Got a Sprint Mogul (6800) for only $288.99

No slingbox here... Are you going to make me buy another toy, Scott? ;)
I dont know...

I like it because I can watch and CONTROL my Dish 622, my Bell ExpressVu 6200, my Fortec Mercury II plus watch cable TV.

Its like having all my satellite toys no matter where I am located.
I have been using the Bluetooth with no problems with a Motorola Bluetooth headset, the volume is about as loud as it was on the 6700 if not a few hairs louder.

I did have a problem with memory when I first got the phone, however this issue was solved by loading X Button on the phone. Also the new firmware seemed to help as well. I have not got an out of memory area since then.

I have not had any problems with the camera, in fact I am surprised how good some of the pictures look from a camera phone. :)

Sprint is not for everyone, but for me I looked at their coverage areas and where I go and found that I should not have a problem anywhere I go. :)
My Mogul was just delivered at the house...less than 24 hour turnaround. I can't wait to break it out of the box this evening.:)

Wow...that was quicker than I got mine.

I turned on the flash on the camera for the first time this evening. The words "That's sick!" immediately came out of my mouth. The light stays on while you are taking the picture and gets brighter when the photo is taken. That thing is bright!! WOW

I started playing with some of the tweaks, themes, etc. I'm still like a kid in a candy store as I try new things out. I loaded a few MP3's on my storage card and was really impressed with the sound quality of the player. I received a phone call, it paused the music, fed the sound in my headphones, and after I completed the call the music started again. It sure sounds weird talking to someone on the phone with them in both of your ears.

A cool application to play with is "MyCast your digital media with Orb 2.0 remote pc access software" , install and configure the client on your PC. Browse to the site on the Mogul and you can listen to all of your audio files, watch your videos, view pictures, view documents, etc. It sure was neat watching some BubbaRaw videos in very decent quality on my Mogul when the file was on my PC at home. I just can't seem to put this phone down...and the funny thing is I've only used about 20 minutes of actual phone calls so far. It's all about the data....

The is also another nice treat. I used it the yesterday to set a recording of a show for the wife on the HTPC. I can't count how many times I wished I could logged into my HTPC to setup a timer to record a show. Not anymore.
OK, I've spent 24 hours or so debating upgrading from my 6700 to the 6800 and I'm actually leaning against it. I've figured my net cost difference to be about $100, so the financial is not a factor.

Here is what I see to be improved/worse from reading and playing with it at the sprint store:

Better screen - noticably brighter
Less damage risk - worthless antenna nub gone, screen is more recessed, 5-way button design is better
Faster response time around the board on everything - but still less than a second difference for most things I tried.
Slightly faster EVDO performance.
And obviosly the windows mobile 6 features
Battery about 10% better
Slightly thinner ~20%

keyboard keys smaller
very poor design on battery cover - it WILL break
No cradle, weird USB splitter / headset adapter
New microSD - have to buy a different memory card
BIGGEST - NO DATA TETHERING! (without third party slower apps)
I'd lose my 3600mah extended battery - they are different from 6700 to 6800 - and no extended battery available for the 6800 yet.

Anyone else notice any improvements I should consider, to me it seems disappointing - we waited 2 years for this upgrade - and there isn't much there but cosmetics.
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OK, I've spent 24 hours or so debating upgrading from my 6700 to the 6800 and I'm actually leaning against it. I've figured my net cost difference to be about $100, so the financial is not a factor.

Here is what I see to be improved/worse from reading and playing with it at the sprint store:

Better screen - noticably brighter
Less damage risk - worthless antenna nub gone, screen is more recessed, 5-way button design is better
Faster response time around the board on everything - but still less than a second difference for most things I tried.
Slightly faster EVDO performance.
And obviosly the windows mobile 6 features
Battery about 10% better
Slightly thinner ~20%

keyboard keys smaller
very poor design on battery cover - it WILL break
No cradle, weird USB splitter / headset adapter
New miniSD - have to buy a different memory card
BIGGEST - NO DATA TETHERING! (without third party slower apps)
I'd lose my 3600mah extended battery - they are different from 6700 to 6800 - and no extended battery available for the 6800 yet.

Anyone else notice any improvements I should consider, to me it seems disappointing - we waited 2 years for this upgrade - and there isn't much there but cosmetics.

This should be MicroSD.
You dont need 3rd party apps to teather, only a simple registry edit. ;)

The phone comes with a 512MB MicroSD card.

The fact that its upgradable to EDVO REV A is a big plus, plus my total monthly bill with Sprint is $49 a month, I was paying that a month just for data service on my 6700 on a much slower network.

When I read the specs at first I didn't think it was worth it to upgrade, but now that I got it, it blows the 6700 away.
I didn't get much time to play with it last night (the Mogul that is), but so far I am impressed with the device. I only had time to make a couple calls, add a couple items to my personal schedule, and use the Internet for 15 minutes. One thing I noticed was how slow it was surfing with IE Mobile...however, I am a few miles outside the city and noticed the display said 1X. On my drive into work, I used it to view SatGuys PDA page and sports scores and it was in Ev mode...much, much faster.

I am setting up a new Linksys router this evening and plan to setup email and a few other features on the Mogul while I am at it. Question from the new PDA idiot. What does everyone use to reachback to their home PC? I currently use tightVNC and stunnel from my I have to use remote desktop? I am proficient with many operating systems, but I must admit that I just learning about this Windows Mobile device.
I didn't get much time to play with it last night (the Mogul that is), but so far I am impressed with the device. I only had time to make a couple calls, add a couple items to my personal schedule, and use the Internet for 15 minutes. One thing I noticed was how slow it was surfing with IE Mobile...however, I am a few miles outside the city and noticed the display said 1X. On my drive into work, I used it to view SatGuys PDA page and sports scores and it was in Ev mode...much, much faster.

I am setting up a new Linksys router this evening and plan to setup email and a few other features on the Mogul while I am at it. Question from the new PDA idiot. What does everyone use to reachback to their home PC? I currently use tightVNC and stunnel from my I have to use remote desktop? I am proficient with many operating systems, but I must admit that I just learning about this Windows Mobile device.

Ditto on the - awesome free app and works very well on the Mogul. I can run the uplink reports from the road now!

1X tops out at 144k or so if I remember right. Try setting the phone to Roam Only while you at home to see if you can get a EVDO signal, or just use the wireless lan. The Mogul supports EVDO roaming, and from all the research I've on other forums, the SERO accounts do not get charged extra for data roaming since we have the unlimited data plans.
I just got my email back from Sprint ecare that I sent yesterday requesting the unlimited text messaging for free on SERO. They added it! Awesome!

On another note, compared to the IPhone I'd definitely say the IPhone doesn't come close to touching this phone!
i had sprintpcs about 3 years ago. until you try to travel with it and if you go just 500 feet off the interstate i would lose my signal totally. I would not lose my verizon wireless phone for anything. I dont care what phone another company offers i would rather wait for it to come to verizon or just deal with what they do have. NO one can compare to what coverage that verizon does offer.
I just got my email back from Sprint ecare that I sent yesterday requesting the unlimited text messaging for free on SERO. They added it! Awesome!

On another note, compared to the IPhone I'd definitely say the IPhone doesn't come close to touching this phone!
Free...for how long? Do you mind forwarding the email my way so I can receive the same deal?
Sprint is the only carrier with high speed data in my area at all, so that is a no brainer. There were some nice improvements on the 6800 - especially cosmetically, but I guess I was hoping for more. It didn't seem much faster than a tweaked 6700, data was very similiar (very fast on both).

Biggest holdback I'm worried about is battery life. With my big extended battery I can go 2 full days under heavy data use. With the original battery on the 6700, I would die by 5pm, sometimes sooner. I often work until 9/10pm, so even the 10% bigger capacity wouldn't work for me, and I'm never in a place where I can just charge it for a while. Max desk time I get is 10 minutes here and there.
Clue to 6800 superiority over 6700-

How often do you need to reset/reboot the phone? I have to do my 6700 2x per day, once during the backup routine at 4 AM each day and #2 ususlly sometime mid afternoon depending on how hard I'm using it that day.

The solution to battery life is simple, swap out the battery. Keep a charged one with you. I made my belt case so it would carry a second spare at all times. Then I have the dual battery charger which was one of UTStarcom's more brilliant ideas.
I have only rebooted my phone three times since getting it on Friday. One time it locked up on email notification (and the phone kept vibrating) another time when I applied the new ROM and another time after I loaded a program on the phone and it needed to be rebooted to start the program.

I use to have to reboot my 6700 at least once a day, so this is a big step forward.
Gee, did they shut this down? This is what I get when I try to access this offer now.

"Access Denied

You may be trying to access a private offer or shopping area on Please confirm that the link you entered is correct.

We apologize for the inconvenience. If you feel you have received this message in error, please contact us at 1-877-618-5606.

NOTE: If your computer is running an Antivirus software package, such as Norton Internet Security Pro® or Zone Alarm Pro®, you may choose to follow these steps to adjust your privacy settings to gain access to this website."