Peter Parker Formerly Geronimo Original poster Supporting Founder Lifetime Supporter Sep 9, 2003 12,351 2,065 Dec 23, 2017 #1 Does anyone have a link to the the current FIOS lineup in this area?
Peter Parker Formerly Geronimo Original poster Supporting Founder Lifetime Supporter Sep 9, 2003 12,351 2,065 Jan 26, 2018 #2 I guess not many DC area FISOS Subs here.
navychop - Pub Member / Supporter Lifetime Supporter Jul 20, 2005 61,778 29,788 Northern VA Jan 26, 2018 #3 I have FIOS for Internet, but I'm sticking with Dish. When I last priced it, FIOS was more expensive. And I have a few EHDs with Dish programming on them.
I have FIOS for Internet, but I'm sticking with Dish. When I last priced it, FIOS was more expensive. And I have a few EHDs with Dish programming on them.