General Hospital

I havent gotten to watch any of it yet. But of course I have to peek and see what is going to happen next week :)

For the week of 7/27:
Michael & Kristina go on the run -- and Jason & Sam team up to find them. Reunion to follow?

The fallout from Claudia's car crash continues. We're not even sure who ran her off the road. But this week, we DO get a confession, as Michael cops to the crime. Sonny is seriously angry, but Carly doesn't believe it. And considering Carly was an eyewitness, she might be in a position to point the finger elsewhere.

But remember what the doctors said about Carly and stress? How she's supposed to avoid it, or her life -- and her unborn baby's life -- will be in danger? Well, how do you think finding out about Michael's confession will help her blood pressure? Yeah, that's right ... just like a sedative.

Meanwhile, suspicion also turns to Kristina. Sam certainly thinks it should, at least. And with doubt swirling around both of Sonny's teens, they decide to hit the road. Mafia children on the run! Jason and Sam team up to track the kids down (whoa ... do we smell reunion down the pike?) -- but in the meantime, Claudia's looking for revenge, so she sends Jerry Jacks after them. Hey, Claudia -- you put Michael in a coma, and now you're going after him again? Can't you call it even? And Alexis takes an extreme measure to protect her daughter.

All this, PLUS: Dominic gets to know the rest of Port Charles; Lucky and Ethan get an unexpected opportunity for bonding; and Rebecca and Edward find themselves tossed in jail! How in the world does THAT happen?!
Yes I think that I have finally had it with Claudia...sorry that she lost her baby, but I saw a preview for next week online that shows her talking to Johnny saying "that if it was Michael, he will pay". Do what?.....after all that she is responsible for she is stupid enough or could even think to touch Michael again makes me sick. I like Sarah Browne(that plays Claudia) but that is just to E-V-I-L for me. :devil::mad::)
If they want to keep the Claudia character around they need to make her less.... less.... hmmm loathsome is the only word that keeps popping into my head at this point. You almost feel sorry for her for a moment and then she goes nuts and starts screaming or trying to kill someone. At this point it seems to be more of the latter.
So far Steve has not re-signed his contract with them so we have to keep our fingers crossed that we do not lose Jason.
Maybe Claudia could have changed her ways? Nah but if she would let it go on Michael she might just still stand some sort of chance with Sonny? If the show does not change her ways on that...they might as well kill the character off?
I understand Christina made a mistake, but I think Alexis should let her take the blame. It builds character, and that girl needs some. With all the good stuff she's done, I don't think this one mistake will ruin the rest of her soap opera life.
I understand Christina made a mistake, but I think Alexis should let her take the blame. It builds character, and that girl needs some. With all the good stuff she's done, I don't think this one mistake will ruin the rest of her soap opera life.

What! And have someone know her daughter isn't "perfect".... that just would not be acceptable. I don't think she even accepts it herself.

And next weeks previews........

For the week of 8/03:
Dante's big secret revealed! Alexis is charged with murder?

Michael and Kristina are on the run from the law, and Jason and Sam are hot on their trail. Look for this teaming-up to remind both viewers and the aforementioned pair of the spark that still exists between them. In the meantime, Claudia has sent Jerry Jacks out to get revenge on Sonny's no-good kids. But Jerry isn't so much interested in tracking down the teens that did Claudia wrong as he is in taking Jason out ... for good.

Elsewhere, Alexis finds herself officially charged with the murder of Brianna Hughes. You know, the mayor's mistress? But Robin still firmly believes Andrea did it ... she just needs to prove it. Watch out, Robin -- because an Andrea backed into a corner is a dangerous woman indeed.

Dante -- we mean Dominic -- no wait, we mean Dante -- actually walks in on his mother, Olivia, about to have sex with Johnny. Talk about awkward! Dante is not happy his mother is dating someone his age, let alone a mobster. But that's not the only Dante action this week. He's got a big secret that comes out -- and we're not talking about "He and Sonny learn they're father and son." This secret is going to make that revelation about 90 billion times more interesting. We're curious to see if you've guessed it.

As for Sonny and Claudia, in the aftermath of their baby's death, they've reached a crossroads. There's no real reason for them to stay together anymore, so Sonny decides to file for divorce. Can he go through with it with Claudia such an emotional wreck?

All this, PLUS: Nikolas and Elizabeth get drunk and flirty again; Edward celebrates his Lila's anniversary in a very sweet way; and Spinelli asks Mac for Maxie's hand in marriage
I was so happy to see Jerry Jax gone and have missed a few days...then I turn it on to play catch up and he is BACK!!!:eek: Maybe he and Claudia will ride off together into the sunset? I watched where Claudia has a dream about holding her baby and Sonny walks in to take them home...that was sad.:(

Alexis taking the blame for Kristina is what Alexis would do....but how is that one going to playoff? :confused:

Have missed being here but Frank finally got another computer and is still working out the kinks between that one and this one. When all is good and I get the go ahead....Voila I now have a computer too!!! ;):)
Woohoo! Congrats on the computer!

I cried today during the scene with Sonny and Claudia talking about the dream. It was touching even though I'm tired of Claudia.

Still watching...
Woohoo! Congrats on the computer!

I cried today during the scene with Sonny and Claudia talking about the dream. It was touching even though I'm tired of Claudia.

Still watching...
Thanks!!!.... this is definitely different being able to get on here without waiting for my turn and vice versa.

The scene really surprised me when Sonny said that Claudia could come back home with him. Surprised her too.

This whole mayor story needs to be put to a close and soon....driving me nuts.

It will be interesting to see what is said tomorrow when Dominic/Dante confronts mama about her activities with Johnny. What a clencher if Olivia got pregnant....? What do you think of Lulu with Dante?

Also love seeing Jason and Sam together again...they really do have alot of chemistry and I hope that they will be paired up again for good. :)
I missed today's episode. Rhiannon hit her head last night and didn't get to sleep until almost one, then everyone got up after HiFi left for work around 6. So needless to say, when the kids went down for a nap, so did I.

I couldn't believe that Lucky and Ethan went off on Dante like that. What idiots! I kick my brothers butts if they ever acted like that.

SO TIRED OF THE MAYOR'S WIFE!!!!!!!!!! I'm with you on wanting this story put down. Wish Christina would just tell Michael, instead of letting him go on and on about it's his fault and whatever. She's not a very good sister, getting him in trouble all the time and not sticking up for him.

I love Jason and Sam together too! Would be great if they got back together.
I hope Rhiannon is ok!

Ok I'm not sure what the writers are thinking sometimes. This whole thing with the mayor's wife just seems like they stuck it in there and then decided to go in a different direction and have been just carrying it along ever since.
Christina has been expected to be so perfect and the pressure has been on all her life. In other words she can't have an open conversation with her mother or anyone else if it makes her appear less than perfect. Covering up things and making up stories is her style. Think of Alexis.... she has drilled it into the kids head forever. I wouldn't want that dour face staring down at me. Christina really wants to tell Michael but the words just will not come. Unfortunately the actress has such a snotty look 24/7 it's hard for me to cut her a break.
Rhiannon is okay, just a knot on her head, she's pretty hard headed like HiFi! haha!

I wonder how many lives Jerry has to waste.

I was at a funeral today, so I missed most of the show, but I did see the part where Jerry shows up and sorta saves Michael and Christina. I wonder what he's going to do with them.

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