Got a Sprint Mogul (6800) for only $288.99

I have Alltel and they don't have that SERO plan of course. I have never tethered either so we shall see what happans when I get mine because I plan on tethering with the new phone since it won't cost me minutes on my plan.
My phone is through work as I mentioned previously so I'm not sure about the SERO plan. I'll try the reg hack this evening. BTW, I'm getting the error 67 prior to plugging the 6800 into the USB, just to clarify what I had said earlier after I tried it again.

There aren't any settings that need to be adjusted on the laptop are there? Also, I keep reading about a MLS or something number you need from SPRINT. When is that required?
Some SERO users get that error message on their phones and need to do the registry change to make it work.

I am on SERO but have not had an issue.
Did the reg edit and that was the ticket. Thanks guys!!!!!

Remove the "optional, do a search" in step #1 of the directions I posted and that's all it takes.

Just did a speed test on and I'm averaging around 1100 down/110 up. Not as fast as some, but I'm not overly concerned about the speed....just happy to have the option to connect!

Thanks again!
Doing my first post from my new mogul. Thanks for the info and reccomendation guys.

Now I have to learn all the things this puppy can do
Lots of cool stuff. Just start digging and installing apps. Get the feeling for what you like. Then I'll get you into custom ROM cooking if you want.

I never put mine down. Even listen to the podcats with it.
The short list is what it can't do:

Here are two I discovered.

1. Can't make a simple 3 rd party call or conference call when you initiate the first call. First of all the Phone instructions say you push the hold key. Well there is no hold key available! We determined that you push talk while in the first conversation, but this only works on inbound calls, not when you initiate the first call. Therefore there is no way to do a 3rd party or 3 way call on the XV6800 because you don't have a hold button to use.

2. Blue tooth bug- On the old XV6700 you could use the Blue tooth hands free set like an H700 Motorola to listen to the windows media player and others to hear podcasts by running WMP and then pushing the button on the ear piece 2 times. When a phone call came in it would pause the WMP and take the call. On the XV6800 the sound begins and stays for about 30 seconds and then drops out. It won't stay connected. I have not tried any stereo BT headphones yet.
Ok, I have a problem with sync on this new phone. It sync's all my appointments and stuff but it doesn't do my contacts for some reason. Any hints as to what I am doing wrong? I am going from the 6700 to the 6800 now.
I have the 6800 Mogul from Sprint, fortunately I have a friend that works for Sprint and I got 15.00 500 anytime minutes unlmited everything else. . . which is great for me. . . plus I got the Touch program loaded on my Mogul phone which makes the phone 100% better...I can do anything with this phone. . I love it! Find a friend that works for Sprint and get a great deal I only paid 155.00 for my phone. . .
Never mind. I rebooted the phone and somehow it left out the contacts as one of the items to sync after I rebooted it. I know it was in there before. Oh well.
How are you guys using this phone as a modem for your laptop? Do I need to install something on the phone in order to tether it?
I haven't used the phone that way yet. I would assume that there is a program that you have to download but I don't know what though. I had a friend send me some program when I tried to play xbox live from my phone but it didn't work, I think you can just don't have the programs.
Scroll back a bit. I posted a link to a PPCGeeks thread.

I use the WMWifiRouter app.

I don't see the download for it.

Also I can't use that ROM you posted since it's for Sprint users only. Mine has the latest ROM which is back in Sept.
You can try my directions if you wish to use a USB cable to tether. You'll have to download a registry editing program to tweak a few items, but that's all you'll need.
I don't see the download for it.

Also I can't use that ROM you posted since it's for Sprint users only. Mine has the latest ROM which is back in Sept.

No it's not... build your own Alltel one with the DCD 3.01 kitchen. You'll be good to go.

Make sure you flash Olipro 2.40 to it first to unlock the phone. Then I'd flash the new stock Sprint ROM to get the radio on the unit. Then flash the DCD 3.01 Alltel ROM.

WMWifiRouter is a commercial app now but you can find the older ones around. If not PM me and I'll email it to you.
What case do you guys use? The person I bought it from didn't give me the original and the one they gave me is 2x the size of the phone.
Anyone else with the new GPS features on the Mogul using the NAVIZON program to earn some cash while driving around?

I got my first $20 today and I've only had the program installed about 5 days. Luckily for me, my area doesn't seem to be well mapped, so I get alot of pts for "new" stuff.

Anyways, take a look, it works pretty well and since I'm driving anyways to and from work, might as well turn it on to get some pts.

Here's 2 links:
This one is with my referral ID in it, If you want to sign up and use me as a referrer (I get a bonus based on what you upload)
Referral link

If you don't want to say you were referred by me, by all means, use the next link. I won't take it personally, I just think it's a pretty neat little idea and it's free to use and I can attest that I actually did get paid. (gotta do something to offset gas prices)
Navizon - Virtual GPS for mobile devices and laptop computers

Btw, with the mogul and the new ROM, I set the GPS setting to use COM4 at 4800 and it works great.

Almost forgot, I created a Satelliteguys.US user/buddy group on the navizon site. Be sure to join that if you start using Navizon.