I mean I think this goes beyond the iphone.
It should read has Ma-bell wireless been slain.
I love how
A. How it some how the iphone is to blame which leads to att problems.
Right now my brother is watching tv on his lg vue. I am actually going to get a vue to I like them alot and a nice touch screen phone that I can get insurance on ( note applecare is not insurance against stupidity ) But lets just look at what we have that contributes to the iphone = no 3g service
Other smart phones such as the Palm Centro eating bandwith. On that same note, Crackberries are everywhere even I have a 7100i and a 8350i (nextel) crackberry all those non important people get push spam ( as apposed to push email) uses quite a bit .
Then the endless number of iphone clones like th lg vue and others that get streaming tv that does not even seemto stream it just on. ( it pretty sad when the lg vue switches channesl faster then my direct tv boxes) Plus all the qwetry texting phones. Fact is that 3g is now pretty populated and everyone is using twiter or other social network via there cell all the time now and it just now showing how under powered the massive ATT network is.