The H23/HR23 have a wideband tuner. If they had an internal BBC, they wouldn't work with SWM.
That's what I are just more specific than me....

My point was that BBC's aren't needed on the HR23 either way, SWiM or not.....
The H23/HR23 have a wideband tuner. If they had an internal BBC, they wouldn't work with SWM.
Now, I'm really confused ...
I thought in some applications you WOULD need the BBC's (non swm), now some are saying it's built in, if it's built in, then you would never need them....
We know we don't need them with a SWM set up.
Do we not need them at all now ????
Anyone have anything definate on this ?
this is a quote from tech bulletin from DTV
"BBCs are required on all non-SWiM jobs when an H24 (one BBC) or HR24 (two BBCs) is utilized."
NO!. I have a non-SWM installation and my HR23 does not require BBCs as it has the wide-band tuners. Re-read previous posts.
NO!. I have a non-SWM installation and my HR23 does not require BBCs as it has the wide-band tuners. Re-read previous posts.
You are talking about the 23 series, which doesn't need the bbcs. They are talking about the 24 series, which does need them without the SWM.
I incorrectly interpreted the statement as being for all non-SWM installs not just HR24s. The HR24 reference was used as the exception."BBCs are required on all non-SWiM jobs when an H24 (one BBC) or HR24 (two BBCs) is utilized."
you do not need BBC on hr24 SWM or NON SWM.
h24/hr24 do not have built in b band converters like the hr23/h23
they are ment for swm installs where band conversters are not needed. h/hr24 have built in deca and nothing more.
you do not need BBC on hr24 SWM or NON SWM.
Why is this so hard ?
Any SWM setups do NOT need BBC's
Any H/HR23's Do NOT need BBC's
Anything else, NOT SWM, Needs BBC's
The HR24'sDo NOT have BBC's built in, therefore you still need them without a SWM set up.
Why is this so hard ?
Any SWM setups do NOT need BBC's
Any H/HR23's Do NOT need BBC's
Anything else, NOT SWM, Needs BBC's
The HR24'sDo NOT have BBC's built in, therefore you still need them without a SWM set up.
I don't get it either Jimbo...I don't understand how this thread has gone on as long as it has!