Once again for the billionth time it's not about HD DVD or BD technology. It's mostly the same as far as HD experience. My gripe is the way $ony/BD is administering the technology and their pricing. No arguing here just banter.
I won't defend Sony........they have done unethical crap in the past. But so has Microsoft, Toshiba and a myriad of other CE companies. You say that it's not about HD DVD or BD technology..........but it is, and we are just now realizing the true potential of BD. All discs will be authored to the highest quality without limitations. (Higher bit rate audio and video) We may even get to see more options for users...........Like the new BD release of Top Gun which will have Dolby True HD and DTS HD MA tracks on it. Heck the more versatility the better. The bottom line is, BD is the better technology. If it wasn't Universal and Paramount wouldn't bother to spend the money to upgrade several titles. (Top Gun, Transformers and the Mummy) Many more to come.