Great News - Voom Is Here To Stay!!

who_the said:
So what is the capacity of the 16 transponders Voom has rights to on AMC-6 (Rainbow 2)? Could they move over all of their programming?

I posted the form 10 filing which includes 13 tps and up to 24 tps if they decide to execute a lease.
Thanks lady!! My name is actually Paul! too funny!

Listen... Voom had to get smart by seeing all these new TV commercials out and news releases how people now with their new superbowl HD TV's want HD! DIRECTV commercial, and Comcast commercial during the superbowl!

You know what... I think Voom needed free publicity, and they sure as hell got it by telling everyone they may go belly up. Then all the people who never heard of Voom, all of a sudden said, WAIT, there's a service where i can get like 30 HD channels!
Sean Mota said:
I am told that there is someone else involved in the deal and that a saviour has arrived and there will be more news to come.

As I said Sean, the Fat Lady is still singing. :) :D ;) :yes
I hope VOOM does the MPEG4 migration at the same time. In that way, when the installer comes to re-position the dish, it will also bring in the MPEG4 module.
voombot said:
breath as in you need to take a rest or breath like you are going to jump in something huge!!!! im so excited i can bearly work :bounce

Breathe as in stop holding our breaths! This is great news!! Then take a breath and get back to work!! :D :up :D
"VOOM has met with critical acclaim and strong enthusiasm among its customers..."

Perhaps in a small way, the letters sent to Chuck Dolan may have helped out. The article did mention "strong enthusiasm" from Voom customers…
Will VOOM sign a deal with Dish Network just like SkyAngel has a deal with Dish Network on 61.5?
joep said:
"VOOM has met with critical acclaim and strong enthusiasm among its customers..."

Perhaps in a small way, the letters sent to Chuck Dolan may have helped out. The article did mention "strong enthusiasm" from Voom customers…
You read my mind. I was going to point out the same observation :)
I'm not a Voom dude but I am enjoying watching the crazy ride and hope in any event that we the consumer's collectivly can win just a wee bit some how.
So can all the channels we get now fit on Rainbow 2?? I never paid any attention to how many channels could fit on each transponder. And please more info on when and if we get the DVR....the other news is fantastic about the private company buying the stuff that Dish didn't get any hint on who the private investor with deep pockets is??
Let's all post something positive for awhile,the more providers that are out there makes the market good for all,the best of luck to the Dolans,at least 2 of them,this man has a dream(I'am sure money is involved)but it takes people like this to make things happen ,if we sit around and wait for the FCC to get things rolling it will get pushed on for ever and they will always find a excuse for not delivering more HD content,let the locals do more analog for 2 more years--4more years---8 more years remember Clinton(nothing against him)medical insurance for all--Go Charles Dolan---I don't have much,but if I felt that 1000.00 would get things straight--got the pen and the check book--send me the address--it's on it's way and I won't be a leach--I'll keep paying my bill.
Ever been to a 5 star resturant where the main course is a rib,carrot,beet,radish,and some sauce dribbled around the edge for 60.00--Go VOOM
Ok, let me take my statement back. I was getting confused information. The saviour is Dolan and there's not more information than this. How is he going to finance everything is the question now but for now enjoy the good news. VOOM is alive 21 days after Rainbow 1 sale.

Guys watch HDNEWS they are talking about CableVison and Voom and these is good news. :D

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