Good FTA HD channels & receiver

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I would stay away from the Pansat 9200 HD - The DVR function is worthless, and in my opinion it creates an excessive amount of heat on a specific transister. Hot enough to burn the skin on your hand. I added an internal fan to resolve this issue for me, however any one who knows any thing about semiconductors and heat will tell you this has diminished its life expectancy.
I haven't tried the PVR on mine so I can't vouch for that. Mine doesn't get overly hot.

The only thing I don't like about it is that it responds to other remote controls quite frequently. At least mine does.
Boomer its funny you mention that. My Pansat 9200 HD remote turns off my Haier window air conditioner. lol
Boomer its funny you mention that. My remote turns off my air conditioner. lol

Your pansat remote? Well now that's interesting. Sometimes I swear my Pansat responds better to other remotes than to it's own.

to the op I am really sorry you have had issues. But I still don't understand why people drop hundreds of dollars on a FTA receiver without doing some research. I'm not blaming you for having issues but I hate to say it that most specs on a receiver chart are usually bunk and unless you have physically tried it you should take everything with a grain of salt. I know that sounds harsh (and sad) but its true.


so I guess you can't say its defective if it didnt show it in the features? Now I do see it says DVB-S2 but is that standard or optional? I know the Pansat 9200 said in the original specs DVB-S2 and PVR capable but they didnt mention you needed a 2nd card in it and PVR was optional after a few software upgrades.

I'm happy you got the receiver sold and I guess we all live and learn :)
I did do my research before I ordered the VS Max. I downloaded the manual and on page 26 it describes blind scan and even shows a screen with the transponders it found! That was convincing evidence for me.

Now look at page 37 of the manual. It says 'DVB-S2 : 10-30 Ms/s (QPSK), 10-31
Ms/s (8PSK)'. No mention anywhere of an optional module requirement. I had no idea an 'optional' module even existed when I ordered it.

I got scr*wed because I trusted the manufacturers specs and the user manual. That paints a pretty sorry state of affairs for the manufacturer.
I did do my research before I ordered the VS Max. I downloaded the manual and on page 26 it describes blind scan and even shows a screen with the transponders it found! That was convincing evidence for me.
I dug around in the sewer to find the manual and what is weird is yes they show a blind scan screen but other than there its not listed anywhere as a feature....very odd

Now look at page 37 of the manual. It says 'DVB-S2 : 10-30 Ms/s (QPSK), 10-31
Ms/s (8PSK)'. No mention anywhere of an optional module requirement. I had no idea an 'optional' module even existed when I ordered it.

did you tried a few different options in the menu setup to confirm that DVB-S2 doesnt work?
I dug around in the sewer to find the manual and what is weird is yes they show a blind scan screen but other than there its not listed anywhere as a feature....very odd
Sewer? :hungry: The manual is at the ViewSat website at h**p:// . Maybe blind scan worked in release 1.00 when they made the manual. I tried 1.05 and 1.07 (when after several hours I was finally able to get the USB firmware update feature to work)

did you try a few different options in the menu setup to confirm that DVB-S2 doesnt work?
I checked all the menus and there was no setting for DVB-S2. And when Robert from GoSatellite called me, he confirmed that DVB-S2 required an add-on module.

So now, thanks to some posts in this thread, I have gotten some valuable information here about the Coolsat 8100 HD and the Pansat 9200 to make an informed decision about what to purchase. Coolsat is it.

Now the question is where to purchase it? Anyone have recommendations on which dealer to order from? TIA
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brettbolt if you are considering the Pansat 9200HD please consider my comments about the broken PVR, if having the ability to record is important to you.
brettbolt if you are considering the Pansat 9200HD please consider my comments about the broken PVR, if having the ability to record is important to you.
We must have been typing at the same time. I edited my post a minute ago to show that I chose the Coolsat. That decision is largely due to your input - thanks.
I just checked 'Ricks satellite' and they dont carry CoolSat. Any dealer recommendations or should I roll the dice and try eBay?
I have purchased from cyberestore before using the Google Payment method. You may want to check and see if they carry it.
Your pansat remote? Well now that's interesting. Sometimes I swear my Pansat responds better to other remotes than to it's own.
Mine had this problem too, but only with the remote to a POS Audiovox 26" LCD TV that has since been replaced with a Sony. In my den I have the 9200, CS8000, DSR920, DSR4200, and Dish VIP222 and it doesn't respond to any of those. I guess it depends on the remote's "frequency"?:rolleyes:
....I still don't understand why people drop hundreds of dollars on a FTA receiver without doing some research. I'm not blaming you for having issues but I hate to say it that most specs on a receiver chart are usually bunk and unless you have physically tried it you should take everything with a grain of salt. I know that sounds harsh (and sad) but its true.
I agree 100%! -Read alot and ask questions here. I got lots of help on my receiver decisions, from members who have the units, and I'm happy with the equipment I have!:)
Sewer? :hungry: The manual is at the ViewSat website at h**p:// . Maybe blind scan worked in release 1.00 when they made the manual. I tried 1.05 and 1.07 (when after several hours I was finally able to get the USB firmware update feature to work)
huh...I guess going to the manufacturers site would have been better ;)

I checked all the menus and there was no setting for DVB-S2. And when Robert from GoSatellite called me, he confirmed that DVB-S2 required an add-on module.
well that sucks. So its like the 9200 then with the add on adapter
I am glad to see someone has had good luck with gosatellite. That is the first GOOD report I have READ on them. Everything I HAVE READ has been negative. I personnally will not buy from them. They did not respond to a registered letter from me. My Business refused a Mercury II receiver from Canada from them with $105 customs charge, Yes, I was only 65 miles from Canada and could have driven (actually stopped in) to Surrey and picked it up and brought it across the border legally with out paying customs (I was there for a 3 day conference)....

But enogh off topic.
I had GOOD luck with GoSatellite, a couple years ago. They negotiated a warranty replacement for me with the manufacturer, on a dead receiver. I must admit that I've heard mostly negative reports , though.
Part of it, I'm sure, is that they cater mostly to pirates who constantly reload their receiver, thus increasing the chance of it being corrupted, and unuseable. With their primary clientele, I'd be leery , too. I think Rob is probably the exception over there, and will help when he can.
Would be nice if there was a "do all" box. I think the "do-all" these days will be our computers.

It's certainly that way right now. The problems there include, they are much harder to use than a STB. Even if you can still do other things with your pc, i.e. web surf the satguys site at the same time, it still consumes some of your resources. Building a pc just for the TV isn't cheap either. Last I knew pc cards didn't blind scan. Not sure if that has changed or not. There are probably other things I'm leaving out as well.
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