Green screen


Original poster
Jan 26, 2013

I have a vip 211 hd receiver for about 8 years and for the last 2 weeks a have this daily problem: a green screen appears for a few minutes and this message appears "Acquiring signal" and second message appears: "Downloading program guide" the whole process take about 10 minutres before regular programming is back.
If it's acquiring signal and downloading program guide I doubt it's the HDMI cable. If you have unplugged the receiver and plugged it back in but still have this problem I would say the receiver is going bad. Get it replaced or upgrade to something new.
Do you have an EXT Hard Drive attached to it for DVR purposes? Maybe the hard drive is failing and is causing the receiver to act up.
I missed the "8 years" part, which would have ruled out the 211k, and many times when people just reference "211" they could be talking about the 211k. That's why I asked IF there was a HDD attached. My bad.
I had 2 vip211s when they first came out...was it 2006? One, connected to an external hard drive, is still good. I replaced the 2nd one with a vip722. The one that developed the green screen, lost signal, rebooting issue, gave out last year.
This morning my wife was cleaning up my home tethatre system and she accidentally touch a cable which was the HDMI of my receiver, and since then no more green screen, Is it going to happened again no one can tell.

IT's all over, finito, fini, my problem is like a boomerank it's keep coming back and this occurr last night, I'm buying a new one, thank for all your comments and advises.
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