Great review of BD Java

Like I said in the HD-DVD forum, the user's problem is that he is trying to play it on a Toshiba HD set. :)
ouch... $1000 and this kind of trouble?
the interactive extras on most discs will probably be slimmed down, unless they are just going to leave current gen players in the dust. of course, they might just be able to fix it with a better firmware update, but who knows?
apart from the price, it's enough for me to hold off on purchasing blu-ray.
That is great. Wonder if Bill Hunt has seen this yet when he declared BD the best.
Didn't have any problem watching it on my player (sammy 1200):D
yeah, I was wondering who exactly looks forward to the games on these DVD's. Granted it's supposed to work flawlessly, but interactive stuff on CD/DVD has only worked well on 1 system I have every seen. Philips CD-I systems. Other than that, every attempt since has sucked and I suspect will continue to suck.
yeah, I was wondering who exactly looks forward to the games on these DVD's. Granted it's supposed to work flawlessly, but interactive stuff on CD/DVD has only worked well on 1 system I have every seen. Philips CD-I systems. Other than that, every attempt since has sucked and I suspect will continue to suck.

As long as the movie doesn't suck ! :)
yeah, I was wondering who exactly looks forward to the games on these DVD's. Granted it's supposed to work flawlessly, but interactive stuff on CD/DVD has only worked well on 1 system I have every seen. Philips CD-I systems. Other than that, every attempt since has sucked and I suspect will continue to suck.

Every menu/interactive feature I've ever used on a DVD has worked, and I've had, gee.... I dunno.. about 8 different DVD players!!??
Seems like a lame defense for BD.
Every menu/interactive feature I've ever used on a DVD has worked, and I've had, gee.... I dunno.. about 8 different DVD players!!??
Seems like a lame defense for BD.

s8ist, I don't think you understand what I meant, no big deal, I'm just not going to explain it. It has nothing to do with players (which I've had about 20 different kinds if you count my recent HD-DVD player purchase) just the interactivity features on discs. I have never had one except Philips CD-I that worked as advertised 100%.

I'm no BD defender either, read my posts. I'm mostly anti-sony and it has nothing to do with BD. When I buy a movie, I don't buy it for interactive features or even special features. Like JMD, I buy it for the movie, not the games.
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The game works fine on the PS3. I have to admit that I never try these type of things but I thought I would see if it worked. It does. Pretty fast load time as well.
Lame thread...lame subject...if there were a post for every BD or HD-DVD problem we couldn't get through them all. It's just another sad, sad little something to throw up on the board. Listen everyone, HD-DVD is great for now. BD is great for now. If someone "wins" we will al go out and replace the losers equipment. By the time someone does win, we will all be ready for a new one anyway. I don't understand the ill will or th petty nonsence that gets posted, unless I am missing out on what some consider witty posts?
yeah, I was wondering who exactly looks forward to the games on these DVD's. Granted it's supposed to work flawlessly, but interactive stuff on CD/DVD has only worked well on 1 system I have every seen. Philips CD-I systems. Other than that, every attempt since has sucked and I suspect will continue to suck.
With the ethernet connection on HD DVD's I am anxious to play one.

HD-DVD #1 player at Amazon!

Blu-ray now outselling HD-DVD by 3 to 1

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