It seems if you wait long enough a list will soon develop. I have a 1m dish heading my way so adding a third to my two are in the cards. One question though, how many dish's constitute a dish farm? If anything the garden will hopefully start to develop in the next few weeks.
As for anything else, I need to trim back some trees and bushes to make sure there are no obstructions. I also have to make sure I do not trim too much so that I do not ruin the seclusion I have with my dish's. Privacy is key!!!!
Other than that, I have no particular plans with the third dish. I wanted to test out 58w on a small dish, as well as a few others. If the results are not successful, I'll fix the dish toward 123w and 125w. I've been wanting to try out the Inverto multi-connect system which I should be getting either in late November or in the Spring. I just have to get my soon to be son-n-law bring it over when he heads back this way from Scotland. Regardless, I have a couple of Amiko Slims that may allow me to hit satellites two degrees apart on the 1m. Will see!