Ham License

not hard at all, little study, do practice exam, start getting 90 percent correct on practice exam and u will probaly ace the test, do the exam at least teice a day for a month, fimd a local ve eaam session location in your area, check on the arrl web site for location or call them, good luck, enjoy.
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Passed my Extra last Saturday, scored 100%
Getting my paperwork straight to become a VE!

The ARRL Ham Radio License Manuals are excellent resources for Technician, General and Extra class licenses. I also recommend the videos by Dave Casler KE0OG on YouTube.

I should have mentioned that the HamStudy.org site also has study guides for FCC Commercial and Canadian Amateur licenses.

I read the new Extra ARRL License Manual and Extra Q&A book.
Then used hamstudy.org until I reached 100%/100%.

I got 100% on the Tech and the General using hamstudy.org only.
Is anyone here a VE? My packet has been approved and I am now an ARRL VE.
My first session will be in November.
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Yes, we administer online examinations. There are usually at least a dozen or more public sessions offered each week and many more group exams. Last week over 100 elements were administered during a single GLARG session!

I am scheduled for 3 W5YI sessions this week with the AA7HW group. Applicants only need a government issued photo ID, a private area where there will be no interruptions or others present (we often have applicants in their bathroom), one webcam to 360 pan and keep on applicant during the exam and share the complete desktop (only one screen allowed if multiple screen hardware config.).

Very secure and most exams are being completed in 10 - 15 minutes. The exams are issued at random and graded by the testing software (exam.tools). The VEs digitally sign and callsigns are typically issued on W5YI exams within two working days!

Follow this link for available exam sessions: HamStudy.org: Find a test session

SSTV from the ISS coming up!

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