July info...
The month of July starts with fireworks, as usual, but look for the explosions to continue all month long on "General Hospital." Let's tackle the big one right off the bat: Dominic is Dante! Dante is Dominic! Yes, Olivia's son -- and Sonny's secret firstborn -- turns out to be one and the same with the gun-wielding thug who made his first impression on Port Charles by holding Morgan hostage in the woods. Hey, guess we know why those two seemed to have such a strong rapport: they're brothers! But does Dante know that? And does Olivia know her son is trying to get a job in Sonny's organization? It's a whole bucketful of questions that's getting uncovered. But look for Olivia to find herself drawn to Sonny in the next few weeks, which is not going to make "Jolivia" fans (like, um, us) happy at all.
Meanwhile, Michael's bad behavior continues now that he's living at the Quartermaines. And Sonny and Carly fall into that all-too-common parent trap: They spoil him. Here's your driver's liscense, Michael! Here's a car! Here's your dad throwing his weight around as a mob boss to get you out of trouble! Well, that's going to backfire, big time -- and it's a HUGE event when it does, with all sorts of implications for everyone from Carly to Sonny to Claudia to Jason to Alexis and Kristina ... even a returning Jerry Jacks gets wrapped up in it. This one's big, you guys.
Meanwhile, there's still the matter of The Mayor, His Wife, The DA, & His Mistress. Inspired by Spinelli's mistrust, Robin starts to suspect that Andrea's the one who offed poor Brianna. But Andrea's a resourceful lady, so she turns right around and starts framing someone else. Someone like Alexis. (Hmm ... that makes Andrea look awful guilty, don't you think?). So Alexis gets suspended by the DA and has to try to clear her name. Then again, maybe she DID do it. Ask Luis Alcazar what happens when you cross our favorite Cassadine attorney.