General Hospital

This week is an absolute MUST SEE in every sense. It's not like anyone was expecting Sonny and Brenda's wedding to go down without some serious drama and fireworks -- not with the Balkan commissioning Shawn to kidnap the bride. And not with Carly threatening to expose Brenda and Dante's baby secret. It's that threat that leads Brenda to make the most shocking move of all: she objects to her own wedding.
But Brenda's objection is just the beginning of a wild ceremony, during which the secret of Brenda and Dante's baby will finally be exposed, where Shawn gets backed into a corner and takes one woman hostage, and where history -- Sonny and Brenda's history, so think back -- threatens to repeat itself in a tragic way.
It's not just the bride and groom who are floored by the revelation of Brenda and Dante's baby. Lulu is also hit hard by this terrible newsflash. It's what she does in reaction to the news that is really worth watching.
Amidst all of this is the return of Oscar nominee (and host) James Franco to the show. What's he got in store for Jason and the rest of Port Charles? And is there a connection to the Brenda/Sonny wedding madness?
Weddings must be on everyone's brain in Port Charles, because Lucky's proposed solution to Siobhan's immigration troubles is just that: a proposal. Is a green-card wedding possibly a good idea for these two?

PLUS, Johnny and Lisa's dangerous liaison hits a sexy new peak this week. But all the while, Maxie has decided to check into the nature of their relationship and find out how Lisa's using it to further her goal of destroying Robin.
So, I didn't think that they would actually get married, but I'm glad it's over. I'm glad the baby drama is over. I don't think Lulu should be mad about Dante's part in the baby thing, considering he wasn't really the father. If he had been, that would be another story.

Are we going to have more Liz baby drama, now that Monica mentioned how much he looks like Lucky? I like Liz and all, but I wish they would go back to the Liz that was worth watching.

And I thought Sam was supposed to be pregnant? What happened to that? I was looking forward to it.

Miss you guys! We need a radio show or a DJ show again, just so we can chat! :D :D
Have you ever wanted to put your foot right through the TV? I wanted to every time they showed Carly STILL at the wedding sipping champagne and waiting on cake. They are acting like it's ok Carly did what she did....geesh!!! Lulu sucker punching Dante is a little out there.

I did like Michael & Abby dancing.....Morgan looked like a stiff dancing with Molly. They neeeeeeed to speed this wedding up a bit. What happened to Max and Milo? Is Max dead from Carly's blow to the head or what? How long does it take to get a pizza?

They show on one commercial that looks like the bride is on fire or something and they are keeping Sonny away from her.....then Franco calls asking Jason "how he liked the fireworks?". Where in the world are the writers going with this....are they killing Brenda off or is it someone else? The Balkin today told Sam that she has to pay for looking like the bride. I am soooo confuzzled.

Ok sorry for venting.....yes Mallory we must all chat sometime and catch up:). I have missed being on here....when I get to sign on everybody is a goner.

Time for a Radio Show from Scott:)
OK, so I'm ASSUMING everyone has seen Friday's episode. I cried, as always, but I really lost it when
Sonny uncovered her face and it was Sam instead of Brenda. She can't be dead, she just can't.
And Franco is creepy as always. Even at the Oscar's he creeps me out. But his line was pretty funny, about spending his spring between a rock and a hard place. Anyway, so are the Balkin and Franco working together? It kind of appears that they are, maybe Franco is related to the Balkin in some way?

Any thoughts?? Previews maybe??:)
My week of 28th previews disappeared. :(
However........ the following are rumors
Brenda will not go into hiding without Sonny, Brenda's baby may still be alive and that truth is being kept from Theo, Liz has the paternity test on Aiden and finds out he is really Lucky's but decides not to tell him because Lucky married Siobhan and she thinks she still has a chance with Nik, Carly rushes Josslyn to the hospital and things do not look good, also rumors about Jake being injured, and "pregnancy tests taken too early after conception may not be reliable" :)
So Brenda escaped, but how long til she gets recaptured or falls and hurts herself? Also, is her baby still alive? I'm not sure what to believe. Maybe she thinks that she had a miscarriage but really she just had a bad fever and passed out, and Suzanne (that's her name right?) had the doctors forge documents or whatever to say miscarriage, but she really did take the baby and put him up for adoption or something. I can see her doing that. Theo bugs the crap out of me the way he talks. I'm ready for him to be gone. The storyline has kept me semi-entertained, but I'm getting tired of his character. I feel like he drags everything out ten times longer than necessary.
I haven't watched any of last weeks yet. But here are the previews that were for this week.
The Balkan has Brenda captive, and he is demanding that she tell him the whereabouts of his grandson. Brenda tries to tell him that the baby was stillborn, but Theo's crazed about this and not taking that as an answer. He's prepared to stop at NOTHING to find this kid, especially if he can take Sonny out in the process.
While the Balkan continues to menace Brenda, Sonny, Jason, and Dante are scrambling to rescue her before it's too late. Look for Jason and Dante to clash over how they're going to perform the rescue. It's Mob vs. Law -- who's right? They'd better figure it out, though, because the Balkan has a deadly toxin with Brenda's name on it ...
Back in Port Charles, the aftermath of the violence at the wedding has Jax concerned for the safety of his and Carly's kids. This week, he threatens Carly with a custody fight so he can keep them away from Sonny for good. Carly, as you can imagine, doesn't take that lying down.

Also, Michael and Abby might be taking things to the next level -- just not if Kristina can help it.
All this, plus Patrick and Robin -- as well as Maxie and Matt -- ramp up their investigation of Lisa. This week, that means breaking into Johnny's place to look for incriminating evidence.

Also, Elizabeth decides to submit a new DNA test for baby Aiden. Can the truth that he's really Lucky's baby be far behind?
And coming on on General Hospital this March:

A shocking revelation about the baby Brenda had with Aleksander comes to light. There's a lot more to this story than you think….

Michael faces the choice between moving on to a normal life or proving himself in the mob.

Robin and Patrick finally get back together. Yes!

Elizabeth finally learns the truth about baby Aiden's paternity. But that's only the beginning, as March brings a crisis for Elizabeth that will change her -- and everyone in Port Charles, really -- forever.

It's a hugely emotional time as Elizabeth, Lucky, and Jason have to say goodbye to Jake. These are some big moments that will reverberate across all Port Charles. But out of Jake's tragedy ... could there be a silver lining? Carly and Jax are distraught at Josslyn's late-stage cancer diagnosis. She'll either need chemotherapy or a transplant. But how does Carly ask Jason to give up his son to save her daughter?
Carly might have more reasons to be conflicted. In the aftermath of Jake's tragic fate, the question pretty quickly becomes: who was driving the car that ran Jake down? Dante and Sam are on the case, making a list of whoever was on the road at the time of the accident ... Carly's name is at the top of the list. How could Carly live with herself if she indeed killed Jason's son? She's not the only suspect, though -- there are seven. Including Sam herself! So who really did it? By the end of the week, you'll have the answer.
Sonny and Brenda are still on their honeymoon, blissfully unaware of the grieving going on in Port Charles. But it's not all bliss for the couple as Sonny just can't stop himself from trying to track down Theo. And meanwhile, Theo is using his unique powers of persuasion to squeeze the location of his grandson out of Suzanne.
In the wake of the accident, Patrick and Robin grow ever closer together, and they both end up confronting Lisa and Johnny for the part that they played in that dangerous wild goose chase for the syringe that may have caused Jake's accident. This one is gonna be intense.
All this, plus Michael boldly breaks the law in order to keep his mother safe, Jason and Elizabeth share a moment that's loaded with meaning, and Franco's not done with Port Charles yet.
I kinda wish they had gone ahead and got rid of Liz. She's pi$$ing me off and now I'm going to have to feel sorry for her. Not looking forward to this. :(

I hate the storyline. Josslyn, that rosy cheeked little cherub is late stage cancer. What are the odds that these two kids are a match for each other. It's just too much to believe the "small world" of Port Charles. GH swore they would never go there again after the BJ/Maxie thing. The only minor redemption would be if Lisa was driving and we got rid of her.
Yeah, that would be nice, cuz she is also on my last nerve. I think the only people that don't get on my nerves are the Cassadine's (including Alexis's family), the Spencer's, and the Morgan's (this includes Spinelli and Sam.)

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