Got a BAD install?

Diesel Dog

Original poster
May 19, 2004
Las Vegas NV.
I'm in Las Vegas NV. I had VOOM installed last Friday May 14th. I have been with D* since 95 and that system had been flawless. I have been building my home theater system for 14 months and it is time to step up to HD.

The installer arrived ontime and was a nice person. He checked out my D* setup and OTA rig in garage attic. I was pleased when he told me he could use my existing satellite mount because I have the coax buried in PVC to the house and you hardly notice the dish is out there. I began working with the Stealth in the attic and he went to work on the dish swap. We both finished in less than 30 minutes. I went out back to see the VOOM dish and he had it pointed directly at the side of the house! I asked him if that was going to work and he said that he had a good signal. Sure enough, the signal meter showed 95 solid on the VOOM box and all channels looked great so I flipped him a $40 tip and he was gone in less than an hour.

About an hour after the installer left the picture started freezing up with pixels following. Another hour later the system is unuseable except for OTA channels which work very well. This occured until around 8 pm and improved till 9 pm when I had a very steady signal of 94. That was Friday. Saturday, Sunday and every day since I get the same effect- signal starts becoming unstable around 3 pm and will stabalize around 9 pm. When the dish works I have a very stable 94-95 signal but between 3 and 9 pm the signal will bounce around very fast between mid 80's and ZERO! Sometimes the picture will freeze for 20 seconds or more and will be frozen 90% of the time with pixels 5% and picture 5%.

The VOOM dish is about 25-30 feet away from the house and is pointed DEAD CENTER at the house. I can't figure why it works so perfect in the AM and then can do nothing in the evening. The past two days, Wednesday and Thursday, have been windy and the satellite has not worked much at all.

I called VOOM c/s on Monday 5/ 17 and we did all the resets and stuff but no change good or bad so they said they would roll a service truck. I had not heard from anyone so today, Thursday, I called the installers company but got a recorder so left a message and they have not called back. Then tonight I called VOOM again and they told me they couldn't get me scheduled untill Monday 5/24! That's a week from first contact! If I ran a company this way it would certainly go broke. I mean you need word-of-mouth going to build a business like this, isn't that what we are doing here? I have 3 people at work that can't wait to see VOOM in action and about 5 more friends and neighbors that will buy the VOOM system if they see mine work during prime-time but so far I have not been able to invite any of them over because the VOOM system will not work in the evening. At this point I have to tell you I have a VERY high-end home theater system and everyone that sees it will not leave. My grand daughter brings her friends and DVDs over to watch because "it's better than the movies grandpa".

Anyway I figure I have two options: attempt to put VOOM dish on roof this weekend myself and see if better LOS helps or go to Best Buy and get the triple dish and HD reciever for D* and hook up a system that has been great for the past 9 years. I really like the VOOM system when it works but I'm not laying out $111.41 a month for something that doesn't work untill I am asleep to a company that can't seem to respond to a problem.

Thanks for listening and if you have any suggestions or advice I would like to hear it. I really love the VOOM service when it works and would like to keep it but I'm going Hi-Def this month-- with or without VOOM.

BTW- I am on DVI wire but have tried component and even composite and they all freeze the same so I'm sure it's not the equipment but am sure the signal is wierd in the pm.

DD :cool:
Sorry to hear you have to wait so long, I am sure it will all work out in the end, very often the elevation angle looks like it should not work, but because of the steep angle and design of an off set dish it can "see" over many obstacles in its way.... here is a web site where you can work out if it has a clear line of sight over the house, works for all satellite systems, if it works out the house is not the problem, then it must be a bad connection, or interference from some electronic gadget that is close by to the dish or cable that is in use at the hours in question? Its a tough one! They have also had a few bad receivers, hang on in there and they will get it right, progress sometimes comes at a cost, good luck!
Thanks for the info Pete, I have twice the distance I need for clearance. As far as electronics go, nothing has changed from the D* setup. All cables lay in same place and no electric devices around except for the other theater components, DVD, VCR, audio receiver and speakers. I have tried turning off each of these one at a time and see no change in signal.

Talked to VOOM c/s again 10am today and they promised to contact the installer and call me right back with a time for service call. It is 3pm and they have not called. I do not expect to hear from anyone this week- if ever. VOOM c/s did say they will give me a free month for my trouble- - - but that isn't worth anything if I can't see the picture or hear the sound.

I may try getting a new coax and just lay it on ground to see if that helps, but that still would not explain why I have great signal in am and terrible signal in pm.

Boy I wish this thing would work, I really like it when it does!

Diesel Dog said:
still would not explain why I have great signal in am and terrible signal in pm.

Boy I wish this thing would work, I really like it when it does!

When a service tech actually does show, have them swap the LNB. LNB's are basically switches. The change in temp. from day and night can cause the LNB to lock-up. It can happen with all LNB's, not just VOOM. It's probably not a line-of-site issue. If you receive a signal, even sometimes, your OK. However, if you have leafy trees in the line-of-site, during the PM hours, the branches and leaves can "droop" and I've seen that cause this problem.

Good luck
my installer gave me a date of may 24 in durham n.c. i called and told them that something needed to be done before that and sure enough they were out here the next night.did not have a signal at i would try to call and raise and do the same and see if that works

I feel really stupid about this, but I'm gonna come clean in case someone reading might learn from my mistake.

BTW, sat4me was dead on! I mean he had this problem nailed and I only wish he had been my installer.

Here is the story: I went out to the back yard Friday evening after the signal started doing it's usual thing to lay a new coax from dish to stb. The dish is up on a pony wall and is 5 feet higher than ground level. I climed up on the wall to unhook the coax and my wife yelled out from in the house how completely dead the TV went when I unhooked the coax, but I had not disconnected it yet. I thought back a few seconds and realized I had not even gotten directly in front of the dish yet but perhaps my shirt sleeve had. We busted out the walky-talkys and soon learned that anything at all in front of the dish would knock the heck out of the signal strength. Just sticking one finger in the side of the dish would cause picture freeze. Hmmm! OK, now I know how sensitive this thing is. I could stand in front of the D* dish and nothing would happen.

I got around behind the VOOM dish and stared in the direction it was aimed. A small Shoestring Acacia tree about 6-7 feet to the side of line of sight had one small limb blowing into LOS when the wind gusted! This limb was so small I could have eaten it on my salad, but I had just learned that even my finger in the dish caused signal drop.

The tree has been given the ultimate haircut and my VOOM has been smokin since!!

The temperature in the desert here swings 30-40 degrees between night and day. This causes some swirling breezes during heating and cooling periods. The afternoon cooling period was causeing the tree branch to enter the line of sight zone and resulting signal loss. I can't really blame the installer, when the wind is calm that tree was way far enough away. And just looking at the limb you would not think it was large enough to cause the headaches it was causing.

If your dish is on the ground just remember, even your pet's tail can cause the signal to drop! A small limb will ruin the whole deal.

I have been trying to contact the installer company to release the service call but they don't return messages- - I guess they will figure it out when they come and nobody is home! You guys who make a living installing these things can learn something here too- - RETURN YOUR CUSTOMER'S CALLS!!!!!

Thanks to everyone who took time to read all of this, I hope you learned from my mistake. And a great big thank you to PSB and sat4me for your help, sat4me you were right on!

I am a very happy VOOMER now!

Diesel Dog said:

BTW, sat4me was dead on! I mean he had this problem nailed and I only wish he had been my installer.

And a great big thank you to PSB and sat4me for your help, sat4me you were right on!

I am a very happy VOOMER now!

Awesome, nothing makes my day then to help someone out. That old branch problem, especially this time of the year is a constant problem, and I hope others will now know what to look for.
Enjoy your VOOMin' :D

Orange lights

Problem Solved--I'm VOOMIN!!

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