Another annoying thing about the broadcast was that it would black out sporadically, and when it WAS on, on the very top of the screen there were these really small white numbers that looked like a moving time stamp thing, like what you see on a raw television feed. I think the issue lasted for a while, like even in the afternoon. Of course, no one watches NBC in the afternoon on a sunday, so I guess no one really knew or cared about it until 7pm. There was no HD throughout the entire Football Night in America (and the feed would black out sporadically) and I don't think the HD came back until the 2nd quarter.
Actually Jimbo I moved from up north five years ago and one of the main reasons was snow. Had enough and don't care if I ever see it again.I grew up in the South/Southwest and me and cold weather just don't fit together well. Of course, as of May I'm now semi-retired and work as a consultant out of my house. When I did live in snow country I had to drive 23 miles to work and that I can do without. I guess I could get into a little snow at Christmas and not having to drive to work in the stuff but also enjoy being able sitting on the patio around the pool 300+ days a year.
Lived in the SW & SE for well over a decade each. I will take SW hot over SE heat and humidity ANY day, EVERY day!
90+ humidity is DEATH vs even 105 in the SW.