I understand Christina made a mistake, but I think Alexis should let her take the blame. It builds character, and that girl needs some. With all the good stuff she's done, I don't think this one mistake will ruin the rest of her soap opera life.
What! And have someone know her daughter isn't "perfect".... that just would not be acceptable. I don't think she even accepts it herself.
And next weeks previews........
For the week of 8/03:
Dante's big secret revealed! Alexis is charged with murder?
Michael and Kristina are on the run from the law, and Jason and Sam are hot on their trail. Look for this teaming-up to remind both viewers and the aforementioned pair of the spark that still exists between them. In the meantime, Claudia has sent Jerry Jacks out to get revenge on Sonny's no-good kids. But Jerry isn't so much interested in tracking down the teens that did Claudia wrong as he is in taking Jason out ... for good.
Elsewhere, Alexis finds herself officially charged with the murder of Brianna Hughes. You know, the mayor's mistress? But Robin still firmly believes Andrea did it ... she just needs to prove it. Watch out, Robin -- because an Andrea backed into a corner is a dangerous woman indeed.
Dante -- we mean Dominic -- no wait, we mean Dante -- actually walks in on his mother, Olivia, about to have sex with Johnny. Talk about awkward! Dante is not happy his mother is dating someone his age, let alone a mobster. But that's not the only Dante action this week. He's got a big secret that comes out -- and we're not talking about "He and Sonny learn they're father and son." This secret is going to make that revelation about 90 billion times more interesting. We're curious to see if you've guessed it.
As for Sonny and Claudia, in the aftermath of their baby's death, they've reached a crossroads. There's no real reason for them to stay together anymore, so Sonny decides to file for divorce. Can he go through with it with Claudia such an emotional wreck?
All this, PLUS: Nikolas and Elizabeth get drunk and flirty again; Edward celebrates his Lila's anniversary in a very sweet way; and Spinelli asks Mac for Maxie's hand in marriage