General Hospital

Just popped in to say "hey" :)

I really do not like this storyline at all on Jake dying. It is a real tear jerker for sure but why do they have to continuously kill off little children on this show? I think that it was a stupid move on GH to let that child go....not to mention the storylines that would have come from Jake & his dad. There are 7 possible candidates for hitting Jake....must be a busy street that Liz lives on? How do you hit a child and not know it? It does bring out some good acting from Jason, Liz & Lucky. I am just glad that for once I read the spoilers on this story or I probably could not have handled it well.

Hope that everyone is doing ok? See youz soon.
On a somewhat related wife and I (yep, dutiful husband) still watch AMC from time-to-time, but the show has sunk to new depths: beloved characters gone and/or replaced, horrible writing, terrible acting (1st job?), etc. - anything to save a buck! Needless to say, there is renewed speculation that AMC will be dropped by ABC in the coming months. Likewise, after Guilding Light and ATWT disappeared from the airwaves, several insiders are now predicting all the Soaps will be gone within the next few years. While I don't fully agree with this statement, it's hard to image more than 3-4 Soaps surviving come 2013 given the economy, the cost of producing these shows, and the continued low-ratings.

Offhand, I will not miss AMC since the show has pretty much killed itself...although I do miss the shows from years past. Anyway, here is an interesting article regarding the future of the Soaps. I can only assume much of the article to be true since the ratings continue to fall through the floor, and SoapNet will soon be changed to Disney Junior (January 2012).

'All My Children' Writer Hopes to Get Job 'in Reality TV' as Rumors of Soap's Demise Swirl -
P.S. Although I fell asleep while watching TV last night, I noticed that Ryan and Greenleaf (that's what I call her) were characters on ABC's Castle. Hmmm. To be honest, I have noticed a lot more daytime actors moonlighting during primetime to earn extra money. On a side-note, I feel AMC would improve 500% if they were to get rid of Ryan and Greenleaf...hopefully, with great pain and suffering.
P.S. Although I fell asleep while watching TV last night, I noticed that Ryan and Greenleaf (that's what I call her) were characters on ABC's Castle. Hmmm. To be honest, I have noticed a lot more daytime actors moonlighting during primetime to earn extra money. On a side-note, I feel AMC would improve 500% if they were to get rid of Ryan and Greenleaf...hopefully, with great pain and suffering.

I agree. Ryan is boring. Madison was much better than Greenlee. And... Puhleeze someone tell Erica she is getting too darn old for those outfits. Same goes for Adrienne Barbeau on GH.... lets bring the neckline up and cover up some of the wrinkles.
Carol and I watch GH almost every day together. I enjoy watching the show with Carol, but she gets frustrated with me sometimes when I make comments about some of the actions depicted by the actors within the story lines as not being believable. (been a real cop to long) Just like when Brenda was snatched out of the limo in front of the church and no one saw it. b-s :rolleyes: The writers for GH are good at leaving viewers in a lurch, longing to watch the show the next day, however they often lose sight of what could actually be plausible in the real world..... But then again,, the story line behind "Lisa" in GH, a highly educated professional woman with a large adam's apple :D is curiously very similar to the actions by "Lisa" Nowak, a former nasa astronaut who's status (believe it or not) remains "active" within our US Navy.........:eek:
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OK so I was hoping that the hit and run driver would have and should have been Lisa. GH making Luke the driver is just somehow not right. We all know that Luke likes to drink but we do not need an after school special on drinking and driving. The story is still a tear jerker but am hoping that the mystery car has something to do with killing Jake and not Luke.

Now when are they going to get to Brenda's baby? To many stories are running into one another and are not making much sense, but it is a soap so anything can happen that may seem unrealistic.
The news that Luke was the one who hit Jake -- while driving drunk -- is out. Luke himself is devastated, but his bigger concern should be Jason. The two come face-to-face this week, and it's going to be intense. Jason's grieving, and he's armed and dangerous. Could his fury at Luke cause him to kill?
Meanwhile, the Spencer family struggles to cope with what Luke has done. Lucky not only has to reconcile the fact that his father killed his son, but he also had to make sure that Jason doesn't do anything to him about it. Meanwhile, Lulu and Tracy do their part to come to terms. How did Luke's drinking come to this?
Sonny and Brenda are still on their honeymoon, blissfully unaware of the grieving going on in Port Charles. But it's not all bliss for the couple as Sonny just can't stop himself from trying to track down Theo. And meanwhile, Theo is using his unique powers of persuasion to squeeze the location of his grandson out of Suzanne.
Jax and Carly are still shaken from Josslyn's health scare, but their relationship is still fraught. Look for Jax to react poorly when he finds Shawn protecting Carly and Josslyn.

Also, Sonny and Brenda return from their honeymoon when they hear the bad news. Who knows what will happen when Brenda tries to comfort Carly (which – Brenda, are you on drugs?). At the same time, Theo gets closer and closer to finding his grandson. But might Theo be getting some comeuppance
All this, plus Robin and Patrick are reconciled and ready to be a family again. ...But not if Lisa has any say. This week, look for Lisa to find a new entry point from which to menace our dear Scrubs.
I agree. I so wanted it to be Lisa. I still havent watched this weeks yet so I do not know how they determined it was Luke. Maybe there is a mistake somehow.
Frank.... My hubby doesnt watch with me every day but sometimes when I am catching up on them he watches. Then he wants me to fill him in on everything that happened since the last time he watched AND remind him of who everyone is and how they are related. Thats when we run into problems. :) Everyone is related to or has been married to every other character on the show.
Well, everyone knows I'm a crier. I can't watch someone else cry and not cry. Besides, this story is just plain sad. So, I had to wait for HIFI to go to bed tonight to watch Wednesday - Friday because there was no way I could watch without crying. He makes fun of me a lot when I cry about a show. And I did cry... A LOT.

I also wanted it to be Lisa so bad. If it wasn't going to be her, why couldn't it have been the car that belonged to Theo Hoffman? Would have been one more reason for the police to be looking for that guy.

Great acting from Lucky, Liz, and Jason. I can't imagine what they have to go thru preparing for a story like this. For me, it wouldn't be hard to work up the tears, but I wonder how they do it, day after day.

What's up with Franco coming back? Are they going to finish him this go round, or is this just more pop in and out and confuse everyone?

I wish they would just leave Sonny and Brenda to their little honeymoon, and maybe just bring them back in a few weeks. With everything else that is going on, I can do without their happy little schpeal. I do think that maybe they should have Theo's wife make one more call before he gets rid of her or whatever, and that call be to Brenda and Sonny, saying that her child is alive and where to find him and fast, since Theo's on his way to get him. I'm not sure Sonny could be as fast as Theo, but I'm sure it would be a good race to watch, and a good way for them to flush Theo out of hiding.

Jason is seriously struggling to cope with Jake's death, and his loved ones are desperate to pull him out of it. Carly specially wants to be the one to help her best friend get through -- and it leads her to making a surprising request of Sam: give Jason a baby.
Meanwhile, Luke is seriously falling apart. The guilt over killing Jake is tearing him up, and there's a wedge driven between him and Lucky. Is there anybody who can help him some to terms with what his done? Or his drinking?
A bombshell gets dropped this week when Suzanne returns to Port Charles with a child, Lucian. She says Lucian is Brenda's long lost son ... but Sonny is suspicious. Look for Brenda to immediately take to the child, though, and to immediately plan to keep him safe from the mob world.
The conflict with Abby's ex takes a turn this week when Brandon turns up dead. So who killed him? Suspicion falls on both Jason and Michael, which leaves Dante with a decision. Should he nudge the evidence so that Jason looks guilty so he can protect Michael?

Plus Lisa continues to manipulate Kristina to get close to Robin and Patrick, and a familiar villain returns to Port Charles.
And coming up in April:

Nikolas and Lucky manage to re-connect in the aftermath of Jake's death ... but can they survive the reveal of baby Aiden's true paternity? That's a question Elizabeth will have to answer ... if she tells them.

If you thought the performance of Anthony Geary and the rest of the actors associated with Jake's death were something to marvel at….well, after a certain event in April…you ain't seen nothing yet.

Brenda meets her son ("son"?) Lucian, even as questions about his authenticity swirl. Is Sonny right? Does Suzanne know more than she's saying? And will this drive a wedge in between Sonny and Brenda?

Michael will continue to push to be included in the family business (that's Sonny's family business -- a.k.a. the mob; there would probably be less of a problem if he wanted to get into Carly's hotel-managing business). But would he turn to the Zacchara organization if Sonny turns him away?
Sounds funny to me too. Why would Suzanne just up & return Brenda's child to her???

I do really hope that Sam & Jason have their own child together.....

Sonny is starting to look like an aged Eddie Munster.

Hope that everyone has a great weekend!!!
I thought Brenda was leaving in March? We weren't that lucky. Hopefully this kid storyline pans out to be something interesting, but I won't keep my hopes up.

Couldn't care less about Abby's ex being shot. Just another plot to "catch" Jason.

Dante's getting on my nerves. He's such a jerk sometimes. His whole I'm-better-than-you attitude this last week is annoying.
There is word that she still may leave at some point??? It is amazing the resemblance the child has to Sonny & Dante....hmmmm? If the child turns out to be Sonny's grandchild that might run her out of town.

I am anxious to see how Aiden's paternity plays out.....are they going to let us know the results of the test or what? :confused::popcorn
Word is Brenda is definitely leaving. Other things I have been reading make no sense.... for example Brenda running to Jax. After all the "love of my life" cra.... um stuff... that makes no sense so there must be a different meaning than what they are saying.
Liz knows Lucky is Aiden's father now but she is not the one that tells Lucky. Someone with a big mouth finds out. :) I think that is what they are using for a reason for Nikolas leaving. He will need to get away once he knows Aiden is not his.

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