General Hospital

It was a close call today for Olivia and Johnny with Dominic. That should be an interesting encounter.

Michael tricks Edward into getting his car retrieved from Sonny. Michael and Morgan go for a ride and are talking of Jason's accident with A.J. as they approach the tree where they wrecked so many years ago?
All My Children is just as bad. I want to know who killed Stuart!

I might get to catch up this weekend if I am lucky.
I catch up on that story on the weekends on SoapNet sometimes. It was such a shame to kill off Stuart. Is there any chance at all that J.R. could have killed him mistakenly? :confused:
It was a close call today for Olivia and Johnny with Dominic. That should be an interesting encounter.

Michael tricks Edward into getting his car retrieved from Sonny. Michael and Morgan go for a ride and are talking of Jason's accident with A.J. as they approach the tree where they wrecked so many years ago?

Yeah, I can only imagine where that could go. If I would have been Carly, I would have been going crazy on Edward, no matter how old he is. What the heck, is he crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
Rerun today because a lot of people have today off for the 4th I guess.

For the week of 7/06:
Spinelli puts on his karaoke best for Maxie's heart -- and shocks her with how he ends the song. Dante wants in on his father's business.

This week on "General Hospital," we finally meet Sonny and Olivia's son Dante -- though, actually, we already have: you know Dominic, the gun-wielding hit man who was oddly so nice to Morgan? That's Dante! But he's calling himself Dominic, and wants in on the Corinthos mob ... what's up with that? And does Olivia know what her son's been doing in town? Speaking of Olivia, she and Sonny's strong lingering feelings for each other threaten to flare up this week ... in the form of a big, hot kiss. What's Johnny going to say? What about Claudia? And who's she going to scream at? Can we ask any more questions?

One person Claudia may scream at is her father, who visits with Jason and might just give him the final nail for sealing Claudia's coffin.

If you've ever sung karaoke, or witnessed it, you know it can be a fun (and often hilarious) experience. Now picture Spinelli doing it. The Jackal wants to impress his beloved Maximista this week with the beauty of song. It just might not be that beautiful. Patrick helps Spinelli with a pitch-altering microphone that will have him crooning like Justin Timberlake ... except it gets ruined right when Spinelli's onstage! Let's hope love lifts up Spinelli's voice to where it belongs -- because he's got a big surprise for Maxie.

Meanwhile, Robin starts to suspect that maybe the mayor's wife, Andrea, DID kill her husband's mistress. But Andrea's no pushover, and when she senses she's under suspicion, she sets up a frame job ... on Alexis.

As for Ethan, he's still not happy with how close Rebecca and Nikolas are getting. So he ups the ante and demands that Rebecca start fleecing Nik and bringing in some money. Immediately.

All this, PLUS: Carly and Sonny continue to buy Michael's love with cars and driver's licenses. And don't think Spinelli's the only one singing at Jake's; multiple performances are on tap, including a Robin/Patrick duet and a Maxie/Rebecca/Lulu number you really can't miss!
July info...
The month of July starts with fireworks, as usual, but look for the explosions to continue all month long on "General Hospital." Let's tackle the big one right off the bat: Dominic is Dante! Dante is Dominic! Yes, Olivia's son -- and Sonny's secret firstborn -- turns out to be one and the same with the gun-wielding thug who made his first impression on Port Charles by holding Morgan hostage in the woods. Hey, guess we know why those two seemed to have such a strong rapport: they're brothers! But does Dante know that? And does Olivia know her son is trying to get a job in Sonny's organization? It's a whole bucketful of questions that's getting uncovered. But look for Olivia to find herself drawn to Sonny in the next few weeks, which is not going to make "Jolivia" fans (like, um, us) happy at all.

Meanwhile, Michael's bad behavior continues now that he's living at the Quartermaines. And Sonny and Carly fall into that all-too-common parent trap: They spoil him. Here's your driver's liscense, Michael! Here's a car! Here's your dad throwing his weight around as a mob boss to get you out of trouble! Well, that's going to backfire, big time -- and it's a HUGE event when it does, with all sorts of implications for everyone from Carly to Sonny to Claudia to Jason to Alexis and Kristina ... even a returning Jerry Jacks gets wrapped up in it. This one's big, you guys.

Meanwhile, there's still the matter of The Mayor, His Wife, The DA, & His Mistress. Inspired by Spinelli's mistrust, Robin starts to suspect that Andrea's the one who offed poor Brianna. But Andrea's a resourceful lady, so she turns right around and starts framing someone else. Someone like Alexis. (Hmm ... that makes Andrea look awful guilty, don't you think?). So Alexis gets suspended by the DA and has to try to clear her name. Then again, maybe she DID do it. Ask Luis Alcazar what happens when you cross our favorite Cassadine attorney.
Today was a MoanDay....The mayor's wife overheard Robin telling Patrick whom she thought the killer was, why and how. Then she breaks into Alexis' house with Christina there? Desperado!!

Carly has finally calmed down about Michael and was able to get him a temporary drivers license without him even having to go to the DMV. Must be nice!

Why would Dominic grab onto Olivia in that manner? Hope he realizes that she is mom!
I think that Dante/Dominic must just be messing around, surprise Mom, I came to PC even though you said not to.

I was surprised at Carly's quick turnaround with Michael and the driving thing. But then she is trying to get closer to him again, so this must be the ticket to doing so.
I agree the Carly turnaround was a bit strange and lucky Michael goes from a 2 day permit to a drivers license without a single test.

Am I the only one that thinks Jason and Johnny must be a bit obvious running around in bullet proof vests and guns in their hands? Since everyone is always running into everyone else in port charles .... they don't notice them?

Sorry there were no soaps today. Personally I think the MJ thing is blown way out of proportion.
lol Frank saw that too yesterday with them wearing their vests out. You usually wear something to cover the vest. He also said that Nikolas looks like a younger Tony Stewart. :D:)

Carly needed to chill out for the babies' sake...whew!!!

MJ was to the extreme of sorts but still was sad to see his daughter so upset. Poor kids. :river
Yeah, it was a good memorial, but did they have to televise it? And what about today's episode? It's not on Soapnet, cuz they are playing yesterdays. Jason never used to wear a vest, but he looks kinda sexy in it.
Also, what's a slag heap? That's what Claudia called Olivia. I laughed my bootie off.

And how did Mrs. Floyd know where Alexis would keep her spare key to her house? That seemed rather odd to me.
Not sure what a slag heap is? lol

So the mayor's wife is setting up Alexis? Get her Alexis!

Olivia finally sees Dante/Dominic.....cannot wait til he realizes that she is with Johnny.

For Claudia to be feeling a baby kicking seems a lil unbelievable...she is NOT showing at all?
Good thing I get to read these or I would know nothing.

For the week of 7/13:
Claudia's paternity results are in. There's a disaster on the horizon! And Spinelli does WHAT?

Life for Claudia is anything but pleasant this week. First, she's got Dominic (who's secretly Dante, Sonny's son) demanding a place in Sonny's organization -- and going straight to Sonny for it. When Sonny agrees to give Dominic a trial run, Claudia's sweating bullets, since Dom can link her to the attempted hit on Jason.

Then there's Sonny's fervent chasing of his ex, Olivia. He kisses her and makes it known he wants her back. While Claudia would love nothing more than her brother Johnny out of Olivia's life (he's none too pleased about Sonny/Olivia, natch), she does not want to lose her husband to that "Bensonhurst trash."

Oh, and she gets the paternity results back. The question of whose baby she's carrying -- Sonny or Ric's -- will finally be answered. But it's the accident that happens right afterwards that has us talking ...

Across town, Spinelli's plan to woo Maxie via song actually works! Maxie's totally smitten with the Jackal of Love -- they have sex, and even exchange "I love you"'s. But the last thing she expects is a proposal!

Rebecca's backed into a corner by Ethan's demands that she pony up $10,000 of the Cassadine money or he'll expose her scheme to Nikolas and the Qs. Desperate, she tries to get the cash from Edward, who agrees to hand it over -- if she moves into the Q mansion. First Michael, now Rebecca. It's getting crowded in there again.

All this, PLUS: Michael gets into even more trouble; karaoke night continues; and Andrea continues working her particular breed of evil.
I was laughing and crying when Robin and Patrick did their song. If I had a DVR, I'd record it so I could watch it whenever. It was so cute! They were the perfect couple to start out karaoke night. It was touching and funny and so sweet.

Dominic/Dante is going to have a cow when he finds out about Olivia and Johnny. How many times is he going to just miss them being together? Soaps crack me up that way.

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