HA!!! The Yankees Lost!!!!! (YES N.)

Sean Mota said:
How much has every team spent since last title?

For the fifth year in a row, the Yankees general manager's words have turned out to be prophetic. The Bronx Bombers again finished the season with baseball's highest payroll -- and without a World Series title.

So have the Yankees spent more in five seasons than the Pirates have since their '79 We Are Family title? The answer is yes. Yankees owner George Steinbrenner has emptied $777 million out of his piggy bank in player salaries since 2000, while the Bucs have spent a relatively meager $529 million.

But where do the Yankees rank in terms of all 30 major-league franchises in payroll expenditures since their last World Series, or since the 1977 season? You'd expect them to be in the top five, right?

Wrong. Surprisingly, the Yanks come in at No. 13. The unsavory distinction of baseball's biggest money-waster goes to their rivals in Queens. The Mets have spent a shade more than $1 billion in payroll chasing another championship, which has eluded them for the past 19 years.

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Rk    Team                     Last Title    Years       Total Payroll Since Title (*Since '77) 
1.   New York Mets              1986        19                    $1.0 billion 
2.     Los Angeles Dodgers     1988         17                 $997 million 
3.     Texas Rangers            -- N/A                            *$938 million 
4.     Chicago Cubs             1908          97                *$907 million 
5.     San Francisco Giants      1954       51                  *$884 million 
6.    St. Louis Cardinals           1982       23                  $883 million 
7.   Baltimore Orioles              1983        22                   $881 million 
8.    Seattle Mariners           -- N/A                             *$842 million 
9.     Cleveland Indians          1948          57                 *$786 million 
10.   Houston Astros            -- N/A                           *$783 million 
11.  Atlanta Braves               1995         10                 $781 million 
12. Philadelphia Phillies          1980          25                 $778 million 
13. New York Yankees          2000          5                  $777 million 
14. Chicago White Sox         1917           88                *$748 million 
15. Detroit Tigers                1984         21                 $671 million

Great find and post. It is a bit misleading though. What I would like to see is it on a graph with spending year by year compared to % increase from year to year. What you may find is even though the cumulatives may be more for the top 10 teams, the increase in spending in the past 5-10 years may still be in favor of the yankees. The dynamics were much different in last say 1979 than 2005.

The problem with Baseball is not purely the Yankees per say, but the chase for the spending crown with no controls or caps. Diamondbacks and Marlins are great examples of the need to spend gobs to win. They won and had to gut the team the next year. In the years they first one their series, they actually lost money. So even though it may cost you millions to win, the real winners are the guys that spend the least in comparison to their revenue base. The Yankees are afforded a great revenue despite a 200 million cost. A small market team can be profitable too but then, they might only be able spend 40 million. There's a problem in MLB.
Great $ comparison but what you fail to mention is the Yankees spent that in 5 years and the mets did it in 19 years so in that projection the Yankees will spend 2.9 billion in the same period. Back to earlier in the forum last nights strike 3 call was a bad ump call since the ball never hit the dirt.
I brought the table and analysis to support my premise in my previous post -- just because your payroll is the highest in MLB or becasue you spend the most money does not guarantee a championship. I strongly believe that higher payroll and more spending only guarantees an invitation to the playoffs. You may ask why you need to spend money to get to the playoff. Well, the baseball season is long. There is 162 games in a season. In the course of the season, there are injuries to certain players that are catastrophic to teams. The more money they have the most likely the team could substitute for those players by having a safety net. This is only one reason. But also, it pays to have the best players in the regular season to win 90+ games. In the regular season, it is understood that pitching is very diluted. Every 5 games, a hitter may face 1 good pitcher but every 4 games he may see mediocre pitching which it is hitable.

In the playoffs this usually does not happen. Usually, in the playoffs the best team only make it. They usually are based on strong pitching and defense. So there is very little games that are blow outs and now you star player(s) are going to face 3 very good pitchers in a row. This is why some big players go on slumps in the playoffs and do not have time to adjust properly. This is also why in the playoffs anyone who makes it has a chance to win a series of 5 games of 7 games. Some of the factors I have already mentioned like -- Pitching and defense. But also, if the team was hot and played real good in the last few games of the season, is another factor. This last factor in combination with the other two are why we have seen so many Wild Card Teams winning the Championship since 1995. The Wild Card teams are usually playing for their lives at the end of the season while the divisional winners are usually just waiting. It was not the case this year with the Red Sox and Yankees. But look at past years and you will see those Wild Card Teams getting hot and carrying the momentum to the playoffs.

In nutshell, my theory is that $$$ does not buy championships. It buys you an invitation to the playoffs. But once in the playoffs we could see upsets of teams with smalller payroll. Of course, there are exception to the rules. Like the Marlins of 1997 but I haven't seen another one like that since 1995.
the table doesnt make any sense. are you saying the mets spent more money in 19 years then the yankees did in 5?????

of course they did. dont be a moron. where am i going wrong here?

why dont you compare what the mets paid for 19 years to what the yankees paid for 19 years? i dont think the results will be the same.

point is that the yankkess are the biggest spenders of all time. they obviously think they can buy a world championship and thank god they are wrong. at least for the last 5 years.
mdonnelly said:
You must have slept through the 70's. Then George took over and sleezed his way into prominence again.
Actually, they were contenders beginning in 74 (2nd place). In 75, they were 3rd place. In 76, 77, and 78, 1st place. Bad year in 79, but back to 1st place in 80 and 81. (FYI, they were also in 2nd place in 1970) So, for much of the 70's they were doing fine.

It was the 80's and early 90's that were unkind to the Yankees, despite their high payrolls.

The latter half of the 60's also sucked for them.
GaryPen said:
Actually, they were contenders beginning in 74 (2nd place). In 75, they were 3rd place. In 76, 77, and 78, 1st place. Bad year in 79, but back to 1st place in 80 and 81. (FYI, they were also in 2nd place in 1970) So, for much of the 70's they were doing fine.

It was the 80's and early 90's that were unkind to the Yankees, despite their high payrolls.

The latter half of the 60's also sucked for them.
Sorry, I've slept since then. Must have been thinking about the late '60s.
Sean Mota said:
How about that table? Does it tells you something that you did not want to believe?
As others have pointed out, it's completely worthless. It is comparing apples to vanilla.

Let's see what each team has spent in total since 1977 (when the numbers in that chart begin), and the total number of championships (LCS and WS) won during that period. I'm sure you will A. see a correlation between expenditure and success, and B. the Yankees FAR surpass any other team, including the often foolhardy spending of the far more lovable Mets.
yanks2402 said:
If more people understood how true that is, there would be so many less problems in sports. The reason people hate the Yankees is they are just jealous that their team (1)doesn't spend money on their team and (2) doesn't win because they don't spend money on the team. Perfect examples, Angels, White Sox and Astros all INCREASED spending on teams and look where they are. Don't hate the Yankees just because they have an owner that is willing to spend his money on the TEAM rather then just stuffing his pockets.
Couldn't agree more. I'm a Red Sox fan. I enjoy watching when the Sox and Yankees are in the ALCS. Now if Georgie or John Henry could teach Jacobs how to build a team, the Bruins may have a chance to win the cup. I'm not a diehard baseball fan, but I obviously watch when the Sox are in. With both of them out, I probably won't watch much of the ALCS or World Series. If the Yankees were still in, I'd watch. I'd watch, hoping to see them lose in the WS. I would guess ratings are up when the Yankees are playing, with most of the country tuning in, hoping to see them lose.
dont24 said:
I'm not a diehard baseball fan, but I obviously watch when the Sox are in. With both of them out, I probably won't watch much of the ALCS or World Series.

Not many people "will" watch if Chicago & Houston are in the series. That will be a ratings disaster.
Why is there hate against the Yankees? Hmmmm seems that the Yankees are envied! I sure dont envy them they have prooven that they will do anything to win! why would someone hate on that?
yanks2402 said:
The reason people hate the Yankees is they are just jealous that their team (1)doesn't spend money on their team and (2) doesn't win because they don't spend money on the team.
Not this people, pal. Ya see. I'm a baseball fan, not a winning-at-all-cost fan. There are many people just like me. We hate/dislike the Yankees specifically because of their owner, and the way he has basically ruined Major League Baseball. Because of his win-at-all-costs spending, he has made it nearly impossible to put together a contender without spending ridiculous sums of money.

Why do you think YES is so expensive for the carriers? Why do you think a f-ing hot dog and a beer will cost you $15? Or, a decent seat $40, $50 or more?

When I want to see decent baseball, and not pay an arm and a leg in the process, with players who play because they dig the game not the money, I go up to the Oakland Coloseum, and catch an A's game. Sure, it's the inferior AL with it's stupid DH. But, I prefer it to the $10 beers, $25 parking, and prima donna attitude of Barry Bonds over at SBC Park, as beautiful as it is.

The teams who don't spend the money are not the problem. It's the teams that do, who are the problem.

I know there are people who agree, or the Brooklyn Cyclones wouldn't sell out every game at their 7000 seat park. I would imagine it's similar for the SI Yankees. People want to see players who play "for the love of the game". If I want to see people who do their job for the love of money, I just have to go to Whitehouse.gov.
emdawgz1 said:
How are the Yanks an "Evil Empire"? Because he spends money? Love or Hate George, you have to admit, he's commited to winning. He could just as easily limit the Salaries to 100 mil and put the additional money in his pocket! Think about that 75-100 mil per season that he's spending and not banking. How mny people would do that!?

I live in phila, where thats just what ownership does. They swindled a new stadium out of the sucke.. i mean taxpayers, and they still wont invest in winning. It's ok w/ me i hate the phils. And i'm a giants fan so dont say that im pro yanks. I just dont think bashing them is fair either.

New York is the biggiest money making team in baseball. You can find yank fans all over the country he is spending that 75 to 100 mil on making more money.....anyway I think you guys know my views on the yanks!!!! :deadhorse

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