Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

Hmm, OK. I guess I think I will have to try to find out. As I travel I would have to talk advantage of this and seeing all the users we have in the states they serve, I bet they would want to also!

60+ cent discount is AWESOME to say the very least!
The economy is doing bad enough. If gas starts going up again, the demand will drop even further and further worsen our economy. This economy just simply can't sustain a high gas price.
A few places just barely dipped below $2/gal for gasoline up here in Vt but fuel oil was $3.25/gal as of last week. They're still gouging us up here in the Northeast and nobody's doing anything about it.

As for the prices dropping in general, Donald Trump went public right after we first heard about the financial crisis and predicted exactly what's happening to the price of oil and why. It's because the price is so artificially high (over cost) to begin with.

In other words, the oil producers have been sticking it to us right along but because they have no place to stockpile (or it's not economically feasible to), when demand drops, none of them want to get stuck with it, so they get rid of it quick. I'm no financial genius but it seems to me this supports the premise of those that say as soon as we even begin to show opec that we're serious about curbing our dependency on foreign oil, their prices drops quick.

The real problem however is even when we break our dependency on imported oil and we're getting our entire energy needs met domestically, I guarantee we would still be in this same mess.
Last night two gas stations had a price war in metro Detroit - gas got as low as $.97. Wow!

97 cents...wonder if the local news will have that on tonight...Though I guess tonight will be coverage of WINTERBLAST 2008 and all of the 1 inch or so of snow we are to
I got it for $1.61 with my .06 discount from Speedway in downtown Ashland.
Hmm, OK. I guess I think I will have to try to find out. As I travel I would have to talk advantage of this and seeing all the users we have in the states they serve, I bet they would want to also!

60+ cent discount is AWESOME to say the very least!

FYI it also could of been a employee discount member card..
it wasnt mine.. as the nice customer next to me.. who was pumping gas.. let me use it.. ;)

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