G4TechTv Changes Name, Logo, Lineup


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Sep 7, 2003
Western WV
G4TechTv becomes G4 Video Game Television with a new channel logo and some new shows as well. The network will have a new look and feel to it. This will take effect February 15, 2005.

One new show will be about drift racing and drifting culture. Another will be "Girls Gone Wired" a digital beauty pageant featuring the hottest 2D and 3D women on the planet. This will start in May. Showtime's Hal Spark from "Queer as Folk" will host the show.

Here is the link: http://www.g4techtv.com/html/about/press/showrelease.asp?pressrelease_key=64
I lost interest in G4-TechTV once Comcast got ahold of it.

I was always a 'Call for Help & Screensavers' follower, but when Kevin Rose took over for Pat & Leo I think it lost a lot of character.

I haven't watched since. :(

I may tune in to see some of the new changes. One can only hope they are 'for-the-better'.
No loss, the channel has not been worth watching for a long time. Use to be a great channel, now they can keep it. Wonder how many people will cancel their subs now that it is offically a game channel?

Rule #1 - when a channel starts changing its name ever time you blink, then there is something going majorly wrong behind the scenes. I also agree this was worth watching pre-G4 days, but not now.
I liked the old ZDNET/Tech TV channel. When it became G4/Tech TV it went down the crapper majorly. I remeber the old days when Tech TV covered things like MacWorld with live coverage etc...
Mark_AR said:
I lost interest in G4-TechTV once Comcast got ahold of it.

I was always a 'Call for Help & Screensavers' follower, but when Kevin Rose took over for Pat & Leo I think it lost a lot of character.

I haven't watched since. :(

I may tune in to see some of the new changes. One can only hope they are 'for-the-better'.

i agree, unless you are a video game person, the channel now sucks. i loved call for help and screensavers. one is gone, the other now stinks.

i like video games but hardly every watch it since everytime i turn it on, they have repeats from a year ago. i never know when something new is on.
I remember ZDTV and when it used to actually be about the computer. It has went away from being about the computer to events, content of the web, games, etc. instead of helping people out with their computer problems. The change may be due to the rise of computers back then in that it was a more newer technology plus they seem to be wanting to attract a differet type of audience.

I liked Call For Help and The Screen Savers back then but right around when G4TechTv was coming to the scene downhill it went.
zdtv was great even early techtv was good. but ever since comcast got a hold of it it was sucked eggs. I hope all the MStechTV rumors are indeed true.
Christ Perillo has a new show you can find out more at the following link: http://chris.pirillo.com/blog/_archives/2005/1/6/232966.html

Just great, we get stuck with TechTv turning into the gaming channel and have to wait for Dish Network/DirecTv to get a deal with the "new" TechTv station (if it ever starts to air) which may not come for a while since sometimes they hesitate to add certain stations. Sounds like a stunt that was pulled to get greater carriage of the gaming channel where techtv was, like a flip flop.

I hope that someone else launches a computer channel like ZDTV/TechTv used to be if this one does not launch. I think its just a matter of time. Maybe they will do a better job at it and dont do what Comcast did with the channel.

They are saying that if you have MSDN forum subscriptions you can read about it.
Well, the evil empire finally got what it wanted...a video gaming channel. Since it could not make a go of it on their own, they decided to take over a channel that was for the most part very good for computer users. I use to watch Call for Help and ScreenSavers on a regular basis and used much of the info from these shows to help me when it came to doing many things on the computer.

I must also say that there is not nothing wrong with being a gamer. But, why kill off a channel that over the years provided computer users the opportunity to excel and advance their knowledge in computer technology?

Maybe someday, we can get another company to dedicate a channel for all of the computer users.
I used to watch ZDTV/TechTV a lot. Then they got rid of their best people and changed their focus to teenaged gamers. The station is so bad that I can not watch it for more than about 30 seconds before I have to change the channel. I tried to watch the new screensavers and I could not believe it...I have never seen such terribly bad hosts. How can anyone watch those idiots?
Tony S said:
How can anyone watch those idiots?
Maybe the batteries in the remote died? ;)

My feelings are pretty close to everyone else: Started watching ZDTV when it first showed up, stayed with it during transition to TechTV, mostly for "The Screensavers." After Leo left "Call for Help", I stopped watching that. The G4-TechTV "merger" was the last straw. Except for the occasional bit of Anime, channel 191 doesn't get tuned in around here...
Well, I hope the gamers like it. There's no interest there for anyone over the age of 13 as far as I can tell.
They needed a seperate computer channel all along not to merge it but they done so to get all the TechTv customers the gaming channel since TechTv was in more demand than the gaming. Now they will just try to release TechTv again (I hope) with a different name to make more money.

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