonderful world!

My suggestion is to get it working with the drake...check the C band LNB (should be at least 17deg kelvin (modern ones) and when satisfied...spring for a 4dtv 922.

Like the others said...worry about ku band later unless you are after FTA! My Bud (8 ft perf Alum Winegard) is fantastic for FTA. BTW: My opinion of the Viewsat Extreme has changed...rather have a Coolsat now. Luckily I use the actuator on the BUD for moving to FTA Birds since the Viewsat motor control is flakey (I use the 4dtv box to position the dish for FTA too)

I am on my 2nd 4dtv (along with an HDD200 HD box) and can honestly say...I LOVE IT...no compression like the pizza pan stuff! I got my 1st 4dtv (920) the 1st month they came out...I think it was 1997!!) I still have it as my spare since changing out the battery last December (that battery holds the security codes...usually good for about 10 yrs)!

Unfortunately the world of analog C band is ending (Your Drake):mad: (and the Pic Quality is nowhere near as good as digital 4dtv). I have a couple of analog subs left but never go to them.... CHECK OUT DEALS LIKE FROM CALLNPS.COM

However there is still lots of analog stuff in the clear + wild feeds you can tune on with the Drake!

My Starz digital sub inc 2 HD Starz channels was about $105 per YEAR!!!!

reading the Faq is a great way to begin...lots of knowhow up there!!!
and plz feel free to ask away or PM us...This is one helpful group!

best of Luck with your new setup and again...WELCOME!!!:hatsoff:

Thanks Rainmaker,

That is where I ultimately would like to be. I like the setup that you are describing, and I have to make all this work for the wife and kids otherwise I won't get the funds I need to do this. My wife is an accountant, and puts a pretty tight clamp on spending, especially for a new "toy". :( So I have to eventually make it work for everyone. :)

Thanks to you as well Gizzer777,

I have so much to do to start this project, but it has been so stinking hot here for the past week that I can't get outside even in the early morning to do any digging to start the setup process. I do most of my "work" under air-conditioned surroundings, and to move outside for that kind of labor, it has to be a little cooler than a heat index of 110 for me. I am also fat and 54 and don't get much exercise.:D

I have been reading the FAQ's, every post that I think remotely applies to my situation, and anything else I could put my eyes on here. You guys are good writers, and very knowlegable. I have learned a lot already. But head knowlege is not like putting your hands on it and doing it.

I bought an InterSat HQ with a 12" Challenger dish in 1983 or 84 and had it professionally installed. It was big bucks back then, and I suppose it was all analog then too, but the picture was fantastic. You got to remember that when I was a kid, I lived in a little town in NE Missouri where we only got two channels on good days with lots of snow and double images sometimes.

I kept that setup for about 4 years, but channels were starting to get scrambled, and I was told I need to buy a "black box" which was illegal, we were moving, and I had an opportunity to sell the setup, so I did.

It was back to the old antenna, but we were closer to St. Louis and could get 5 channels that were pretty clear so that is what we had until about 94 or 95 and then went to the dark side, because I was told that was all that was available. First with DT, and then when that receiver bit the dust, got another free setup from DN. We have been paying them a hefty monthly fee ever since. I've got to shorten this up a little.

My accountant wife informed me a couple months ago that we were going to cut back on the tv expense, but the packages available are rotten. They know how to make you spend at least 40 to 50 bucks per month. So we are now on the "family package" which has very little that interests me. :(

So I began to ask around, and do some research on the internet, and I found out about this FTA idea. Full circle back to where I was in 84. Even though I owned and watched satellite tv with a big dish, all I did back then was push a button. Now I have to learn what makes it tick which I am very excited about. I haven't been this excited about anything since I first put my hands on the insides of a computer in 1990.

I am a total noobie here, and am going to take it slow and steady. I got the equipment I listed in the first post and unfortunately the lnb is 25k, but maybe that will get me a picture and let me get started.

I have my eye on some more equipment including perhaps a second BUD. I have a contact with a subsidiary of one of the largest electronic leasing companies in the US. Anything that a company plugs into an outlet, they lease it, and the subsidiary sells it when it comes back off of lease. I buy a lot of used computer stuff there, and I stopped by yesterday and asked if they had any satellite receivers. To my surprise, they said that they had a good bit in their other warehouse. They are supposed to bring it to the main place next week where I can look it over. I told them bring everything except DT and DN receivers.

I am hoping that they might have some of the commercial DCII like the Motorola 4800T that was talked about in another thread on this site. If not that, at least maybe something that I can use at a very discounted price.

If anybody reads this, and can list what I should be on the look out for, please respond back.

I would like to go totally legal FTA and not have to pay anybody for a while, but as I have read here, at least you can do some ala-carte choosing that isn't availble with the big two if you have 4dtv.

So maybe I will end up with Rainmaker's setup or something like it, or 4dtv as Gizzer777 has suggested, but I will end up with satellite tv of some kind. Just have to take that first step. It is supposed to be considerably cooler tomorrow, so maybe I can get some digging done.

Thanks to all of you for all that you have written. It is good stuff.

I've been messing around with fta for awhile now and have come to the conclusion that unless you have at least a 6' solid dish, your results on both the c and ku side will be disappointing. My last experiment over the last three days was with a 10' mesh c/ku dish and a bsc621 c/ku lnbf.

The c-band work o.k. but I was still unable to pull in the vu and global channels on G4C. And I get a 20-point increases in ku signal on my 36" P* dish using a $15 Fortec .4 ku lnbf vs. the bsc621 on the ku side on the 10' mesh dish............my point is, get a solid dish if you want fta on ku!
Thanks Sikma,

There is no doubt that I will have to have a second dish at some point, and I will keep in mind your point about a 6' solid dish. :D

Keep the pointers coming.

Hi Everyone,

Ok. So I picked up a second BUD yesterday which I actually paid for simply because it was easier to have the guy take it down and deliver it. The cost was about the same as getting 3 friends, borrowing a pickup, paying for the gas, and buying lunch for everyone. :)

I paid $125.00 for a Perfect 10 - 7.5' mesh dish complete with Von Weise VS76-8 18" actuator, Co-Rotor II Feed Horn with C-Band and Ku-Band LNB. The guy threw in his General Instrument 2750R analog receiver with Videocipher II+ module. All equipment was functional two years ago.

So now I am well on my way to achieving what I want for the ability to watch two different programs on two different tv's in the house.

Got my hole dug for the 10' BUD, and expect to have it in the ground by this week-end, which brings me to the question about where to put the second BUD.

I live and work in a commercial brick/concrete block building with 12" thick walls. The west side of the building is where I want to place the BUD's. The 10' BUD is set to be placed on the Northern end of that wall which is 125' long.

How far down/south on that wall do I have to go to avoid having the 7.5' BUD interfering with the 10' BUD's reception when the 10' is pointing to the South?

That would put the 10 footer at it's highest point in the arc, but I want to be sure and not interfere with it's reception.

PS - I will find out what receivers the leasing place has available tomorrow.

Thanks for all your help and suggestions.

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