I am in the process of refurbing a Winegard Pinnacle.
Trying to make it blend in better, and after restoring a number of the parts, I decided to paint it black.
What are your thoughts on painting the scaler ring black?
I know it will attract more heat to the LNB, but with all of the frequency changes going on, I'll probably need to replace that again down the road.
I am planning to use a Titanium 3.8 to 4.2 GHz red lnbf on a TI resistant scaler ring that looks similar to the old ADL / Cal Amp feed.
Thanks for your help!
I am in the process of refurbing a Winegard Pinnacle.
Trying to make it blend in better, and after restoring a number of the parts, I decided to paint it black.
What are your thoughts on painting the scaler ring black?
I know it will attract more heat to the LNB, but with all of the frequency changes going on, I'll probably need to replace that again down the road.
I am planning to use a Titanium 3.8 to 4.2 GHz red lnbf on a TI resistant scaler ring that looks similar to the old ADL / Cal Amp feed.
Thanks for your help!