Ham License

It's kinda sad that the morse code requirement was dropped but it made it easier to get my Extra. Gone are the days when you actually learned and USED electronics in ham radio. All that's left is memorization of the rules and practice exams. I've heard that they ask if you're a convicted felon now.......
It's kinda sad that the morse code requirement was dropped but it made it easier to get my Extra. Gone are the days when you actually learned and USED electronics in ham radio. All that's left is memorization of the rules and practice exams. I've heard that they ask if you're a convicted felon now.......
No doubt ham radio is changing as is just about everything in electronics. The components are getting so small many require special equipment and techniques to work with. There still is a lot to mess around with and learn. One of my recent projects that turned out to be a lot of fun and a great learning project was setting up a DMR hotspot on a Raspberry Pi using one of the low cost MMDVM hats. Even had to do a little soldering so it seemed like it was legit.

Then there is antennas - lots to work with there.

Lots to learn on the operational side too.

Being a gadget guy there still seems to be a lot to mess around with on ham radio.
I just got my Technician License two weeks ago on a Saturday. My name & call sign was listed in the FCC database in less than two days. I am now about half way through studying for my General Class License. I can't wait to get on the air on HF !
73's from KD2WPA
Congrats. But I'm an Avalanche fan.
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I just got my Technician License two weeks ago on a Saturday. My name & call sign was listed in the FCC database in less than two days. I am now about half way through studying for my General Class License. I can't wait to get on the air on HF !
73's from KD2WPA
I just got my Technician License two weeks ago on a Saturday. My name & call sign was listed in the FCC database in less than two days. I am now about half way through studying for my General Class License. I can't wait to get on the air on HF !
73's from KD2WPA
Congratulations - keep going. The fun really starts on HF

Larry - N4LKY
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No really unless you're into contesting and checking into nets. Other than those 2 activities I don't get on HF much.
I will have to respectively disagree. There is a lot more to HF than those two activities...a lot more!
That is the great thing about this hobby(ham radio) so many things to do, there is something for everyone! :)
No really unless you're into contesting and checking into nets. Other than those 2 activities I don't get on HF much.
To each his own. However I like rag chewing to people around the country as well as the US. Hard to do that on VHF/UHF unless you use the internet (yes I know there are skips). Plus there are many more things that can be done. I still say the fun is on HF. But if that is not for you, then it isn't. There is still lots for you to do locally.
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SSTV from the ISS coming up!
